Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 308 Chapter 308 Acid Rain 14

Duoya said something in a flat tone that surprised Zenyue.

"Someone promised to fix it for you? That means it hasn't been fixed yet... Do you know that person? Could it be..." Could you be deceived?
Although it is a word of concern, Zenyue does not understand the situation after all, so it is not good to say such suspicious words without authorization. After all, such words are not pleasant.

Duoya understood what she meant, and also knew her worry, after all, she had doubts before.

But after staying in this territory for a month, she has no doubts at all now, not only because she has seen the real dragon, but also because she believes in her lord.

"She won't lie to me, because I almost got the restoration materials." It's a pity that the materials she searched for for so long were actually taken by the black dragon as a pick for picking teeth...

Even though Duoya has a calm and calm personality, she can't help but feel depressed and irritable every time she thinks about it.

But this incident has given her hope, at least she can be sure that if she relies on her own strength alone, let alone find the dragon bone, she may not even see the dragon in her life.

"Since you have said so, then she should be trustworthy." Zenyue knew Duoya before, she is a very smart person and an excellent 'hunter'.

"Don't just talk about me, how is your situation now?" Since it was Chanyue's initiative to chat, and she had already explained her situation before, Duoya was also very direct when asked about Chanyue's situation at this time.

They are not people who like twists and turns, and speaking directly is the correct way of communication between them.

"'s still the same, I don't have any clues, I can't find anything..." Saying that, Chanyue smiled wryly, and looked at Duoya with a bit of envy: "You are so lucky. Although the matter has not been completed, you have already got clues. Unlike me, it is still the same as before, and there is no direction."

Duoya remained silent, because she didn't know what to say in this situation.


This kind of encouragement is meaningless, because she also knows how difficult what Chanyue is doing,

Because she herself has never needed this kind of comfort, she knows that Zenyue doesn't need this kind of comfort either...

Why else would Su You say that the two of them look alike?


"Forget it, let's talk about you." After all, eating and chatting, it's not good to just talk about some unhappy things, which will affect your appetite. "Let me tell you, is the person who helped you in this territory?" Actually, this conclusion is very good, because Duoya is here.

At least she, if she really finds her goal and direction, then she is definitely not willing to take half a step away from this clue.

But isn't that what chatting is all about...

"Well, she is from this territory, and I have already joined this territory." It was another ordinary sentence, and Chanyue was shocked.

"..." She opened her mouth and was speechless for a long time. Perhaps in her opinion, Duoya should be the same as her, and would not join a certain territory casually.

At least until their goal has not been achieved, they will not join other territories casually.

"You really..." Didn't you get cheated?
Zenyue knows Duoya's strength and talent in bows and arrows. To be honest, let alone such a small territory, even if it is a large territory, after knowing Duoya's talent, she will definitely let her join the territory without hesitation, and will be willing to spend a lot of resources to cultivate Duoya.

After all, both of them have had adventures, and the real strength of the two of them is far more than what they have shown.

"It's normal if you don't believe it, but I believe my judgment." Duoya smiled rarely, and then continued jokingly: "If you are really worried that I will be cheated, why don't you join this territory for me, and then look at me more?"

Chanyue also knew that she was joking, but still showed an 'unbelievable' look: "Well, you still said that you were not deceived, but I think you were deceived and brainwashed! Look, this is starting to help this territory lure me in."

When Duoya heard her say this, she knew that this matter was out of the question for the time being, and she sighed regretfully.

"Forget it, let's eat first, and the food will be cold later." In fact, no matter what angle you look at, Duoya hopes that Zenyue will join the territory.

Before she knew that the magician Su You said was Zenyue, she hoped that Zenyue would join because she was a magician and could be a great help to the territory.

Now Duoya regards herself as a part of the Sunset Territory, and not just chooses to join the trade of the Territory just to repair the bow and arrow, so she naturally hopes that the Sunset Territory will get better and better.

Now that she knew that this magician was the Chanyue she knew, she wanted Chanyue to join her even more, because she knew how difficult and even dangerous what Chanyue was doing.

She alone has to fight against the entire hidden, mysterious, and possibly extremely powerful organization... How is this possible?
Of course, this is not to say that Zenyue is not powerful, but that her power alone is too limited.

Even Meke, who had not been sealed, dared not say that he could deal with this kind of existence, not to mention that Zenyue was only a junior wind magician for the time being.

It seems that she has been looking for clues to the organization, but in fact, after she finds it, she will become the other party's 'prey' instead.

Instead of watching Chanyue fall into danger, or persuading Chanyue to join a completely unfamiliar territory or team that may not be trustworthy, Duoya definitely hopes that she can join the sunset territory, after all, she still has herself here.

After she joins, Duoya can also have a reasonable reason to help her.

He recruited high-level fire-type magicians, was able to train a low-talented low-level water-type magician, and made friends with the elves, and met the mermaids of the mermaid...

This territory, or the owner of this territory, gave her countless surprises, and made her understand that under the leadership of the lord, the sunset territory has far more potential, and many impossible things will become possible.

It's just that Zenyue looked a little conflicted, so Duoya couldn't say anything more.

It's one thing for her to want to help, but it's another thing for others to ask her to help. Duoya is not a person who will use the banner of "being good for others" and then wantonly dominate others.



During the second half of the meal, Chanyue and Duoya were relatively quiet. Even if they chatted, it was not about their bad things, but about some anecdotes.

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