Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 295 Chapter 295 Acid Rain 1

But no matter which one it is, she can be sure that another natural disaster must be the "forest carnival" she least wants to see.

Su You felt a headache when she thought that the forest that was originally full of freshness and nature would become a paradise for mutated plants.

However, the forest carnival is not completely without a way to deal with it, but this way of dealing with it is a bit special, and this condition cannot be met at present, so she can only arrange for everyone to 'hardly resist' this natural disaster.


There was another flat thunder, shaking Su You's mind into chaos, and her heart was filled with anxiety.

Long Diao, who was sleeping peacefully on her lap, seemed to be frightened by the thunder, and suddenly flinched, and then his whole body began to tremble like a convulsion.

Seeing its familiar reaction, Su You habitually stretched out her hands to cover Long Diao's ears.

But before she had time to reach out her hand, the dragon sable seemed to have seen her move, and proactively stretched its head towards her hand.

The moment the soft and warm little ears touched the palm, Long Mink's tail tilted up happily, and then slowly put it on Su You's wrist, and finally made a circle.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like Su You is wearing a furry bracelet on her hand.

"...Snow Peas?" Su You felt that she might be possessed, and called out a name uncontrollably, but what shocked her the most was that Long Diao seemed to hear her voice, and then also Grunt twice as if in response.


It was raining heavily outside, and the sound of crackling rain mixed with occasional thunder played a symphony of nature.

But in the City Lord's Mansion, Su You, who was supposed to be worried about natural disasters, was distracted by another incident...



No. 30 days in the digital world.

Everyone looked at the world that had undergone earth-shaking changes, and looked at the rainwater stained with strange colors outside the window. Everyone stayed inside the house, not daring to leave the cover of the house for half a step.

Acid rain, forest carnival - this time the natural disaster seems to have been certain.

Su You put on the raincoat, then put on a cloak, and then patrolled the territory.

After seeing Su You's attire, other people also began to ask the people around if they had rain gear.

Because everyone just woke up, without rain gear, the acid rain restrictions prevented them from going out for other activities, so the current people in the territory are mainly concentrated in two places, one is a residential area, and the other is a post station.

The former, Su You, arranged for the patrol guards to sell rain gear door-to-door, while the latter could buy rain gear directly at the counter on the first floor of the station.

The finished rain gear has long been divided into several batches and sent to various places, and the post station is one of them.

In addition, you can also buy rain gear at the sewing shop in the territory.

Regarding the pricing of rain gear, raincoats and umbrellas cost one silver coin, cloaks cost sixty copper coins, and umbrella hats cost two silver coins. Compared with the wages paid by Suyou to temporary craftsmen, the price of these rain gears is basically doubled. for sale.

But because the rain gear is not a disposable product, the price is actually not very high, and most people don't have any opinions. Even if a small number of people have opinions, but seeing that everyone has no opinions, they dare not have any opinions.

So everyone spent money, bought rain gear, and then took the task as usual to prepare to go out to make money.

"Ah... this terrible weather, I don't know when it will end."

"Natural disasters, at least it will last for half a month, and some of these half months will last."

"Actually, it's okay. This territory has prepared in advance. It has rain gear, a dam to prevent floods, and a lot of water. The future is just a little troublesome, and the rest will not be affected."

"It's true... the territory I stayed in was not good. I didn't have any preparations for the natural disaster. If I hadn't taken the opportunity to take the caravan and ran away, I'm afraid I would die there."


Seeing the back of them leaving, Su You didn't stop them.

Logically speaking, there are hidden dangers of forest carnival, these people can't go to the forest, and accidents are easy to happen.

But it takes time for plants to mutate. Basically, it will take two or three days at the fastest to fully mutate.

Moreover, the closer to the periphery of the forest, the slower the mutation rate, so according to Su You's guessed speed, it would take at least five days for the plants around the territory to mutate.

And these five days are the buffer period given to them by natural disasters, and it is also the buffer period Su You gave everyone.

Since it was safe, she didn't have to stop everyone from going out...and she couldn't stop everyone from going out.

Now the arrival of natural disasters has made everyone feel very depressed. If they are allowed to stay in the territory and everyone is not allowed to do anything, it will be more likely to cause serious consequences.

What she has to do is not to prevent them from going out, but to teach them how to properly guard against the forest carnival, and she also has to find a countermeasure to deal with the forest carnival.

Although mutated plants are aggressive, they are not invincible. The fighting power of most mutated plants is not even as good as that inferior water element, so if you really encounter something, just kill it directly.

Although the crazy beasts are very powerful, most of those beasts are deep in the forest. As long as they don't die, basically nothing will happen.

For the forest carnival, Su You actually already has arrangements, but she still needs a little time to prepare. In the past two days, she plans to let everyone get used to it first, and then make other arrangements.

Thinking of this, Su You came to the gatekeeper who had already put on the rain gear.

Su You: "In the past few days, anyone who has entered or exited the territory should remind them to be careful of the surrounding plants. If they find any abnormalities, they should return to the territory and report immediately. Those who enter the territory should also check, and don't let them bring strange plants back to the territory. .”

Mutated plants are like weeds, with extremely strong vitality. Although it is not as exaggerated as "spring wind blows and regenerates", as long as they are given a chance to touch the soil, they will take the opportunity to drop seeds, then take root and sprout, and finally eat and devour the entire territory like a virus Soil.

These gatekeepers were all carefully selected by Su You, and the one with the lowest loyalty value and favorability value was 85, so they naturally obeyed Su You's words and did not dare to have any objections.

What's more, they also know about natural disasters and Su You's concerns, so even if it's for their own safety, they will be more careful.

"Lord, please rest assured! We will definitely complete what you ordered!" The captain of the gate guard replied to Su You's words firmly.

Su You nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Actually, you don't need to be particularly nervous, you just need to do your usual things well."

Thanks for the reward of [Where is the heroine without cp].

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