Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 310 Chapter 310 Acid Rain 16

There were only two people who could meet Su You in the medical hall, except for Lin Chen and Lin Mu.

The reason why we made an appointment was because Vivienne said two days ago that the condition of the two sisters has almost recovered, and they can basically move out of the hospital.

Although the words are tactful, Su You also knows that Vivienne doesn't want many people who don't need to be treated in the medical center, especially those who can't provide her with emotional value.

Then here comes the problem, Lin Chen and Lin Mu came here by smuggling, they are not from the Sunset Territory, and they don't have the money used by the Sunset Continent, so once they move out of the hospital, they will only end up living on the streets.

Although it is not impossible for them to earn money by collecting resources and doing tasks like other people, they are now a natural disaster, and they don't even have money to buy rain gear, let alone go out?
Although they knew that their situation would become very difficult if they left the hospital, Lin Chen and Lin Mu were not thick-skinned people, and it was impossible for them to stay in the hospital forever... You must know that Vivienne did her best to treat them.

It is to find similar herbal medicines that they are not allergic to, and to take care of their conditions every day and adjust the prescriptions in time... All this is free.

They were ashamed to say anything and continued to stay.

Although Vivienne didn't know their identities, she could guess that they were out of money. After all, when they were fished out of the sea, they were empty, and even their clothes were tattered. The clothes they were wearing now were sent by Dolly behind Su You to change them.

Knowing their plight, Vivienne truthfully informed Su You of the situation.

Su You said that as long as the two of them are willing to join the Sunset Territory and follow her arrangement, she will give them a sum of money to settle down in the Sunset Territory.

In addition to money, there will also be a house. Anyway, both of them have skills, and there is more than one. They meet the regulations of the territory to receive free houses, which is not an exception.

At that time, the two of them can just live on the same floor, occupying two bedrooms and one living room in a residential building.

Maybe there is a little intention of taking advantage of others, but Su You has no psychological burden. After all, there is nothing in this world that is necessary and selfless.

According to Vivienne, Lin Chen and Lin Mu have already agreed to join the territory. After all, they have no choice. It's just that Su You was busy preparing for the natural disaster a few days ago, so she delayed the meeting and discussion until today.


After arriving at the hospital, Su You saw that Vivienne seemed to be busy with her head down, so she didn't bother her, and went straight to the room where the sisters were resting.

And Vivian, who was sitting in front of the counter, raised her eyelids to look at her, then lowered her eyes again, busy reading the book in her hand.

If there is a second person present at this time, you will definitely find that there are several books stacked on the left and right sides of Vivienne, with the words 'weird', 'thriller', 'horror story' and 'strange talk' on them particularly eye-catching.

There was a knock on the door, and Lin Chen and Lin Mu, who had been waiting inside the room for a long time, looked at each other, then Lin Chen got up and opened the door, and welcomed Su You in.

"I heard from Vivian that the two of you agreed to join the Sunset Territory?" Although Vivian couldn't possibly lie, Su You still wanted to hear them say it herself.

Lin Chen and Lin Mu nodded: "Yes, the two of us are willing to join the Sunset Territory. From now on, as long as it is within our capabilities, we will do our best."

It is no exaggeration to say that the "full effort" they mentioned here includes giving their lives.

After all, if it wasn't for Su You and Vivian, they would have died, and their lives belonged to Su You and Vivian, there is no doubt about it.

Su You saw the determination of the two of them, but she was still a little confused, because logically speaking, since someone was willing to join the Sunset Territory, she should have received an application to join the Territory, but the problem was that she hadn't received any news.

They agreed to join the Sunset Territory two days ago, so Su You's doubts were also accompanied by two days.

That's why Su You made a special trip to find out.

She didn't receive any information about applying to join the territory, which always gave Su You the feeling that the two sisters were doing one thing on the surface and another on the other hand.

"Okay, then you will be members of the Sunset Territory from now on..." Although she was very puzzled in her heart, in order not to reveal any flaws, Su You remained calm, thinking about how to test them again.

However, she quickly remembered a problem - she can directly check the information of these two people!What else to explore with more detailed information?
Even if you can't see the traits and their introductions, as long as you can see the favorability and loyalty, that's enough!
While Su You was looking for some interesting topics to chat with the two sisters, she checked their information.

【Lin Chen】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 35 (doesn't work)
Favorite: 75
Talents: Brewing (90), Planting (65)

Skills: Intermediate Brewing (Bottleneck), Primary Planting

Traits: Ancestral skills (with more special formulas), meticulous (all actions take more time, and the success rate also increases), fear of water (can't get close to large waters), special constitution (unlocked: prone to allergies)
Introduction: [unable to view]

【Lin Mu】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 40 (doesn't work)
Favorite: 70
Talents: Gardener (85), Husbandry (80)

Skills: Intermediate Gardener, Primary Animal Husbandry (Bottleneck)

Traits: Affinity (special affinity will produce special effects on small animals and plants), art (art taste beyond ordinary people), special constitution (unlocked: allergic constitution), special constitution (unlocked: ???)

Introduction: [unable to view]


Although the favorability of 75 and [-] cannot be considered particularly high, if it is expressed in terms of relationships, it can also reach the stage of 'trustworthy and favorable'.

In addition, their words and deeds when they just said that they wanted to join the sunset territory did not seem to be lying, so the last doubt in Su You's heart disappeared.

It's just that she didn't receive any information from the two of them, but since Su You ruled out the possibility of them lying, there is only one answer left - this is not their problem, but the system's problem.

The system doesn't want them to join the sunset territory, or doesn't want them to join the territory now, so Su You can't receive the applications from these two people.

Because they have not joined the territory, their loyalty is a value that cannot take effect. Naturally, it is the same as what you see on the recruitment panel, without any change.

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