Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 340 Chapter 340 Double Natural Disasters 23

Chapter 340 340. Double Natural Disasters 23
Her not-so-close friends also know the person who took the lead in making plans, so they can be said to be in the same group.

Because of her friend, Xi Lan also knew all of this. Although she didn't participate, she didn't choose to tell the people in the combat team about it... She didn't do anything, but she did everything.

It was a coincidence that she knew that the person had a mutated plant just now. She was frightened when the combat team was fighting with the man-eating vine. The mutated plant that seemed to be dead was put into his pocket.

At first, Xi Lan didn't think it was a living mutated plant, because she thought that no one would blatantly violate the rules, until she thought about it more and more, because she obviously remembered that the person just put away a 'plant', And no seeds or anything.

You must know that after killing the mutated plant, the seeds and plant juice will definitely drop, if not, it can only prove that it is a living mutated plant!
Although living mutated plants are explicitly prohibited from being brought into the territory, theoretically speaking, living mutated plants are more valuable than dead ones.

The logic chain is very simple, the drop of mutated plants can be sold for money, and the living mutated plants can reproduce quickly, so as long as you can get a living mutated plant, even if there is only one, it is equivalent to having infinite mutated plants, Equivalent to having infinite drops.

Of course, people who think this way completely ignore the dangers of mutated plants. They regard mutated plants as chickens that lay golden eggs, but they don’t know that with the speed of reproduction and attack power of mutated plants, they will sooner or later become the nourishment for the prey they think they are breeding in captivity. ...



After Xi Lan said these words, she felt a little heavy.

She looked at Su You's obviously unhappy face, and said hesitantly, "Actually, no one thought that things would develop to this point..."

"But you still did it, and it caused irreversible consequences." Su You shook her head, not going to let her continue talking, anyway, she already knew what she should know now.

Su You: "A mistake is a mistake. Whether it is anticipated or not, this is not a reason to intentionally lead others into danger."

If it is only for saving lives, it can be barely explained as greed for life and fear of death. People can do anything in order to live.

But they can do such a thing that disregards other people's lives just for money... The former is unforgivable, let alone the latter.

And they also blatantly violated the regulations of the territory and brought live mutated plants into the territory!

"You go back first, I won't tell others that you said this." Su You analyzed Xi Lan's information, and she could see that Xi Lan was not involved in this matter.

Although she didn't report what she knew about it, telling her about it now is considered an atonement, so she wasn't going to punish her.

But those people... Su You tapped the table again with her fingertips, wondering what she was thinking.

After hearing Su You's words, Xi Lan didn't take it seriously, because she knew that even if Su You didn't say anything, others could guess that she had revealed these things. The pomelo was brought here alone.

But she didn't care anymore. Thinking about those people who were seriously injured, Xi Lan strengthened her mind - she was just telling the truth about what those people did, and it's okay to let them know.

Because this matter was originally their mistake.

"Then I'll go first." Xi Lan didn't stay long, and after drinking the last glass of fruit wine on the table, she got up and left.

When she was about to walk to the entrance of the tavern, she ran into the owner of the tavern, that is, Lin Chen. She paused, and then asked inexplicably, "Do you make all the wine in this tavern?"

Although Xi Lan has never been to the tavern, because the other guests in the tavern are called Boss Lin Chen, she also knows that Lin Chen is the boss here.

She could smell a strong smell of wine on Lin Chen's body. This kind of wine scent seemed to be the smell of years of immersion, not just because of working here, so she asked this question.

Lin Chen didn't know Xi Lan, but only knew that she was brought here by the lord, and it was no secret that the wine in this tavern was brewed by her, so she didn't hide it.

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

Xi Lan looked at her for a while, then smiled: "Boss, your wine-making skills are really good. The fruit wine just reminded me of the taste of my hometown... But your skills are much better than the winemakers there, and the fruit wine tastes mellow , not sour at all."

Lin Chen felt that her words were a little weird, but Xi Lan was complimenting her after all, so she responded politely and briefly.

Xi Lan: "If possible, I would like to drink the fruit wine you make in the future."

Lin Chen felt more and more that this person was weird, but after saying this, the other party left without even saying hello, so she didn't have a chance to speak.

She wanted to tell the lord about this, but seeing the lord's expression was unclear, and she also heard that the drinker said something happened outside, so she couldn't bother her because of such a small matter .

So Lin Mu could only suppress this matter first, and when the lord is free, or she went back and mentioned this matter to Lin Mu first.


Not long after Xi Lan left, Su You also left, because what happened today was too serious, and she had to solve it as soon as possible.

It took about an afternoon, and Su You finally led the people from Combat Team 2 to interrogate these few selfish people who were making suggestions.

What Xi Lan said was true, they did conceal the truth for their own sake, and tricked people from the combat team to help clean up the man-eating vines.

Moreover, they did take advantage of the chaos to bring back many living mutated plants.

At the end of the interrogation, Su You didn't show mercy, and directly posted the actions of these people on the bulletin, and then followed the territory's regulations on 'do not intentionally endanger the lives of others', 'do not bring dangerous creatures into the territory' and 'do not endanger the security of the territory' And many other regulations, all these people were driven out of the territory.

Moreover, all the income they earned from the man-eating vines will also be confiscated by the territory, and will eventually be handed over to those innocent people who were injured in proportion to the severity of the injury.

After most people understood the situation, they clapped their hands and applauded.

"Your lord is doing well! This kind of person should be kicked out of the territory!"

"Are they crazy? How dare they bring mutated plants into the territory? Don't they know how terrifying the mutated plants are outside?!"

"It's a good thing I got out, otherwise, when I think about living in the same territory with this kind of person, I feel uncomfortable..."


Because the door of the hospital is open, everyone can see the miserable appearance of those seriously injured or slightly injured. Instead of sympathizing with these alive and kicking people, it is better to sympathize with those who have almost lost an arm and broken legs. Two, almost disabled people.

None of them want to be these people, but as long as these black sheep stay in the territory for a day, they will have no peace, and they will not sleep at night with peace of mind.

... They dared to bring mutated plants that could kill people into their territory, how could this make them feel at ease?

But fortunately, they will leave the setting sun territory soon.

Seeing that they were locked in the small black room, and there were guards at the door to prevent them from escaping, everyone was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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