Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 30 30. Strange configuration

Chapter 30 30. Strange configuration
Take for example a blue trait called 'Gluttony', which literally means that this npc eats a lot.

Logically speaking, eating more means consuming more food, which should be a bad trait.

But another effect of gluttony is that when the npc is full, all attributes can explode to 200% of the original.

Food is the least valuable thing in the later stage. If food can be exchanged for combat power, no one is unwilling, so gluttony is a blue trait.

Traits are divided into good and bad, but good and bad are divided into general good, general bad, especially good and particularly bad... It's like 59 points and 0 points are both failing, and 60 points and 100 points are both passing.

Of course, these are the definitions given by the players themselves during the game, and have nothing to do with the game itself.

Among them, Domi's "solitary" is a particularly bad red trait.

Traits affect social speed, whether it is loyalty or goodwill, these two data are related to socialization, so Domi's initial loyalty and goodwill are lower than the other two npcs, these are the effects of 'solitude'.

In addition to the lower initial value, Domi’s increase in favorability and loyalty will be smaller than that of ordinary npcs... For example, if they are also given their favorite things, others will gain ten points of favorability, while Domi may only increase by five points Even lower favorability.

This is the second reason why Su You didn't choose Duomi.

If it's just that the initial value is low, she can still accept it, but if the subsequent improvement speed is also very low, then Su You can't accept it.

Because these two data are still very important, not only loyalty and goodwill, but also represent the trust value of this npc in its territory and the manager.

If the loyalty is too low, the npc may rebel. If the favorability is too low, the npc may have other careful thoughts and will not be unreserved.

"...Actually, there is no need to choose at all." The main reason is that the gap between these three npcs is too great.

One is conceited and the other is withdrawn, both of which are negative traits under [-] points.

But Duoya is different. She has two positive traits, and two skills, and her talent value is also very high. The only shadow is only triggered under certain circumstances.

If Su You's guess is correct, the specific environment here should refer to 'wolves'.

After all, the shadow left by Duoya was caused by the death of his father, and his death was related to the wolves... Some people may think that Duoya was witnessed to die again, so it would not cause any shadow, not so much a shadow, but more likely It should be hatred.

But the problem is that Duoya's father not only plays the role of a father in front of her, but also a powerful hunter and an omnipotent teacher.

Doesn't it leave a shadow that such a powerful person has not been able to escape from the wolves?
What's more, he died of the wolves to give Duoya a gift, which is undoubtedly a more serious blow to Duoya.

Therefore, there must be hatred, but there must also be shadows... After all, shadows are not only brought about by fear.

But in any case, as long as there are no wolves, Duoya can be said to be a perfect npc without negative traits.

This negative trait that is only triggered under certain circumstances is much better than the other two negative traits that exist all the time.

It just so happened that Su You was worrying about how to deal with the dark creatures on the tenth day. If Duoya could be successfully recruited, and then equip her with suitable weapons and equipment...

【Are you sure you want to recruit Duoya? 】

[Reminder: You can only choose one npc for this recruitment. Once you confirm your choice, the recruitment panel will clear the recruitment information of other npcs, and the npc you choose will reach the territory within one day. 】

"Yes." With the end of Su You's choice, Duoya's information was magnified and locked on the panel, while the information of the other two npcs was cleared.

In addition, Su You also saw an extra line of characters after Duoya's name.

[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】

Now the level of the tavern is very low, and no time can be seen, whether it is the time when the npc is refreshed or the time when the npc arrives, after the upgrade, these times will be displayed.

Not only that, upgrading the tavern will also shorten the time to refresh the npc and the time for the npc to reach the territory to a certain extent.

What follows is a long wait.

Although there are no residential houses and no 'City Lord's Mansion' where the players live as the city lord, but because of the existence of the tavern, Su You doesn't need to wrong herself to live in the open field.

No matter how simple this tavern is, it is still a house that can shelter from wind and rain.

Su You was not picky either, she only opened the door of the tavern halfway, and then moved the only chair and placed it at the door, sitting on the chair against the wall and the light from the fire in the center of the city, Su You closed her eyes and prepared to rest.



"Is anyone there?" A faint voice sounded, and it sounded like a young woman.

Not only that, but from the tone of her voice, it can be heard that this person's condition is not very good, because her voice sounds a little weak, and she looks weak, as if she might die at any time.

" there no one here?" The visitor couldn't believe it, because she clearly saw the city fire not far away...

There is a fire in the heart of the city, which means that there is a territory nearby. Since there is a territory, how can there be no one?

But she did not hear anyone responding to her... Could it be because her voice was too low?

Thinking of this, the woman took a deep breath, and then walked a few more steps in the direction of Qiancheng Xinhuo with difficulty.

Because she hadn't eaten for several days and didn't have a good rest, she was in a very bad state at this time. Although it was only a few steps, she seemed to have walked for a century, expending all her energy.

After leaving the area covered by trees, the woman saw something in the previously blocked line of sight—this is a very simple small camp, surrounded by wooden fences, and there are only two signs at the entrance (Announcement column and bounty list).

Because there were only wooden fences instead of high walls, she could clearly see what was going on inside the camp.

A burning city fire, two wooden boxes, and a tavern.

woman:?What kind of strange configuration is this...

Although this woman is not a player but an npc, in fact the npc also knows the existence of the territory, some are more powerful, and the npc with management talent skills can even assist the player in managing and developing the territory.

Although this woman does not have this innate skill, past experience tells her that it is obviously unreasonable to build a tavern first.

Where does someone build a tavern first without even building a place to live?
(End of this chapter)

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