Chapter 293 293. Mountain in the Mountain

Zenyue's preference is the belief in Buddhism, and her weakness is the family and the organization that hunts down and kills the Zen family.

Su You can use the former to find her favorite, so that Chanyue has a good impression, and then arrange her future goals for Chanyue based on the latter.

In the process of getting in touch with Zenyue, Su You found that she was very similar to a person, this person was Duoya, but she was more difficult to recruit than Duoya.

Although their experiences are different, their direction is the same, and they are all working hard for an unattainable goal.

And Duoya, like Zenyue, is an extremely outstanding talent.

But because Duoya's preference, or weakness, is the dragon bone bow, and Su You happened to recognize it, so it was not difficult to recruit Duoya.

But Chanyue's situation is different. It is not an exaggeration to say that she bears blood and deep hatred. After all, the pursuit did kill many members of the Zen family.

Su You is currently able to provide her with very little help, that organization has disappeared for a long time, and this continent is so big, Chanyue herself has no clues.

He said he wanted revenge, but he couldn't even find the enemy, and the process of finding it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Half of the day passed quickly, and Su You put aside the matter of recruiting Zenyue for the time being... I would like to thank the natural disaster. If it wasn't for the natural disaster, she knew that Zenyue would not be able to leave the territory, otherwise she would spend the whole day today It's time to figure out how to recruit her.

As long as Chanyue doesn't leave the territory, she will have enough time to slowly think about the method of recruitment, and she can also slowly gain favor.

After confirming that Zenyue was staying in the sunset territory, Su You asked the people at the post station to take care of her, and then she went to check on the group of Lyle who had returned from exploration.


"Seeing how energetic you are, you probably have some good news to tell me?" Su You looked at them with a smile, and then received a few affirmative glances.

Although everyone wanted to share their findings, Lyle was the captain after all, so they didn't speak first, but waited for Lyle to speak first.

"Your lord guessed right, we have indeed discovered a piece of great news!" Thinking of what he had found, Lyle also smiled, but he did not pretend to be secret, but directly told what they found.

"We found a mountain in a mountain!" When talking about a mountain in a mountain, everyone present was obviously aroused.

The so-called mountain within a mountain is actually a type of mine mountain range, just like the chain of mines.

To use an appropriate metaphor to describe it, the chain of mines is like a 'nine rings', while the mountain in the mountains is a bit like a 'Russian nesting doll'.

It is a mountain outside, and this mountain will be steeper and taller than ordinary mountains, but this mountain is actually hollow, and there are one or more mountains inside, this is the mountain in the mountain.

There must be mines in the mountains, so the mountains in the mountains are also called "treasure mountains", because a mountain in a mountain will have at least two ores, and the purity and quality of the ores are definitely not low.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to spot gems!

Of course, there is no absolute advantage, and the mountain in the middle of the mountain also has an obvious disadvantage, because the outer layer of the mine is hollow, so in the process of mining, as long as there is a slight carelessness, the outer layer of the mountain will collapse, and the consequences are unnecessary. explain.

But in any case, it must be a good thing to discover the mine. The first chain of the previous chain of mines has almost been mined with everyone's hard work.

Although there is a second chain of mines and even a third and fourth, the chain of mines is also more dangerous as it goes deeper.

Especially in the perennially closed internal environment, it is easy to produce poisonous gas and cause explosions, so Suyou is not going to continue mining until he has an antidote and a device that can disperse gas like a fan.

This mountain Zhongshan appeared just in time.

"Do you know what mountain of ore this is?" Su You could clearly find that after she asked this question, the smiles on the faces of the people in front of her froze.

Don't think too much about it, this must be the case of the discovery of Shan Zhongshan, and some other things happened.

Sure enough, Lyle sighed, and then told Su You the bad news: "I originally wanted to take everyone to try to mine the surface mountain to see the types of ores inside, but I found that we can't mine the resources there."

Unable to mine resources... Su You almost immediately thought of the forest ruins that she hadn't found after searching for half a month!
She said, why this area is a chain of mines and mountains within mountains, the abundance of resources is a bit unexpected.

Now that I know that the mountains in the mountains are protected by forest relics, I feel a lot more balanced in my heart.

"It should be because of the forest ruins that we can't mine it. When the time comes to explore the forest ruins and decipher the ruins, we should be able to mine." But this will be at least half a month later, because tomorrow is a natural disaster, The natural disaster lasts at least half a month.

Forest ruins are inherently dangerous. During the disaster season, Su You at most asked everyone to collect resources around the territory. No matter what they said, it was impossible to let them go further afield, that would be too dangerous.

"Well, we also suspected that it was a forest relic, but the strange thing is that we walked half a circle around and saw no trace of the forest relic at all." As for why they only went half a circle, it was because they didn't have enough time.

Laier remembered Su You's words. She told them to come back within four days, so when they arrived there and found the mountain in the middle of the mountain, Laier also set a time limit for everyone, allowing them to explore as much as they could. return trip.

"Then the forest ruins may be on the other side..." Su You didn't care about the exact location of the forest ruins, anyway, such a big ruin could always be found.

"You guys have worked hard these past few days, go and have a good rest, and go to the mission hall to receive rewards after the rest, by the way, remember to read the announcement later." Su You couldn't explain the natural disaster clearly for a while, So it's best to let them read the announcement directly.

"Okay, then let's go first." After finding out what should be said, Lyle took everyone away, and then rested when it was time to rest, and those who should do other things also went to work on their own things.

When everyone else was leaving, Duoya didn't leave, and Su You could guess that she had something to tell her, so she didn't leave immediately either.

When everyone else had left and only she and Duoya were left here, she asked, "Duoya, did you find anything else?"

Doya nodded, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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