Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 311 Chapter 311 Acid Rain 17

Speaking of checking the information this time, what surprised Su You must be the traits carried by the two sisters.

The number of traits of these two sisters is the most that Su You has seen here so far!

You must know that she has seen in previous games, the largest number of traits is only six, and it is a rubbish combination of one green, two blue and three red.

Lin Chen has four traits, one green, one blue and two red.

The trait of green is an ancestral skill, which can be regarded as one of the top traits among life-like npcs.

After all, the general "ancestral craftsmanship" is not worthy of being picked out by the system and counted as green traits. In other words, the ancestral skills possessed by Lin Chen are absolutely extraordinary.

The blue quality is 'meticulous'... It takes more time to make things, which is definitely not good, and it will affect the output, but the increase in the success rate will also affect the output, so it can be offset by going back and forth...

But this is only a superficial understanding.

What if the crafting is an advanced item?

If it only takes a little more time to increase the harvest rate of high-level items, then it must be worth it, not to mention she has ancestral skills!
So if Su You is asked to score, with a perfect score of [-], the quality of 'meticulousness' can be scored at least [-] points among the blue traits, and because there is a high probability that it can be matched with ancestral skills, it is also possible to score [-] points out of [-]. Not too much.

As for the two red traits, fear of water is nothing, as long as you don’t go to the water, it’s not too bad a red trait, and the special physique Su You has already guessed, after all, they both said this before, Weiwei Ann was also tossed a lot for this.

Compared with Lin Chen, Lin Mu's traits are simple and strange. She also has four traits. From the current point of view, the combination is two green and one red, and the remaining one is unknown.

Not to mention 'affinity', many people in the territory have this quality.

The trait of 'art' has a wide range of functions. It is related to her own skills. She is a florist and can use flowers for vase placement or decoration. Excellent artistic skills will make the flower furniture or buildings she decorates gain extra prosperity. and comfort values.

In addition, her art can also cooperate with architects to design architectural drawings. In addition, anyone with any art-related skills (music, painting, etc.) can match her to generate new inspiration... …

Overall a nice trait.

The red trait is the same as Lin Chen's, which probably has something to do with them being twins, and both of them have 'sickness' in the mother's womb.

As for the last trait that has not been unlocked, it is also related to the body, but because Su You has not unlocked the relevant information, and they have not yet joined the territory, Su You cannot see the specific content.



After learning the information, Su You interrupted the boring topic.

"This is the rain gear. Put it on. I'll wait for you at the entrance of the medical hall. I'll take you to the place where you will live in the future." Su You said, taking out two sets of rain gear, and then left the room.

When Su You came to the medical hall, she saw a few more people in the empty medical hall.

Originally, it was not uncommon for there to be people in the medical center. Everyone would have minor illnesses and pains.

Moreover, although the area around the territory is not dangerous, people who like to die exist anywhere, and it is normal for a few people to be injured occasionally...


Su You saw a large area of ​​these people's hands that almost took up most of the arms, like burning marks.

This mark is black-gray, like a crack in the cultivated land during a drought, and a thick and foul-smelling liquid even flows out of the cracks in the wound. It is disgusting to look at... This is not an ordinary wound, and it cannot be used 'Small injury' to describe!

Su You's expression froze, and she strode up to Vivian to ask about the situation.

"They said that when they were in the forest, their rain gear accidentally broke, so they came back in the rain." Vivienne's face was not very good at this time, not only because she was disgusted and smelly, but most importantly , these people in front of them are hiding.

Physicians hate disobedient patients, patients who don't value their health, and patients who hide the truth.

Although acid rain is corrosive, it is absolutely impossible to cause such a wound!
"You better tell the truth, what happened to you to become like this!" Vivian snorted coldly, looking at them with very cold eyes: "To tell you the truth, I can't deal with this wound without knowing the real situation , if you continue to choose to hide it, then wait for these hands to be abolished!"

The answer to Vivienne was a long silence.

What Vivienne didn't expect was that she had already said so much. These people looked at each other and chose to keep silent, as if they thought Vivienne was just joking, even if they said something Not to mention, Vivienne will also treat them.

If it's a doctor with a good personality, maybe it's fine, but Vivienne really doesn't have a good personality.

Her good temper is only for those who need it.

Vivian: "Don't say anything? Okay, then prepare for amputation. Please leave the hospital before amputation, so as not to dirty my site."

Her words were deafening, and they happened to be heard by Lin Chen and Lin Mu who came out of the room after changing their rain gear.

They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

What was surprising was that during their time with Vivienne, they all felt that Vivienne was an excellent doctor even though she was young.

Not only excellent, but also very gentle and patient with patients (them).

This was the first time they saw Vivienne so angry... It seems that these people in front of them must have done something excessive to make her so angry, right?

Although they don't know exactly what happened, and they don't know who is right and who is wrong, but the two sisters' affection for Vivienne is enough for them to put a thick filter on Vivienne.

Of course, the two of them thought this way, but the one who was stared coldly at each other didn't think so.

They were already very scared and annoyed because they were injured, but now they came to treat a wound and were scolded, cursed and amputated. How could they bear it?
So, after Vivian finished those words, one of the people who was also injured immediately retorted: "We are just here to seek treatment, there is no need to tell you how we were injured, right?"

"Exactly! We have money, you just need to treat and ask so many questions."

"We all know that you are a magician of the healing department, and you are very capable, so don't talk about deceitful nonsense that can't be cured!"

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