Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 303 Chapter 303 Acid Rain 9

Originally, this kind of thing was actually easy to find, but in order to improve work efficiency, Scar asked everyone not to cut trees and collect wood at the same time, but to cut trees first, and then when tired, collect fallen wood while resting.

This saves a lot of time and restores more stamina.

It is precisely because of this felling and collection arrangement that they did not discover this important reason that affected their efficiency. After all, the wood was piled up all over the ground, and no one could see which tree fell and how much it fell.

"Captain is amazing! I knew you would be able to think of a way!"

"Captain, explain quickly, why is this? How did you find out?" The speaker looked at Scar with excitement.

In fact, he was not the only one who was curious, but other people were also curious, but he was the only one who asked quickly.

"Actually, I didn't discover this..." Scar didn't take credit for it, he gave an overview of how he discovered it yesterday.

The general content is that he met an architect, and this architect was the one who led everyone to build the dam at that time, Ain.

Scar saw that he had brought a large amount of wood to the residential area, so out of curiosity, he asked a few more questions.

"The architect said that he took the wood to repair houses in residential areas, and the wood is birch!" Due to the impact of acid rain, many houses in the territory were eroded by acid rain, and their durability gradually decreased.

After Su You found out, she immediately went to Ai En and asked him to deal with the matter. That's why the scene that Scar saw yesterday happened.

Choosing birch is easy because birch is one of the few woods that can resist corrosion from acid rain.

If birch wood is used to add a layer of eaves to residential buildings, the durability of the building will still decrease, but the rate of decline will be greatly reduced, and it can be said that there is almost no loss of durability.

"He is an architect, a professional. Since he chose white birch to build his house, it must be reasonable, so I went to check the information last night... Hey, I found something." The place to check the information is the library of the territory. After searching, he really found out the properties of various woods, including the corrosion-resistant white birch.

If it is normal, the round tree is indeed the tree that drops the most wood, but because of the acid rain, the round tree has been negatively affected, so the fallen wood has been reduced by 30% to 50%.

But birch is different, although it drops less wood, but because it is not affected by acid rain, its drops are exactly the same as before.

"So that's how it is..."

"The captain is still amazing. If it were me, even if I heard the architect say it was birch wood, I wouldn't think of so many."

"It's different for me. I didn't bother to ask when I saw it."


Hearing everyone's compliments, Dao Scar was also very proud, and when he was a little embarrassed by the praise, he told everyone to cut down the tree quickly.

After a day passed, everyone counted the amount of wood. Although it was still less than before, it was a full 2000 yuan more wood than yesterday, which was distributed to each person, which was the price of a meal.

"I'll see if there are any other trees that are resistant to corrosion and drop more wood in the next two days." Scar also knows that although today's harvest is more than yesterday, this is already the limit. After all, birch trees drop less wood, and the trees they can cut with their strength are limited, so they can only rely on finding new trees to improve.

"We all listen to the captain, but captain, don't work too hard."

"This is acid rain. I'm already very happy to be able to go out normally. It would be even better if I could earn dozens of copper coins. It doesn't matter if you earn more or less."

The members of the logging team are all good-tempered and honest, so they can see Scar's dedication and thank him for his dedication.

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere of the logging team, the atmosphere of the collection team next door is very tense.



"What's going on with you guys? I know it's the disaster season now, and acid rain will affect work efficiency, so you collected less yesterday, and I didn't say anything, but you can usually collect [-] strands of fiber debris, but yesterday you only collected [-], and today it's even less, not even [-]!"

"150 strands of fiber debris can be sold for one copper coin, and three thousand strands are only twenty copper coins. You want to starve to death, don't you?"

"I don't care, you all don't leave, just stay here and continue to pick. When do you gather six thousand strands? When will you return to the territory! If you don't want to pick, just get out of the collection team. The collection team doesn't need such lazy waste!"


Hearing what the leader of the collection team seemed to be justified, but in fact he was making trouble out of no reason at all, the faces of the few people who were reprimanded turned green and white, and finally turned into aggrieved when he left.

"Heh, six thousand strands, he said it lightly. When allocating, we only allocated places with few fiber plants. When we counted at the end, did you think we collected less fiber debris?"

Like the logging team, the collection team is also a self-organized team. The former earns money by cutting down trees, while the latter earns money by collecting fiber debris.

Occasionally, if you encounter things like herbal berries, you can collect them to make money, but the fiber plants near this territory have almost been collected, and they dare not go deeper, so there are even fewer herbal berries that can be collected.

That is, only fast-growing fiber plants can be used as their main source of income.

The biggest difference between the logging team and the collection team is that the logging team has a good captain who is considerate of the players, but the collection team does not.

The leader of the collection team is just a villain who can play tricks, do things unreliably, delay in salary, and deduct money for no reason!
The members of the collection team include territorial residents and non-territory residents, but travelers or wanderers who temporarily live in the sunset territory, the development of this collection team is quite good at the beginning, everyone divides the work and cooperates, and can harvest more things every day than when one person collects.

Not long ago, the leader of the collection team known as 'Huang Ge' finally revealed his true nature.

In a team, even if there are all familiar people, it is easy to cause conflicts, let alone if they don't know each other, that's even more so.

Some people are willing to curry favor with this brother Huang, and will give some "filial piety" from time to time. After this, this so-called brother Huang will go away.

The performance of his drifting is reflected in many aspects, such as always arranging other people to the area that has been collected the day before, and arranging those who flatter him to the area that has not been collected.

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