Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 300 Chapter 300 Acid Rain 6

But Su You didn't care about their attitudes, she smiled at them, and then said, "I'm a new apprentice from the blacksmith shop next door. The boss asked me to come and get things, and get to know the people around me by the way."

It is said that you don't reach out to hit people with smiling faces, not to mention Su You's reasons are very good.

Although there were few female blacksmiths, the blacksmiths next door were women, so they did not doubt Su You's identity because of their gender.

After knowing their identities, although the vigilance on the faces of the four people did not completely disappear, they didn't look at her like they did before.

"Oh, so it's the apprentice next door." Seeing that Craftsman A was silent, Craftsman B hurriedly opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere: "Then did your boss tell you to take something? Why don't you go to the front and ask Miss Dolly? "

Since Su You chose to conceal her identity, it meant she wanted to stay and find out what happened, so it was naturally impossible for her to go to the front to find Dolly.

"I know what to take. The boss said it's in this room. I'll look for it first. If I can't find it, I'll go to the front and look for Miss Dolly." After saying that, Su You made a move to look for something. He also asked politely: "I shouldn't disturb you if I do this?"

Craftsman B: "No, no, take your time."

In this way, Su You had a legitimate reason to stay.

But after all, she came here to find something, and it was impossible to stay here forever, so she was also testing them by beating around in the process of 'finding something'.

After chatting for a while, Su You probably understood the reason for the conflict between these four people.

Craftsman A and Craftsman B came later. They were also cautious at first, but after working for two days and found that the work here is so easy and the salary is still high, they gradually relaxed.

During this period, the atmosphere among the four of them was relatively harmonious. After all, everyone came to work part-time, so there was no need to embarrass each other.

What's more, there is a lesson from the past. No one wants to be forced to give up such a good job and become the second person to be driven away by the territory.

It's okay to lose face, it's a pity to lose such a good and profitable job!
However, it wasn't until this morning that acid rain fell and the rain gear they made were sent to the post station and the residential area. Only then did the four understand why the lord of this territory suddenly recruited craftsmen to make rain gear.

Although there was an announcement to remind everyone about natural disasters before, but because they were not sure about the type of natural disasters at the time, Su You didn't go into details, so they naturally didn't know what natural disasters would happen.

They felt indignant at the thought of the raincoats and umbrellas that cost one silver coin, the cloaks that cost sixty copper coins, and the umbrella hats that cost a full two silver coins.

It is obvious that they made something, why can they only get half of the money?
Therefore, under the instigation of craftsman A, craftsman B's heart was also shaken, and they all wanted to raise money from Dolly.

Craftsman A also tried to incite the other two craftsmen to go to Dolly to discuss the money increase because he was worried that the weight for two people would not be enough.

If all four people want to raise their money, and they will go on strike if they don't pay the money, wouldn't the probability of success be higher?

But what craftsman A and craftsman B didn't expect was that the female craftsman refused without hesitation.

And it wasn't just her, another old craftsman also refused.

If it's just like this, it's fine. After all, whether people want it or not is their business. There is no reason to force others, but craftsman A and craftsman B don't know if they are deceived by lard, so they harass the other two from time to time. personal.

Especially when he knew that the old craftsman was stopped by the female craftsman, craftsman A directly mocked the female craftsman in a weird way.

Although the female craftsman doesn't like to get involved in such things, she is not easy to bully, so the two sides quarreled later, and even almost fought.

If it weren't for the fear that Dolly in front would hear the movement and the matter would be revealed, this matter would not have ended so well.


After learning about the cause of the incident, Su You was about to leave, but she didn't forget the excuse she made, so she just took something unimportant before leaving.

Before leaving, she noticed that the female craftsman gave her an extra look... Speaking of which, she was able to find out about this smoothly, and the female craftsman contributed a lot.

If it weren't for the stimulation of her words, craftsman A and craftsman B would not have said what they just said in front of a stranger.

It seems that she should have guessed her identity.

Even if he didn't guess it, he must know that she was lying. She was not an apprentice in the blacksmith shop, but came to inquire about the news.


"It's really bad luck. I really don't know if it's intentional..." People have different personalities, some are honest and some are cunning and greedy.

But Su You screened out temporary craftsmen, and finally selected five people in total. Three of the five people were restless, and the other one seemed to be a little more peaceful now, but it was probably because of the lessons learned from the past. The last female craftsman probably reminded him a few words at that time, so he didn't continue to make mistakes.

Of these five people, only one is honest. I don't know if it's because Su You and Duo Li don't know people well, or there are other factors at work.

However, this kind of small matter will not affect the development of the territory. After all, Craftsman A and Craftsman B are just two temporary craftsmen, and there will be no troubles. If there is trouble, just drive them out just like the previous one.

Now it's the disaster season, and it's their own choice to be stupid, and they can't blame others.

As for whether to tell Dolly about this matter, Su You felt that it was unnecessary. If they really broke out, Dolly would not tolerate them. What happened last time was enough to prove that she has the ability to deal with these things.

If there is no trouble, although keeping it is a hidden danger, these two people just want money, and they don't have any special skills, so they won't do anything outrageous.

But that being said, Su You is still planning to ask the patrol guards to step up their patrols recently, not only because of this incident, but also because of natural disasters.

Natural disasters are the most likely to cause riots, and it's only the first day, so it's not so obvious, but Su You can't be sure about what will happen later, because she always feels that there is something that doesn't expect her to be good.



Soon it was afternoon.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Su You received a series of system messages.

Su You sighed with emotion that the system's reflection arc was so long that it was fatal. It took a long time to update the disaster season information.

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