Chapter 292.
Even so, in order to teach Bai Diao a lesson, and Su You is indeed very tired now, so she is not going to talk to Bai Diao for the time being, and everything will be discussed tomorrow.

But what Su You didn't expect was that on a new day, this white mink gave her a huge surprise...

One night later, Su You opened her eyes sleepily, and then saw a small golden dot - this is the system information.

Normally, ordinary messages are gray or white, with occasional blue or red dots. The more important the news, the brighter the color. Su You has only seen this golden dot mark three times so far.

The first time was the official establishment of the territory, the second time was the completion of the statue, and the third time was now.

The previous two appearances were very important events, and this time was obviously no exception.

She subconsciously glanced at the white mink that occupied the other half of her pillow, and then opened this system message——

['Treasure Hunting·Dragon Sable' has already reached the level of 'intimacy' for the territory. Do you want to use it as the guardian beast of the territory? 】

[Note: At the current stage, the territory can only have one guardian beast. After the guardian beast is appointed, it cannot be changed unless the guardian beast dies or the guardian beast leaves voluntarily. 】

Su You:? ? ?
Dragon mink?

Guardian beast?
Su You froze for a moment, and after waking up from the text with a lot of information, she immediately chose to check the 'sable pancake' on her pillow.

【Treasure Hunt·Dragon Sable】

Level: 9 (10503/20000)

Potential value: 90 (+8)

Favor: 100 (full)
Territorial Favor: Intimacy

Skills: Intermediate Tracking, Intermediate Treasure Hunting (activated), Battle Bloodline (not unlocked)
Status: Manic (Countdown: 16 hours, 52 minutes and 12 seconds)
Introduction: A white mink that looks very ordinary but is actually not ordinary. It likes to eat berries and meat. A series of data to improve it. (Update information: A white mink that ate the inner alchemy of the Jiaolong. During the evolution process, the blood of the treasure hunting beast and the blood of the Jiaolong perfectly merged. The two bloodlines were upgraded at the same time, thus evolving into a 'Dragon Mink'.)

"It seems that most of the dragon clan socialize because of it..." Su You looked at Bai Diao with complicated eyes... No, maybe it should be called "Dragon Diao" now.

She glanced at Long Diao, with a lot of emotions in her heart.

Dragons are originally a race in mythology. Needless to say their strength, their bloodlines are definitely top-notch. If you compare the quality of items, then the dragon bloodlines are definitely top-notch 'golden quality'.

This white mink was able to eat the dragon's inner alchemy, and then fuse with its own blood, evolve its own blood, and at the same time evolve the blood of the dragon, and then become a dragon... I have to say, there may be an element of luck, but luck is what it is. Part of its strength, so this Dragon Sable is still powerful.

This is something that no one will believe if it is said. After all, although Jiaolong can barely be called a dragon, the gap between it and a real dragon is still ten thousand miles away.

If it is so easy for Jiaolong to become a dragon, then there will be no rumors of "Jiao scolds the sky, attracts thunder from the sky, and quenches the dragon's bones".

But these are obviously not important, the most important thing now is the guardian beast.

The guardian beast of a territory is actually not the same as the guardian beast of the ruins. The former is similar to the guest elder of a family. If something happens in the family, you can ask for help, but the other party may not help, but the latter is a "dead man" ', if you want to clear the ruins, you must step on the corpse of the guardian beast.

But in any case, there are still many benefits of having a guardian beast in the territory.

For example, guardian beasts with high combat effectiveness can deter the creatures around the territory so that they dare not invade the territory casually.

But if it is a guardian beast without combat power, then it will provide a certain bonus for the territory according to the characteristics of the guardian beast itself, which is somewhat similar to the statue.

Although the dragon sable has evolved, it still has no fighting power because the fighting bloodline has not yet been activated, so the advantage of becoming a guardian beast is that it can increase the luck of the territory.

There is no standard data for such things as luck, and it is not easy to explain. In short, it is a good thing.

Su You thought for a while, but for the time being, she didn't use Dragon Diao as the guardian beast of the territory. It wasn't because she was still angry about the demolition of the house yesterday, but because Dragon Diao's current state was not right.

Mania... This state is easy to understand, and it can also explain why it demolished the house yesterday.

If Su You's guess is correct, Dragon Sable should still be evolving, but it has entered the final stage. After the countdown to the manic state is over, it should be considered to have truly completed its evolution.

Su You tilted her head to look at the well-behaved sleeping dragon marten. At this moment, it was like a ball of well-behaved cotton candy, and it could not be seen that it was manic at all.

Perhaps in order to prevent Long Diao from tearing down the house again after waking up, Su You is going to take it out.

But because the dragon mink has grown in size after evolution, she can no longer put it in her pocket, so Su You can only hang it around her neck as a 'mink scarf'.

At first, I was wondering if it would wake up after tossing like this, but I didn't expect that after Su You hung it around his neck, it found a comfortable position instead, and then circled itself, which also gave Su You's neck Circled.


Because she was carrying a mink, it was a little inconvenient for her to move around, so Su You had been dealing with various things in the City Lord's Mansion in the morning and did not go out.

Su You is the only one in the territory who has the authority to handle things, so she still has a lot of things to deal with every day, such as someone who wants to rent a shop, someone who wants to apply to join the territory, someone who wants to buy a house, someone who sees the recruitment of employees and wants to apply, and some residents Wanted to make some comments on the territory and wrote a letter of opinion, etc...

These are things she needs to deal with alone.

Dealing with it, a whole morning passed.

At noon, Su You met Zenyue, the wind magician she had recruited the day before.

At the moment when she saw Zenyue, Su You inexplicably thought of a word... and then from this word, she thought of a person...

This person is very beautiful.

In fact, there is no other meaning in saying this, it is simply that Chanyue is good-looking, a kind of good-looking that can be described as overwhelming.

If it needs to be described more accurately, it is that Zenyue's appearance is comparable to those elves she has seen before.

The beauty of elves is not like that of humans, because they are not humans.

And although Zenyue's beauty is not human-like, it can make others see that she is human... It seems contradictory, but it is true.

After meeting Zenyue, Su You began to think about how to recruit her.

(End of this chapter)

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