Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 296 Chapter 296 Acid Rain 2

Su You: "Since I choose to let you work in this position, it means that I trust you."

Hearing her words, the blood of these people can be said to be boiling. It is obviously the job of ordinary goalkeepers, but this sentence ignited their ambitions as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

Although the leadership's trust and praise doesn't work for the kind of experienced old fritters, but for these young people who are new to the 'workplace', it is tantamount to a shot in the arm.

Sure enough, after hearing Su You's words, these people's faces flushed slightly, as if they were embarrassed, but also excited, and they seemed to have been beaten.

"Please rest assured! We will not disappoint the trust of the lord!" Several people said in unison tacitly.

Su You smiled, told them to work hard and left.

Although the words she just said were deliberate, they were all true. She did trust these people and gave them the job.

You must know that the usual work of the gatekeepers seems simple, but they are the first layer of protection for the safety of the territory, and their importance is self-evident. If you don't really trust, Su You can't just arrange someone to do this job.

The remuneration of being a goalkeeper is actually very good. Although the daily basic salary seems to be only fifty copper coins, which is similar to other people, or even less, this job includes food and housing.

Without the two daily necessities of food and lodging, these fifty copper coins are money that can be saved completely.

And with the increase of working hours and personal ability, the basic salary will also increase. If you make meritorious service, you can also receive additional bonuses!

At the same time, the necessary equipment in special cases is also free.

For example, the current acid rain is a special case, so the rain gear they wear is also free. Everyone can get a set of rain gear (raincoat, umbrella, cloak, umbrella hat) for free without spending a copper coin.

In the Sunset Continent, this kind of work for the territory is similar to the "civil servants" in real life, and they are also very popular in the territory. Not only no one looks down on them, but after learning about their treatment, they also want to join them.

After all, having a stable job is definitely easier than running around doing tasks outside. This job seems to have a bright future!

After explaining the things that should be explained, Su You walked around the territory again to check if there was any place affected by the acid rain.

After going around in a circle, she really found a few places that were seriously corroded by acid rain. Fortunately, she found it in time, otherwise, although it would not cause serious consequences, it would still be a troublesome thing.

In this way, Su You patrolled and inspected, and walked to the planting area.

"My lord!" Su You had just stepped into the planting area, when You Sen spotted her and strode towards her.

Although he was wearing a raincoat and an umbrella hat, Su You could still see Yousen wrinkling his face and looking very depressed.

Yousen walked up to her, and said in a tone full of helplessness: "My lord, I have asked them to set up a cover on this farmland to keep out the acid rain according to your order. The crops have had some impact."

"Look at these crops, they are wilting, but I can't find a good solution..."

Su You still doesn't know what the impact is, and naturally she doesn't know how to solve it, so she just said to You Sen: "Let me take a look first."

She randomly picked a full-level farm, and then opened the building information——

[Farm] (full level)

Status: [Harmony II] [Corrosion (every period of time, the durability of the building decreases)] [Darkness (the growth rate of plants decreases due to lack of sunlight)] [Gloomy (plants are depressed due to the lack of natural elements)]

Durability: 851/1000 (Repairable)

Land 1: Potato plants (lack of sunlight, slow growth)
Land 2: Sweet potato plants (lack of natural elements, slow growth)
Land 3: Potato plants (lack of sunlight, slow growth)
Land 4: Sweet potato plants (lack of sunlight, lack of natural elements, slow growth)

Although she only saw one farm, Su You could already guess that other farms should basically look like this.

"My lord, is there anything you can do?" Yousen looked a little anxious.

Although he is very strong in planting, he is also helpless in the face of the impact of this change in the natural environment. After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a farmer, and he is not so powerful that he can call the wind and rain and control nature.

"Don't worry, I'll look at other places." Although Su You told him not to worry, it was impossible for Yousen to be calmed down by this sentence, after all, for the planter, these things Crops are actually just like their children.

'Child' is sick like this, can he not be in a hurry?

However, he also knew that the lord needed time to think of a solution, so he tried his best to suppress his inner anxiety, and followed Su You to visit all the surrounding farms.

There are a total of [-] farms, all of which are well taken care of by Yousen. Basically, every farm has a harmony buff, and some of them are matched according to the attributes of the crops, and then the second level of harmony buff is triggered.

In addition, the distribution of crop planting quantity is also very reasonable. Basically, all the crops needed in the territory are planted, and the planting quantity is adjusted according to the demand.

If it is not for the acid rain that affects the light and natural factors, these crops can grow healthily.

Among these [-] farms, [-] farms have two negative states of 'gloomy' and 'gloomy' at the same time, and of the remaining [-] farms, [-] farms have a single negative state.

There are only three farms that are really healthy, and the crops are not affected in any way.

"The crops in these three farmlands are all healthy, you should be able to see that." Su You pointed out these three farmlands individually, and then asked Yousen about the process of planting these three farmlands before. , is there any special place.

"...There is really no special place. If I have to say it, it is that the crops on these three farmlands should not require much light." Because they don't need light, they will naturally not be affected by negative states. .

Su You naturally knew about this influencing factor, but she thought it was more than that.

Su You: "Red grass also needs a certain amount of light. The berry bushes that are similar to its needs are not healthy, but it is very healthy."

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