Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 298 Chapter 298 Acid Rain 4

Su You didn't say too much. After all, it sounds a bit too mysterious. Human beings don't have this ability, can't do this, and can't fully understand it.

"I've read that manual, but I don't understand much about it, so I didn't pay attention to it..." After saying this, Yousen felt a little ashamed, after all, that manual is so precious that no one else would want it. No, he had it but didn't cherish it, and didn't study it seriously.

"It's okay, it's not your problem." Su You didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, this is the planting manual of the elves, and many things only apply to elves, not humans.

What they need is to learn and refer to planting methods, rather than conducting meaningless research on aspects that are not applicable to them.

From a practical point of view, You Sen has actually done a good job, and Su You's inspection results just now can also prove this point.

"It's good to understand these things. We are humans and they are elves. Some things are incomparable." In any case, it is good to find a way to solve the negative state.

"You go to communicate with him and ask him to adjust his mood for the crops on the farm during this period of time. You can discuss the salary, which is almost fine. As for the lighting problem, I will find another way." There are actually many ways to solve the lighting problem. , but among so many methods, props are basically required.

When it comes to props, Su You's first thought is An Jie, the mechanic who can make all kinds of weird equipment.

Speaking of which, she hasn't visited An Jie for a while, but judging from the daily profit of the machinery shop, he should be living a pretty good life, earning a lot every day.

Now that she had this idea, Su You immediately went to the machinery shop to find An Jie.


"Lord, what do you mean, you need a device that can provide light for plants?" An Jie pushed the thick lenses on his nose, and his not-so-big eyes seemed smaller because of the cover of the mechanical glasses. And some dull eyes, no matter how you look at it, it's a little funny.

But Su You didn't pay attention to this, her eyes fell on a calf-high robot beside An Jie and couldn't move her eyes away.

[Small Transport Mechanic Puppet]

Category: Props

Quality: blue
Durability: 500/500
Energy: 23/100
Space: 10 grids (the upper limit of stacking is consistent with that of the warehouse)
Introduction: A sturdy small transport mechanical puppet, the two of the few are used to transport items and automatically find the way, but because the size is too small, there are not many items that can be transported, and the wayfinding distance is also very limited.


After reading the information about the mechanical puppet, she turned around and answered An Jie's question: "Well, now is the transitional period of the disaster season. Acid rain will affect environmental factors, thereby affecting the efficiency of crop growth. Yousen needs lighting equipment Provide light for plants."

Because this matter is very important, Su You explained it in detail, so that An Jie can come up with a corresponding solution.

After listening to Su You's explanation, An Jie took out his notebook, which contained all the experience he had accumulated in the craft of mechanics over the years, as well as some whims that he hadn't had time to realize. , or methods that are temporarily unavailable.

He turned to one of the pages, then took out a quill pen to add a few marks on it, and then carefully handed the notebook to Su You for her to see.

An Jie: "My lord, can you take a look at this? Look at it first, and I will explain to you if you have any questions."

Su You really didn't expect An Jie to be able to find a suitable device so quickly, but when he thought about it, it wasn't his sudden idea, it was just a coincidence, because he happened to have relevant inspirations, and this time it happened to be available It's just on.

"Okay, let me take a look first." Su You took the notebook, and what caught her eyes was a round device that resembled a modern wall lamp.

According to the explanation above in the notebook, in an ideal state, this device has many functions, such as changing the size of the light source, changing the angle of the light source, controlling its lighting time, setting the type of lighting, and so on.

Of course, it is clearly written above that it is only in the 'optimal state' that it is possible to realize so many functions at the same time.

This multi-functional lighting lamp does not need to consume many materials, but the difficulty of making a device has never been directly related to the amount of materials.

Some large-scale equipment is easy to make, but some palm-sized gadgets are more difficult to make because they need to have too many functions and carry too many parts and are too complicated.

Su You has not studied the skills of a mechanic in detail, but she can also see the difficulty of making this multifunctional lighting lamp from the distribution of the parts.

"This multi-functional lighting needs fifteen primary parts, ten delicate intermediate parts, and even one high-level part..." Su You looked at An Jie and asked in a flat tone: "There are materials, and I don't care if they are not enough." You can find someone to collect it, or you can find a merchant to buy it, but with so many parts, can you assemble it?"

Under normal circumstances, things that require less than ten primary parts are considered hands-on products that apprentices can make, but once they exceed ten parts, they must have the corresponding mechanical skills to be able to make them.

If the difficulty of mechanical equipment is divided into one to ten, one is the easiest and ten is the most difficult, then the difficulty of making this multi-functional lighting lamp in the most ideal state has reached at least 'six'.

More than ten primary parts are used, ten intermediate parts are used, and even one high-level part is used... At least this is something that an intermediate mechanic who has reached the bottleneck can produce.

An Jie scratched his head and opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say the words "I can" with confidence.

"I..." He hesitated a bit, but Su You already knew his answer.

So Su You closed the notebook and returned it to An Jie.

"Functions don't need so many, only lighting and control power are needed. You can redesign a drawing of lighting equipment according to these two requirements. I only have one special request for this drawing. Then you can make this The finished product on the drawing board."

After Su You finished speaking, she seemed to be afraid that An Jie might misunderstand, so she added: "I'm not blaming you. It's good to be inspired and innovative, but before doing anything, you must first measure your own strength."

"Be down-to-earth, take one step at a time, don't waste time on meaningless things, the most important thing is to improve your basic strength."

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