Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 332 Chapter 332 Double Natural Disasters 15

Chapter 332 332. Double Natural Disasters 15
But it also has a downside, because a person with this trait is unwilling to increase expenses, which means that if money needs to be withdrawn from her, it will become very difficult.

But this is nothing, anyway, she has the trait of 'stingy', which is equivalent to having two traits with repeated effects, and this trait can't superimpose effects, so instead, there are only benefits left.

After watching Jin Luo, Su You's eyes shifted to that special npc.

[Do you choose to recruit 'Jing Magpie'? 】

[Reminder: This npc is a special npc, and it takes two recruitment times to recruit a special npc. If this special npc is abandoned in this recruitment, then this special npc will never appear in the recruitment interface. 】

[Special npc introduction: special npc has a special plot story, successfully recruiting a special npc can trigger a special plot, if the recruitment fails, the territory will still be affected by the special plot brought by the special npc. 】

There is no absolute advantage. Special npcs are successfully recruited, and after the plot is triggered and completed, they will receive a lot of rewards. At the same time, they will be punished if they fail.

Su You was an old player anyway, so she didn't even have this little confidence, so she read the prompts similar to what she remembered, and then chose to recruit.

[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 30
Favorite: 0
talent:? ? (90), Melee (90)

Skills: Intermediate? ?Skills (Bottleneck), Intermediate Melee Skills, Primary Stealth Skills

Traits: keenness (sensitivity, easy to find things hidden in the dark), dagger proficiency (when using a dagger as a weapon, the combat effectiveness is greatly improved), eccentricity (reduces the speed and probability of social interaction), obsession (because of having a certain obsession , so the degree of obedience to orders is very low)

Introduction: [Shown after successfully recruiting and completing special plots]


Looking at the initial loyalty and favorability that is even lower than that of the stowaway, to be honest, if the other party is not a special npc, if it is not for Su You who knows that after completing the story of the special npc, these two values ​​will increase dramatically. Definitely would not choose to recruit such a person.

But not so much. If Jing Magpie is not a special npc, then there will not be such a low value of loyalty and favorability.

The talent value of double 90 and the status of a special npc are enough for Su You to 'bet' on it once.

Su You stared at Jing Que's information for a long time, and then took out a pen and paper to record in detail the clues she had analyzed based on her information—these might help her when recruiting the other party.

There is not much information, so what can be analyzed is limited, but Su You still draws three clues based on his rich game experience——

1. The talents and skills that are not displayed correspond to each other, and the reason why they are not displayed is related to the plot of the magpie. There is a high probability that these two talents and skills are the main line of the plot of the magpie.

2. The trait of "obsession" can be eliminated. The elimination method is to remove the obsession. After completing the plot perfectly, the obsession can be removed directly, or the obsession can be temporarily "sealed". .

These two are analyzed from the existing information. As for the third clue, although it is said to be a clue, it is actually just a bold guess by Su You.

She suspects that Jing Que is an assassin.

The so-called assassin, in other words, is an assassin, a killer.

She is concealed, proficient in daggers, and has a withdrawn personality and obsession, plus she has a special plot... If it is the real world, it is really hard to say what the identity of the other party is, but here, Su You can only think of something that fits this setting. Assassin's organization.

There is an assassin organization in the Sunset Continent, and besides that, there are many other organizations of this kind.

Such as the Mage Guild, the Black Mage Organization, the Beast Tamer Guild, the Physician Association, and the Church, etc...

Among them, the existence of the assassination organization and the black magician organization is definitely not popular, but in comparison, the assassination organization is not bad, after all, although everyone is unwilling to lick blood with the tip of a knife guys, but no one can tell whether they will need them in the future.

The difference between the two organizations is that the former collects money to do things, so that the behind-the-scenes can comfort themselves with peace of mind. They are not the ones who did the work, nor did people die under their hands. They just paid for it... that's all.

The latter is simply destroying for the sake of destruction, spreading black magic pollution sources everywhere, drying up the land, mutating animals, and even producing a large number of dark creatures and ghost creatures to attack humans.

It's not unreasonable that the black magic organization is hated, because what they do is inherently bad.


Closer to home.

If Jing Que is really a member of an assassin organization, then Su You can also guess what the two corresponding innate skills that she has been hidden are - assassination.

This is a genius who has intermediate assassination skills at a young age and has reached the bottleneck.

Of course, Su You's guesses may not be correct, and Jing Que may not be a member of the Assassin Organization. She just accidentally learned assassination skills and learned to hide, but no matter what, this guess is not reasonable.

Su You already had a good idea of ​​Jing Que, she left the tavern, and when she closed the door, she felt that something hit her heel.

She frowned slightly, turned her head and looked down, only to see a ball of hair that had been soaked by the acid rain.

"Why are you here?" Su You took out a clean cloth from her backpack, and then wrapped Mao Tuanzi, the guardian beast spirit treasure of the setting sun territory, in the cloth and hugged her.

'Heck! 'Come to find you!

Hearing Lingbao's voice, Su You froze for a moment.

I don't know if it was her illusion, she felt as if she understood what Lingbao was saying just now.

'Milo! 'Wipe dry!

Su You: "..." It seems that I can understand it.

Although she didn't understand the reason, Su You didn't get entangled, but took it back to the City Lord's Mansion first.

The first thing I did when I returned to the City Lord's Mansion was to take a bath for Lingbao, rinse off all the acid rain on it, and then slowly wipe the water off it with a clean cloth.

During the period, Su You tentatively asked a few more questions, such as what did it do today, where did it go, whether acid rain would make it uncomfortable, etc...

Lingbao responded one by one, but the words of the replies were very simple.

At this time, Lingbao is like a baby who has learned to speak, but is still a little unclear. Although he can communicate, he still struggles.

According to Lingbao, it stayed obediently in the city lord's mansion during the day and did not go out to run around, but when the evening approached, it felt that there was an inexplicable magical feeling in the territory that attracted it.

(End of this chapter)

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