Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 309 Chapter 309 Acid Rain 15

Or about natural disasters, and other things in the territory.

Zenyue: "At first I didn't want to say anything more, but since you are from this territory...and I think you should have a good relationship with the lord of the territory, right?" If not, Duoya probably wouldn't have helped the territory recruit herself.

Chanyue originally thought that Duoya's previous words were just a joke, but now that she thinks about it, she also has a little recollection.

Although there is a joking element, there is indeed a bit of seriousness in this joke.

Duoya didn't speak, it seemed to be a tacit agreement.

Chanyue didn't want to wait for Duoya to answer, and continued: "Yesterday's incident is actually a hidden danger for this territory. Although the collection team is a private team, any problems have nothing to do with the territory, but in the absence of an official organization of these teams in a territory, others have no choice."

"If this kind of thing increases, those residents or outsiders will not have the guarantee of life, and the prestige of the territory will still be affected."

It's like a thief appeared in a store. Although the thief has nothing to do with the store, if the problem of the thief has not been solved well, the number of thieves will increase and the number of victims will increase, and the reputation of the store will inevitably be affected.

When other people go to this store again, they will not think of how good the products are and how affordable the prices are. They will only think of who was stolen in this store, or they were also stolen... As time goes by, no one will come to this store again.

"The lord also knows about this. She had already prepared to organize a mission team two days ago." In fact, there was already a relevant recruitment in the announcement, but because it didn't clearly describe what it was for, everyone didn't know it yet.

Chanyue was silent for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "It seems that I was worrying for nothing."

Doya shook her head, somewhat disapproving of her statement.

"How can this be nothing to worry about? This is just your good suggestion and reminder to the Sunset Territory." Duoya seemed to have thought of something, and said, "By the way, don't you want to join the Territory? Why are you still an administrator of the mission hall?"

Although Duoya knew about it, he didn't know the reason, and Su You didn't specifically mention it in detail.

Zenyue: "It's all just a deal with your lord, anyway, I can't leave here for a while." After all, it's a natural disaster, no matter how powerful she is, she can't fight against the natural disaster.

"It turned out to be like this..." Although Zenyue didn't say what the specific deal was, Duoya could guess that the lord must have clues about the organization that Chanyue was looking for, or promised to help her find clues using the means that only the lord could use, in exchange for Zenyue's management of the mission hall for a period of time.

"Okay, I'm leaving first, you should go get busy if you have something to do." Chanyue vaguely sensed something, she was not going to continue chatting with Duoya, they had already talked enough.

Duoya didn't intend to force Chanyue to stay and talk, but she still said something when Chanyue was about to leave.

It's just that Chanyue didn't seem to care much about this sentence, but it was Duoya who said it after all, so she still nodded in order to save face.

"I'll think about it." Saying that, Zenyue left the restaurant.

Duoya watched her back gradually disappearing from sight, and sighed inaudibly.



[There are three people applying to join 'Battle Team 3', do you agree? 】

[A person applied to join 'Battle Team 2', do you agree? 】

This is what Su You has seen in the past two days. I don't know how many messages it is.

She habitually opened it to look at the information of the members who applied to join, and then gave her own answer based on the information of these people.

Tomorrow is the third day of the natural disaster, and it is also the stage when the forest carnival has reached the "level one mutation". Before tomorrow, she must organize at least three combat teams as soon as possible.

The role of these three combat teams is to protect those who have no combat effectiveness and rely on collecting resources.

With the protection of the combat team, these people can collect resources with confidence, and the combat team can also improve themselves by killing mutated plants in the forest.

At the same time, the drops of these mutated plants can also be submitted as quest props - she will release the related task of collecting mutated plant drops tomorrow.

The combat team itself does not pay wages, but they have three sources of money.

The first is the 'protection fee'.

Any non-combatant who chooses to participate in the protection of the combat team needs to pay a certain amount of protection fee. This protection fee is temporarily collected by the territory, and finally distributed to everyone participating in the combat team. The territory is only responsible for helping to organize the team and will not charge any handling fees.

Second, as mentioned just now, members of the battle team can sell the mutated plant drops collected to the territory.

The third is similar to the second. In addition to dropping materials, mutated plants will also drop copper coins, which can be regarded as an additional income.

The forest carnival is a natural disaster for those who are not strong, but for those who are capable, it is an opportunity to exercise themselves, and they can also harvest spoils and earn more money while exercising.

There are three combat teams in total, and each team has ten people temporarily. Currently, both combat team 1 and combat team 2 are full, and only combat team 3 is short of four to ten people.

But according to the current speed, it shouldn't be difficult to gather the last four people before tomorrow.

Su You sorted out the lists of the two combat teams that were full, and then issued 'instructions' to them one by one—to gather at the square in the territory at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

The square, like the trading area, is just a division of an area, not some kind of building.

The role of the trading area is trading, and the role of the square is to gather teams and promote social interaction among members in the territory.

Use the game setting to explain: When a territory has a square, all idle people in the territory (including non-territory residents) have a probability to go to the square. After arriving at the square, everyone can compete with each other, chat, and interact, thereby promoting social interaction.

The advantage of promoting social interaction is that it can increase the prosperity of the territory, and it can also improve the security value of the territory... After all, if everyone knows each other and has a good relationship, the probability of conflicts will always decrease slightly.

However, these functions are secondary to Su You. She planned the square area only for the convenience of gathering the team.

After issuing the order, Su You sorted out the rest of the information, and then prepared to go to the medical clinic - she made an appointment with a certain two people, and they will meet there today.

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