Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 331 Chapter 331 Double Natural Disasters 14

Chapter 331 331. Double Natural Disasters 14
——If you can concentrate on making something, the probability of making it will be greatly improved.

Of course, this is just a guess. Su You will have to wait for the three types of wine to be brewed and the altar to be activated before Su You can see more detailed system information.

"According to what you said, these three wines are really good." Isn't it just good, increase attributes, restore state, replenish physical strength, increase the success rate of production, these effects are not likely to be rushed to buy.

A proud smile appeared on Lin Chen's face: "Master, this is not my bragging. Our family has been a wine alley owner for a hundred years in a row. Although I haven't learned the essence of wine making, I am definitely no better than others. Difference."

"Wine Lane Master?" Su You caught a word and asked.

Lin Chen thought about it for a while and there was nothing he couldn't say, after all, they were all ready to tell the whole story from the beginning.

"My family lives in a wine alley. The so-called wine alley is simply an alley that sells wine. The wine alley in our house is the most famous. If you want to buy wine in nearby towns, you will go to the wine alley to buy it."

"The wine alley will conduct a competition every three years, and the winning wine will be rated as 'immortal wine' in the next three years, and the person who brews the immortal wine will become the owner of the wine alley there."

Lin Chen spoke carefully, and Su You quickly understood.

To put it simply, it is the same as the previous God of Cooking competitions and painting competitions. The winner will always get a title, as well as some special rights and treatment.

In other words, to be judged every three years, to be the wine alley owner for a hundred years in a row, is equivalent to winning every time, winning more than [-] times in a row... This is not something that ordinary families can do.

In this way, the Lin family's heritage is absolutely profound, and the deeper the family's heritage, the more secrets it hides, and the easier it is for various things to happen.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that Lin Chen and Lin Mu would come here.

Afterwards, Su You learned about the brewing time of these three wines - except for the thorn wine, which takes fifteen days, the other two wines only need five to seven days, and the specific time depends on the temperature and environment.

The more suitable the environmental conditions, the shorter the time required for brewing.

Lin Chen said that she would try to shorten the time and let her taste the wine earlier. After all, she had nothing else to do until the first batch of wine was ready, and she had plenty of time.

Although Su You didn't want to drink this kind of wine that could almost be described as dark cuisine, it didn't affect her desire to harvest these wines quickly.

After talking about the wine, Su You found an excuse to stay, Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, and left after putting away the three strange wines.

Su You came to the counter of the tavern, and was about to open the recruitment panel, but suddenly saw a string of words behind the floating font that should have only displayed the word "recruitment"——

Recruitment (this recruitment has special npc)

Special npc?

If this special npc is the one Su You understands, then she has to be thankful that she saved a chance to recruit in the last recruitment.

Because recruiting special npcs requires two recruitment times, and the current level of the tavern is refreshed twice, unless there is no good npc in this batch, otherwise she will have to struggle for a long time on who to choose.

Of course, she can also choose not to recruit, but special npcs can generally bring a lot of benefits, so basically no one will choose to give up recruiting, unless the attributes and skills of this special npc are really too bad.

Anyway, Su You opened the recruitment interface first, and the recruitment interface still showed five people, but there was a golden mark above the fourth person from the left.

This is the mark of a special npc.

Su You was not in a hurry either, she was not in a hurry to read the information of special npcs, but looked at them one by one from left to right as before.

After reading everyone's information, Su You breathed a sigh of relief, and then selected two people to recruit.

Of these two people, one is called Jin Luo and the other is Jing Que.

Among them, Jing Que is the marked special npc, and Jin Luo is a particularly outstanding and individual person that Su You has taken a fancy to in this recruitment.

As for the other three, although the skills and characteristics are also good, they are either repeated or not as good as Jin Luo, so Su You gave up.

Three chances to recruit, to recruit one npc and one special npc, are just enough.

[Do you choose to recruit 'Jin Luo'? 】

[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】

[Remaining recruitment times: 2]


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 60
Favorite: 25
Talents: Math (88), Management (80), Economy (75)

Skills: intermediate math skills, primary management skills (bottleneck), primary financial management skills

Traits: Economic mind (extremely flexible thinking and inspiration on economic related matters), budgetary (reduce all unnecessary expenses, and unwilling to increase expenses), stingy (attach great importance to money, money concept is above everything else)

Even if you don't read Jinluo's introduction, but just look at her talents, skills and traits, you can still imagine her personality in your mind - this is a person who loves money, likes money, and likes to make money!

And her talent and traits are also worthy of her love of money. Jinluo not only likes money, but also likes to make money. Most importantly, she has the ability to make money.

If she is the same as someone who obviously has no talent but prefers a certain aspect, then Jinluo is a big pit... because she will only be a prodigal at that time.

The moment Su You saw her, she had actually already planned a place for her - Qianzhuang.

The bank is a special building. In addition to allowing people to deposit and withdraw money conveniently, it can also open a special function, which is: financial management.

To put it another way, the financial management here can also be called "paid help" in the mainland, and its nature and characteristics are similar to investment.

There are many types of financial management, some are related to the territory, some are related to other territories, and some even involve the entire continent.

This function is similar to the regional bounty, both have a system that can exchange information with other territories.

All in all, if you have talents with financial management skills, you can use this method to make money. As long as you have the strength, the speed of making money will not be lower than the profit from selling a space pack formula.

Jin Luo, who has the traits of economic savvy, is definitely a top talent in financial management, even though her current skill level is only elementary.

As for the other two qualities of Jin Luo, one is blue and the other is red.

The advantage of the trait of 'financial planning' is that it can reduce all unnecessary expenses and save money.

(End of this chapter)

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