Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 313 Chapter 313 Acid Rain 19

Chapter 313 313. Acid Rain 19
What's more, as they said, they can earn money by themselves... Lin Chen and Lin Mu will definitely work for Su You in the future, and she will definitely not treat them badly.

However, after seeing the information of the two of them and finding out that they could not join the territory, Su You stuffed another gold coin and some silver coins into it.

On the one hand, the two of them are worthy of the investment, and on the other hand, it is to allow them to not worry about money, throw away other worries, and devote all their energy to work.

"If you feel sorry, then work hard. This gold coin is your overdraft salary in advance. From now on, you will only pay 50% of your salary until this gold coin is offset." Su You is not going to be too much on this matter. Tangled, but if they really care, then she can communicate in another way.

"Okay, that's it." Lin Mu obviously agreed with this plan, and Lin Chen didn't have any opinions.

After everything about the money and the house was arranged, Su You began to arrange work for them.

"There is an empty tavern in the territory, and I will let you run it." Su You nodded to Lin Chen, and continued: "The materials needed for brewing are provided by the territory, and you are responsible for brewing and selling the wine, and the profit is [-]%. "As for who is three and who is seven, there is no need to say more.

Lin Chen froze for a moment, then nodded happily, obviously very satisfied with the arrangement and allocation.

After Lin Chen was arranged, Su You began to arrange Lin Mu.

Su You: "Lin Mu, you are in charge of running the flower shop. The flower shop has already been built. It is located next to the medical hall. It is the yellow brick building you just passed by. This is the key to the flower shop."

Su You: "The flower seeds and a series of items needed for planting flowers have also been delivered to the flower shop. By then, your income will be the same as Lin Chen's, and the profit will be [-]%."

"Okay." Lin Mu's eyes moved slightly, and there were indescribably complicated emotions in his heart.

As early as Vivian said that the two of them were willing to join the territory, Su You had already started to prepare related matters.

The tavern already existed, so there is no need to build it again. At most, Su You just prepared a batch of bottles and cans of various specifications for wine making.

There is no flower shop, so she also handed over this matter to Ai En. Ai En's speed was very fast, and he drew the blueprint and built the flower shop in less than half a day. Everything needed was delivered.

Today's flower shop can be said to have everything ready, only one 'boss' is needed to start cultivating flowers directly.

It takes a while to open a store, at least until the first batch of flowers are planted, otherwise there will be nothing to sell.

Lin Chen and Lin Mu are very satisfied with Su You's arrangement. After all, the job she arranged is what they are good at, and they are still the bosses.

At first, they were thinking about working for others, and they were a little uncomfortable at first, but now they found that they were actually running a shop by themselves!
They are the bosses!

How does this look like working for someone else?This is simply working for themselves!
Working for others and working for yourself are two completely different concepts!

The two sisters were already very grateful to Su You, for saving her life, for giving money and for housing, and now for arranging such a good job, her favorability, which was only seventy before, rose again and again.

Even if they think that they are not from this continent, they must be careful in everything and cannot easily trust other people, but this person in front of them is so good to them, it is for this reason, if they are not moved at all, even if it is a Heart made of stone.

"The situation is almost like this. Do you have any other questions?" Su You had already seen the two of them's goodwill rush from seventy to eighty.

Lin Chen's favorability reached 89, which happened to be stuck in a special position, while Lin Mu's favorability was lower, but it also exceeded 85 and reached 87.

In fact, it's not difficult to get a good impression, just change your heart for your heart, even if Su You's kindness to them is conditional, but this kindness is not fake... money, house, store, all real.

"There is no problem about us." Lin Mu shook her head slightly, and then she glanced at Lin Chen. The tacit understanding between the sisters made Lin Chen instantly understand what her sister meant.

She left the room and closed the door, seemingly leaving, but actually guarding the door. After she left, only Su You and Lin Mu were left in the room.

"Lord Su, have you already guessed something?" Although the two of them were very reluctant to reveal their identities as stowaways, everything Su You showed was enough to prove that she already knew a part about them.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have deliberately popularized the common sense of this continent for them... The identities they fabricated were just people from a small place, not completely ignorant of the outside world, even basic common sense, so what is the difference between this and a fool?
If someone really believes it, they are really fools!

Su You didn't plan to hide it either, after all, she also had questions and they needed to reveal their identities before asking, so she couldn't keep pretending to be stupid.

"Well, in fact, your appearance and body shape are not like the people here, and your accent is also the same." The languages ​​used in the two continents should be different, but their families should be quite special, so they seem to have studied in the setting sun continent. Language, just sounds a little strange.

However, the Sunset Continent also has a similar 'dialect', so the accent can't be used as evidence, it's just a clue that Su You used to make up the number.

"So it's like this..." In fact, Lin Mu should have been nervous when someone found out that he was a stowaway, but maybe it was because the person opposite was Su You, so she was relieved instead.

Lying is also very tiring, especially one lie requires countless lies to maintain, and living in fear every day is even more tiring.

"But don't worry, as long as you don't want to talk about it, you won't ask about those things." Anyway, they have come, as long as people don't leave, it's only a matter of time before they know their stories.

Instead of asking this question, it is better to study how to let them join the territory, so that Su You can see those stories without them talking.

Hearing Su You's words, Lin Mu heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, she was really worried that Su You would ask about their life experience, and she didn't want to say it was one thing, and this matter was troublesome, bad, and dangerous.

She didn't want to think too much, and even if she wanted to say it, she didn't know how to say it.

Lin Mu: "If the lord really wants to know someday, I am willing to tell you, but not now..."

"That's all for later, don't think about it now."

(End of this chapter)

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