Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 304 Chapter 304 Acid Rain 10

No need to think about it, the area that has been collected must have fewer fiber plants and other valuable plants than the area that has not been collected!

But because there was no acid rain at that time, everyone's income was still decent, so no one said anything.

Until the acid rain came, a large number of plants were corroded and died, including many sick and weak fiber plants.

This brother Huang has been reluctant to let everyone go deeper into the forest because he is worried about danger, so they can only collect at the outermost edge of the forest.

But the outermost area has already been collected almost, coupled with the influence of acid rain, and Brother Huang always deliberately favored the collection area, which led to the situation just now.

Although they only collected less than [-] strands of fiber debris today, this was not because they were lazy, but because in this area, each of them could only collect [-] strands of fiber debris!
"So, what are you going to do? Are you really waiting to collect six thousand strands of fiber debris before returning to the territory?" A woman with chestnut hair saw the annoyance on everyone's faces and continued, "Anyway, I've had enough of this bastard. If you have a bit of backbone, go directly with me today to get the mission money from the previous two days, and then leave the collection team."

This Brother Huang said it nicely, saying that he didn't care that the fiber scraps they collected were less yesterday, but in reality?
Heh, I didn't even pay for the task.

The leader of the logging team never cared about money, he was only responsible for arranging everyone's work, and then everyone brought the wood to hand in the task, and then shared it equally.

But the collection team is different. The fiber debris they collect every day has to be handed in. After handing in, Brother Huang submits the task, and then he will use various excuses such as 'counting the money' to delay the time for sending the money.

If it wasn't for the quarrel with everyone before, then Brother Huang would have a week's mission money in his hand!
"Then... what happens after we leave the collection team?" Another girl who was obviously soft-tempered and easily bullied at first glance asked weakly.

The chestnut-haired woman rolled her eyes: "Of course you can continue to live as you want after leaving the collection team, what? You can't live without the collection team? When you didn't join the collection team before, although your daily income was a little less, why should you suffer from this?"

With her taking the lead, a third woman with an umbrella hat also spoke in agreement.

"Aqi is right. Although after joining the collection team, the daily income has indeed increased, but Brother Huang has been delaying giving us money. What is the difference between this and having no money?"

"And to be honest, although everyone doesn't know how much fiber debris the team collects every day, I doubt that the task money is definitely more than what he sent..." Although the words were not obvious, everyone understood what this person meant.

After the logging team finishes working every day, everyone will gather together to report the situation. It is clear at a glance how much wood each team has collected. Naturally, everyone can know who is lazy and how much money they can get today.

But the collection team is different. They don't have the process of "collective reporting". They all directly hand over the fiber scraps they collect to Brother Huang. At most, they can only know how much fiber scraps they have collected, not how much others have collected.

Since you don't know anything, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Even if the amount of money that someone takes occasionally does not reach the amount of fiber debris collected by themselves, they will only think that someone collected less fiber debris today, so the money is averaged and distributed to other people.

Aqi sneered: "Don't doubt it, it's true. I ran into that dog when he shared money with those dog legs in private."

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so angry.

It is normal for people to have partiality, as long as it is not too much and can be tolerated, it is acceptable, after all, this world is inherently unfair.

If you want to blame them, blame them for not being able to create a collection team, or blame them for not being able to do other things. They can only make money by collecting fiber scraps, a task that has no technical content and low income.

But in any case, deliberately underpaying, and more than once, this is absolutely intolerable to Aqi.

After Aqi said this, the other people present were very surprised, including the woman in the umbrella hat who gave this suspicion before, because she was only suspicious and not sure if it was true.

But after the surprise, everyone's heart surged with anger.

Deliberately favoring them, reprimanding them, defaulting on the task money, and in the end, deliberately underpaying the task money... Who can bear this? !

"Let's go, go find that bastard! You're still underpaid?!" One of the only men present said.

There were men and women in the collection team, and among the people present, there were more women, seven in total, and only two men.

This gender ratio is not the gender ratio of the entire collection team, but because none of the people present chose to curry favor with Brother Huang.

In fact, there were more than a dozen people in the collection team, and eight of them chose to curry favor with Brother Huang, and among those eight people, only one was a woman, so this led to more women than men on their side.

But these are not important, they just want to get the money back now.

Led by Aqi, a group of people came directly to the door of the inn room where Brother Huang lived.

Because there were so many of them, and they seemed to be 'unfriendly', so many people gathered to watch along the way.

The shopkeeper of the post station saw the situation, his face changed, and he immediately greeted a post station guy——

"Go and call the patrol guard over. Did you see that group of people just now? They may cause trouble!" Regardless of whether this matter is a private matter or something, as long as it does not affect the station, the shopkeeper will definitely not care.

But if it affects the post station, then they can only play [-] boards each.

The buddy also understood the seriousness of the matter, so he rushed out of the station immediately after answering.

At the same time, a group of people who had already gone upstairs came to the door of Brother Huang's room.

Since this is a public place, although they came to 'collect debts', they didn't plan to make it too ugly for the time being, so one of them knocked on the door more 'politely'.

"Who is it?" Hearing Brother Huang's voice, everyone looked at each other, and they didn't speak in tacit understanding. The middle-aged man who had knocked on the door continued to knock.

"Who the hell is it? It's so annoying, what are you knocking!"

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