Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 314 Chapter 314 Acid Rain 20

Chapter 314 314. Acid Rain 20
It seems that their choice is indeed correct, the lord of the sunset territory is indeed a very kind, caring, and tolerant person.

Su You: "But now I really have a question I want to ask you, and it has nothing to do with your affairs."

Naturally, Lin Mu would not refuse to answer questions that had nothing to do with them: "You ask."

"I'll tell you a name, and you need to tell me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear this name." Su You's request was a bit weird, but Lin Mu still nodded to show that he understood.

"The name is - Zen Moon."

Lin Mu lowered his eyes, thought for a few seconds, and then thought of something, suddenly raised his head and said, "This name is quite rare, but it's also strange. I really thought of a word, a person, and a story."

"You don't need to tell the story, just tell me the people and words you think of." If it's the same as what she thought, then she also knows the story, so there's no need to listen to it again.

"This person is a peerless beauty in ancient times. Her name is Diao Chan. There was an allusion that Diao Chan worshiped the moon... As soon as I heard you say this name, I remembered this story." Lin Mu was actually a little strange when he said it. Why is the name that Su You learned about their story related to this?

Su You seemed to see her doubts, so she simply explained: "You misunderstood, the 'Zen' I said is the Zen of Zen mind."

However, although it is not the same Zen (Chan), what Lin Mu thinks of is indeed the same as her.

It's just that Lin Mu could only associate it with his name, and Su You was somewhat misled because he knew it was Zen and not Chan.

It was also when she met Chanyue herself and saw her face that it was no exaggeration to say that she was ashamed of the moon, that she thought of Diao Chan, one of the four beauties, and the word related to her.

"Zen mind..." Lin Mu read these two words in a low voice, and his inner doubts became more serious.

But she didn't know where to start asking, and Su You didn't seem to be planning to say anything more, so she put this matter in her heart for the time being.

"Okay, you guys have a good rest today. If you have time, go shopping in the territory and get familiar with it. Starting tomorrow, flower shops and taverns will be open for both of you. Bu Guo lives downstairs from you. She lives alone. , you can find her if you have any questions."

Same as taking care of Anita and Lu Ning last time, this time Su You still chose Bu Guo to take care of these two people, so Bu Guo can be said to be the two of them in this territory, except for Vivian and Su You, The most familiar and most willing to trust people.

That's why she specially arranged them upstairs in Bugo.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, we sisters really appreciate you." Lin Mu was touched by her care, and thanked Su You again.

Su You waved her hand and left the residential building without saying a word.



After leaving the residential building, Su You's goal was very clear - the medical center.

Although knowing that the mouths of the injured people were not so easy to pry open, Su You also believed that Vivian would definitely be able to draw some clues.

Otherwise, with her temper, if she meets such a person, she can just drive them out, and there is no need to argue with them there.

When they arrived at the hospital, Su You didn't see those people before, and presumably they had already left.

There were also several patients in the medical center at this time, and the preliminary diagnosis and treatment had ended, and Vivian was preparing treatment plans for them one by one according to their conditions.

"What's wrong with them?" Su You came to Vivian to watch her treatment, and asked softly.

Vivienne was dispensing the medicine, without raising her head, she said, "The one with the hat caught a cold, and the one without shoes sprained, and the other two 'also' accidentally drenched in acid rain, and their whole body hurts from scratches."

Colds and twisted feet are nothing. Su You focused on observing the two people who were exposed to acid rain. Their skin was slightly red, and it looked like they were allergic, with large rashes appearing.

Except, some of the skin has become a little dry, just like the peeling of the lips in winter. The surface skin has begun to roll up. Looking at it, people can't help but want to give these rolled up white dry skin to the skin. tear off...

Although this symptom is not mild, it is obviously much better than the situation of the previous few people-this is normal, the symptom after being exposed to acid rain.

The few people before saw that they touched something that shouldn't be touched, so that their arms were corroded like that.

It is absolutely impossible for acid rain to be so corrosive... Otherwise, once the acid rain falls, wouldn't the area covered by the acid rain be barren?

Can this world still live?

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Su You asked casually. Anyway, she came here not only to understand the situation of those people, but also to discuss other things with Vivian.

If these people were not cured, Vivian would not have any free time, so Su You wanted to do a favor and speed up.

"Then help me to make a medicine, to cure colds, to prevent colds, to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, as well as to relieve pain and reduce inflammation." Vivienne was not polite, and reported a bunch of symptoms directly.

She knew that Su You knew medicine, knew the formula, and could make it, so she didn't even mention the prescription to save trouble.

Su You did know the formula, so she didn't ask, and went directly to the medicine cabinet where there were a lot of herbs and began to dispense the medicine.

In the past ten minutes or so, with the help of Su You, Vivian successfully sent away the four patients.

Except for the two who were drenched by the acid rain and will come back tomorrow to reapply the medicine, the other two will be fine as long as they take the medicine on time and follow Vivienne's doctor's advice.

"The lord is here to ask those people, right? Unfortunately, I didn't find any clues." Although she said regret on her lips, the expression on Vivienne's face was not regretful.

She seemed to have guessed this result a long time ago, so she naturally had no regrets.

"It's fine if you don't have any clues. Apart from this, I also want you to help make two potions." Su You said while taking out a transparent glass bottle from her backpack.

This glass bottle, which is only about the size of two fingers, is filled with an unknown gray powder.

"What is this?" Vivienne took a look at the glass bottle. Although it looked familiar, she didn't recognize what it was.

"The gray scale powder dropped when killing those mutated ghost skeletons can be used to make corrosive potions." Originally, I thought about selling it to the Tianhong Caravan, but the Tianhong Caravan didn't seem very interested. The price given was not high, so Su You simply didn't sell it.

(End of this chapter)

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