Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 299 Chapter 299 Acid Rain 5

As long as one's own strength becomes higher, what things can't be done?

She knows An Jie's character, she is not the kind of person who is too ambitious, nor is she a person who does not listen to persuasion, but she is also worried that An Jie has been used to living a smooth life recently, and his mentality will be a little unstable.

At least for now, it seems that there is already a trend in this aspect. After all, the blueprints that can only be produced by intermediate bottlenecks, he just gave it to himself, without thinking about whether he has the ability to make it.

Anyone can talk on paper, but it is meaningless.

But it's okay now, there's still time, as long as it can be corrected in time, it's nothing.

"I understand, I'm sorry Lord Lord, I'm too self-reliant." An Jie took back his notebook, recalling what Su You said in his mind, and the thought that he could go further was suppressed.

His own real strength has not improved, just because he has lived a comfortable life in the sunset territory and enjoyed the compliments of the guests during this period, so he is a little bit drifting?

This will not work.

"My lord, your request is actually not very high. I will be able to design the blueprint tomorrow at the latest, and I will show it to you then?" While speaking, An Jie was still a little nervous, after all, he was also worried What he did just now will make Su You unhappy.

You must know that the lord is very kind to him, giving him as much raw material ore as he wants, and even asking Cang Lan, the boss of the blacksmith shop, to teach him how to make parts.

This machine shop is also run by him. He can study whatever he wants to study every day, and sell whatever he wants to sell. He will not be forced to do something he doesn't like at all, and he will share part of the income with himself.

Now his wallet is bulging, and there is more money in it than the sum of all the money he has earned from those machines!

After thinking so much, An Jie felt more and more guilty.

Su You saw that the beating was almost done, and her serious expression relaxed slightly.

"You don't need to show me. You draw the blueprint yourself, make a finished product and bring it to Yousen, and then modify it after listening to his needs. If Yousen thinks there is no problem, you can start mass production."

"In terms of machinery, you are the professional. You can discuss the revision with Yousen. As long as any mechanical equipment can meet the actual needs, it is good."

An Jie looked at her in surprise. This feeling of being trusted made him feel even more guilty, but also very grateful to the lord.

He quickly opened his mouth and said that he will definitely study hard, and will work hard to improve his strength, and will not think about other things that he has or does not have.

Su You didn't care about An Jie's thoughts. After saying this, she pointed to the mechanical puppet next to him and asked, "Have you ever done an experiment with this puppet?"

An Jie froze for a moment, he didn't expect Su You to jump the topic so quickly, but he still hurriedly opened his mouth to explain for Su You.

An Jie: "The experiment is over, what do you want to know, my lord?"

"Tell me about the duration of the energy, the distance of the automatic pathfinding, and whether there will be any interference during the pathfinding..." Su You asked in detail and accurately, and An Jie explained it very easily.

An Jie thought for a while, and then began to answer Su You's question, not surprised why she knew the function of this mechanical puppet.

An Jie: "Without carrying items, full energy can be used for one week, and with full items, it can be used for three days."

An Jie: "As for the distance of pathfinding, this is related to the principle of pathfinding. This puppet pathfinding is done by sensing landmarks. It will automatically go back and forth between two landmarks. At present, it can only sense at most but the distance from itself is three Waypoint for the distance of Maha (the distance unit of the Sunset Continent)."

An Jie: "Under normal circumstances, as long as there is not too much energy interference around, or interference from other creatures, it can always act."


"Okay, I understand. You prepare the lighting equipment first, and I won't bother you." After saying that, Su You left the machinery shop.

The next place she's going is a sewing shop.

The sewing shop is the most important place to produce rain gear during natural disasters, but because Dori is there, Su You is particularly relieved, but she still has to check what she should check, not because she doesn’t trust Dori, Instead, worry about accidents.

Although there is a lot of rain gear in stock, there will also be population movement during natural disasters, so rain gear still needs to continue to be produced, otherwise it will not be enough.

Coming to the back door of the sewing shop again, this time Su You didn't hear any corners, but when she entered the back door compartment of the sewing shop, she still found that the atmosphere inside the shop was a bit strange.

There are currently four people in the compartment, two of whom were recruited for the first time, and only one person left last time.

The other two were left over from the second recruitment.

Although at the time she was thinking of choosing one of the three, but because these two were excellent, Dolly was a little vacillating, so Su You made a decision and let both of them stay.

Now the seats of these four people are also very interesting. The two artisans recruited for the first time sat on one side, and the artisans recruited for the second time sat on the other side.

There are obviously only four people, and there is obviously such a large space, but a "Chu River and Han Boundary" is drawn for them.

Su You didn't need to ask to know that there must be some kind of conflict.

However, the female craftsman was still the same as the last time I saw her. She had been concentrating on her own affairs seriously and did not participate in other people's thoughts.

And the other craftsman on the same side as her was also concentrating on his own affairs, only the two craftsmen on the other side separated by the 'Chu River and Han Realm' seemed a little angry.

"Did something happen?" Su You didn't hide her whereabouts, so when she came here, everyone could hear the door opening, and everyone could see her.

They don't know Su You, because Su You didn't contact them during the recruitment process, she only needs to perform the recruitment operation through the system panel, and they will naturally 'know' whether they have been selected.

Because they had never seen Su You before, they didn't know Su You's identity, so when they saw her walking in through the back door, the four of them had different expressions, but they shared a vigilant expression.

"Who are you? Why did you come here?" Craftsman A, one of the male craftsmen recruited for the second time, questioned.

His tone was not very good, and Craftsman B next to him stretched out his hand to stop him. After all, they didn't know Su You's identity. It was okay to be vigilant, but there was no need to be almost hostile.

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