Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 297 Chapter 297 Acid Rain 3

Yousen looked at the thriving red grass, and then at the sluggish berry bushes beside him, he was stunned for a moment, and then racked his brains to think about other reasons.

Seeing how hard he was thinking, Su You didn't bother. She also wandered around the three farms that looked a little weird because of her health.

Turning and turning, she came across a man.

The person in front of him was wearing an umbrella hat, a raincoat, and waterproof shoe covers. The raincoat was wrapped with a cloak to protect him from the rain. It could be said that he was truly armed from the head to the soles of his feet.

With this kind of attire, not to mention the acid rain, but exaggerated, Su You doubted that even the wind could penetrate this person's body.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Because of the tight package and the many people coming and going in the territory, Su You couldn't recognize everyone, so she didn't know who the person in front of her was.

Su You didn't recognize him until the man lifted his cloak a little bit, revealing a corner of the harp.

"Lord, don't get me wrong, I just think the air here is good, suitable for me to find inspiration." The bard raised his head, revealing most of his face covered by the umbrella hat.

He seemed to find that his harp was exposed outside, as if afraid of being polluted by acid rain, he wrapped himself in a cloak like a silkworm chrysalis.

Because of being wrapped in complicated rain gear, the bard at this time is like a fat penguin, swaying back and forth, and his movements are extraordinarily clumsy.

Su You: "...Okay, then you can find inspiration." To put it aptly but not very pleasantly, the profession of bard is occasionally a bit of a dream.

But after all, they can also be regarded as 'artists'. Artists have some eccentricities, and it is normal to like to find weird inspirations through strange behaviors in unusual places.

Although Su You couldn't understand, she expressed her understanding.

The bard thanked Su You for his understanding, and then he walked to a place familiar with the way, and then pulled out a small bench from his cloak as if by magic, then put the bench down, and sat on the bench himself.

Then, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, which was different from the strong and irritating melody when fighting the sea monster before. The melody at this time was very soft and slow, like a lullaby at night, and people who listened were in a good mood.

Yousen: "My lord, I may know the reason. The three farms planted improved seeds. I guess it is because the improved seeds have reduced the demand for light, so they have not been affected."

As for why Yousen didn't discover the characteristic of improved seeds before, it's also easy to explain, because there was too much sunlight before, and the improved seeds were only researched not long ago, so he didn't have the opportunity to come into contact with this kind of situation, so naturally he didn't Know.

Yousen spoke for such a long time, but he didn't hear any response, so he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. He looked up at Su You, and found that her eyes were fixed on the bard who was playing...

He didn't know that the bard was involved in cleaning up the sea area, so Su You didn't know this person at the time, and was puzzled by this person's weird behavior, so he explained: "This person seems to be some kind of bard. The poet, during this period of time, came here to play the piano almost every day, saying that he was looking for some inspiration, and I didn't think he was in the way, so I let him go."

After all, the farm is not actually his private space. Whether it is a resident of the territory or a wanderer or traveler from outside, as long as it does not affect the work of the farm or damage the crops, Yousen will never stop them from observing the plants.

As for playing the piano, I won't stop it, anyway, it sounds pretty good, so they take it as entertainment.

Hearing Ye Yousen's explanation, Su You's heart skipped a beat, and she opened the farm's information interface again.

When she saw the [pleasure] status displayed in the status column, her inner guess had been confirmed.

"Has he been playing the piano in this position all this time?" Su You asked, pointing to the position where the bard played the piano.

Although Yousen didn't know why she suddenly cared about the bard, he still recalled it, and then gave the answer: "It doesn't seem like he was in that position for the past two days..." He said while pointing A little bit to the right.

Su You looked along and found that the farm closest to the location Yousen pointed to happened to be the three completely healthy farms that had been checked before.

"He said that the location is good, closer to nature, and easy to find inspiration, so he sat there for several days, but he didn't know why he suddenly changed the place today... Maybe he found that 'nature' changed location?" Actually Yousen's words were just a joke, after all, he didn't understand what the bard said.

And Su You didn't understand, but it didn't affect her knowing why the three farmlands were in such a healthy state.

There is no 'dark' state because the seeds have been improved from needing light to require less light, and there is no 'gloomy' state because of the bard.

Darkness is because there is no light, and gloomy means that the plant is in a bad mood.

It may sound unbelievable, but in fact, the growth of plants is also divided into good and bad moods. If you are in a good mood, you will be happy to grow taller, a few centimeters or even ten centimeters long.

But if you are in a bad mood, you will start to suffer from 'depression', and you will be lazy and unwilling to move or grow. That is to say, you look sick and half dead now.

Now that you know the cause of the gloomy state, you only need to prescribe the right medicine.

If a plant is not happy and does not want to grow, then try to make it happy. When it is happy, it will naturally grow up.

"...Lord, Sir, what do you mean, they are healthy because they listened to the bard's music?" Listening to her explanation, Yousen opened his mouth wide open, feeling unbelievable in his heart, but he also felt that it made some sense .

Otherwise, he couldn't explain why the plants in the area where the bard played the piano grew well...

Maybe this is really because they listened to the music and were in a good mood, so that they covered up the boredom of the acid rain weather, so they didn't appear in a negative state?
Su You: "You should have read the elf planting manual I gave you, right? The reason why elves have planting expertise is because they were conceived by nature, and they are born with the ability to communicate with plants, and can regulate the plant's growth well." Feeling……"

There are actually many ways to adjust your mood. Playing music to plants is just one of them, but humans cannot communicate with plants, so this is the easiest way.

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