Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 312 Chapter 312 Acid Rain 18

After one person takes the lead, the next person immediately echoes his words.

While talking, they also flung out their money bags. Several silver and copper coins, and even a gold coin rolled out of the money bag with loose ropes.

Although not a lot, it is more than enough to treat general injuries.

Su You frowned slightly, knowing in her heart that these people might have done something they shouldn't have done, otherwise they wouldn't have suffered such strange injuries, and they wouldn't have been unwilling to tell the story of their injuries.

Looking away from the corner of her eye, she saw the two sisters who had already come out.

"Let's go." Although she also wanted to know what happened, judging from the current situation, these people's mouths might not be easy to pry open, so Su You didn't plan to waste time here.

With this time, it is better to quickly settle the two sisters, and then arrange work for them.

The gardener is nothing. The function of flowers is to increase the prosperity and happiness of the territory. If placed in the building, it can also increase the comfort level... It looks pretty good, but it is not necessary.

What Su You wants most is wine!
The wine set in the game is not just a drink for enjoying and pastime. The excellent quality wine can restore blood and mana, and can also get rid of negative states, restore physical strength, and provide buffs...

It just so happens that the territory has enough materials to make wine, such as fruit wine, barley wine, rice wine, water wine, herbal wine... and Lin Chen himself has ancestral skills, and there is probably a better wine making formula. Su You just thinks about it. Not expected.

Seeing that Su You was about to leave, the two sisters hesitated, but they still chose to follow. After all, they knew their current situation and who they should listen to.

But at the moment when he left the hospital, Lin Chen still couldn't help but asked with concern: "Those people didn't look good just now, is Miss Vivienne really okay by herself?"

"Don't worry, Vivian is stronger than you imagined, and the location of the medical center is next to the gate of the territory, and there are many guards there." This is why Su You left with confidence. If Vivian can't solve it by herself, She is not stupid, if she yells casually, those people will be arrested in minutes.

"That's good..." The two of them were relieved to hear that there was a guard at the gate, but they still couldn't believe Su You's words about Vivian's strength.

Because they don't know the situation in this continent, they only know that Vivienne is a doctor. Although they have heard about her identity as a magician, they don't know much about her, so the two of them still regard Vivienne as a "hands-on" Powerless' young girl.

However, anyone who knows Vivienne knows that this little girl who looks exquisite and cute, likes to wear complicated and gorgeous skirts, and smiles like a doll all day long, is not easy to mess with.

Even Meke couldn't help but drop his jaw in shock when he accidentally saw her teach a young man who saw her as "weak" and wanted to bully her, and then ran to Su You with a surprised face, asking her what is it? Where did she recruit such a 'little witch' who is not weak at all.

Physicians can cure diseases with kindness, and harm others with evil. They also have special means to protect themselves, which are not something ordinary people can touch porcelain casually.

When they came to the residential area, Su You took them to the second floor of one of the third-level residential buildings.

Because the population of the territory is increasing and the economy is developing step by step, everyone has more and more money.

Non-territorial people may not think about buying a house, but territorial residents definitely want to buy a house, after all, they have joined the territory.

For those who bought a house, and those who had the skills to give away the house for free, the first floor of the residential area was fully occupied, and even the second floor was occupied by almost one-third.

"This is the key. This will be your home from now on." Su You pushed open the door and handed the two keys to the sisters.

Seeing that they were about to thank them, Su You raised her hand to stop them and said, "Don't rush to thank them first, let's talk about the house after looking at the house."

"Okay." Although they didn't say any words of thanks, Lin Chen and Lin Mu were not ungrateful people. Their thanks were hidden in their hearts, and finally turned into a string of favor numbers, which slowly increased.

Because it is an empty room that has never been inhabited by anyone, there is no furniture here except for basic tables, chairs, benches, beds, windows and cabinets.

However, Lin Chen and Lin Mu are already very satisfied with being able to have a small home that is completely their own in the 'foreign land', not to mention, sheltered from the wind and rain.

While they were looking at the house, Su You was also slowly spreading some common sense about the Sunset Continent for them.

After they finished reading, they took out two light-colored money bags.

"This is the currency of the Sunset Continent. There are three kinds of currency in the Sunset Continent, copper coins, silver coins and gold coins. The exchange ratio is 1:100. The two purses contain five hundred copper coins, fifty silver coins and one gold coin." For Su As far as pomelo is concerned, if the amount of money is sufficient, she can exchange gold or silver coins for copper coins of equivalent value at will.

Similarly, copper coins can also be exchanged for equivalent silver or gold coins, and silver coins can also be exchanged for equivalent gold coins.

But the 'indigenous' in this world certainly don't have such a function, so for their convenience, Su You gave them three types of currency in the purse, with the most copper coins, followed by silver coins, and only one gold coin.

If one copper coin represents one yuan, then Su You is equivalent to giving the two of them 500 yuan each, and the sum of the two is [-] yuan.

In the Sunset Continent where the per capita annual income is only about [-], this is already considered a fortune of great value.

Lin Chen: "Is this too much?"

Lin Mu: "Actually, we can work and earn money ourselves, we don't need so much..."

Even though Lin Chen and Lin Mu didn't know the prices here at the beginning, but Su You just introduced some of them, plus what they saw and heard in the medical clinic during this period, they can also understand that the one in their hands Gold coins are the wealth that others have to earn to obtain.

Not to mention there are so many silver and copper coins...

Su You shook her head and asked them to keep the money: "The money given to you is not sympathy or charity, but because you are worth it."

In fact, Su You didn't plan to give this gold coin at first, and even only planned to give twenty silver coins.

Giving so little is not that I am reluctant to give the money, but that there is no need to give so much.

The prices of daily necessities in Sunset Continent are not high, not to mention that they have a place to live, so they don't need to pay more rent, as long as they don't squander at will, even if they don't work at all, [-] silver coins plus [-] copper coins are enough for them to live for half a year.

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