Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 341 Chapter 341 Double Natural Disasters 24

Chapter 341 341. Double Natural Disasters 24
However, there are also those who have a big "Holy Mother's Heart" who think that after all, there is no real death, so there is no need to deal with it like this.

"I think they also know that they are wrong, or let's forget about it..."

"Yeah, it's fine to keep them locked up for a few more days. Anyway, nothing really happened. Haven't all the mutated plants been cleaned up?"


In the eyes of these saints, although those people were injured, they were still alive, but if these people were driven out, there was really no way out.

People with these thoughts, it’s fine if they don’t speak out, but if they do, they will definitely be ridiculed by the people around them, and no one will even want to associate with these people in the future, and they will all be isolated.

Because most people are rational.

These people are able to take advantage of other people's lives for money, and almost put the entire territory in danger. Strangers like them are stupid to care about their lives!

Their lives matter, don't the lives of those who almost died matter?
Could it be that the safety of the entire territory is not as valuable as a few mutated plants?
Although no one died, they would not necessarily die if they were kicked out. Everyone was at a critical moment, and whether they could live or not depended on their ability. Isn't that fair?

All in all, Su You's handling method and the result of this incident won the approval of most people, and the residents of the territory even [-]% agreed with their lord's punishment.

Out of the last bit of benevolence, Su You did not drive them away today, because it was already night when the announcement was made, night, forest, double natural disasters... these three superimposed, there is really no way out.

Su You didn't want to be too extreme, she wasn't kind because she was kind, she did it for the reputation of the territory.

Don't look at the fact that almost everyone is clapping their hands and applauding. After a few days to calm down and sympathize with the weak's "kind heart", they will definitely feel that the territory is inhumane and want to force those people to death alive.

So these people who made mistakes were all locked up in the same place, and Su You arranged for someone to deliver them food and drink, and helped them pack all their things, so as not to make any more troubles.

Just wait until tomorrow morning, someone will send them out of the territory!



After a whole day of tossing around, and after everything had been dealt with, Su You learned from the shopkeeper of the inn that the person she asked him to help pay attention to had already checked into the inn this afternoon.

"Miss Jinluo lives in Room [-] on the third floor. As for the other lady named Jing Que that you mentioned, my lord, I have never met..." Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Su You couldn't help frowning.

It has been three full days since she recruited Jin Luo and Jing Que!
You must know that the recruits usually arrive within one day, and it will not exceed two days at the latest, but now because of natural disasters, it is not surprising that it has been delayed for three days, but if it is delayed, coupled with the surprise With a special status, Su You was always worried that something would happen.

"Where is the register that I asked you to bring?" Su You was a little unbelieving, she went directly to the shopkeeper of the post station and asked for the register of the post station.

Since three days ago, she turned over page by page, but she did not see the name 'Jing Magpie'.


"Do you have any impression of this person?" Su You pointed to a name called 'Qingque' in the corner, and looked up at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper frowned first, then quickly clapped his hands and said loudly: "I remember! I remember this person too much..."

The reason why the shopkeeper was so excited was very simple, because on the day this 'Qingque' came, there was a thief in the inn. At that time, this person directly arrested the person and delivered it to him with the (stolen) goods.

"This lady is really powerful, but after a few glances and a few more questions, she was able to catch the thief directly." Afterwards, both the shopkeeper and the victim who had been stolen wanted to thank, but Qing Que directly Back to the room, closed the door and disappeared.

She had done a good deed, and she was not a prisoner. Naturally, they couldn't force their way in just to see someone, so this matter was left alone.

"What else? When you saw Qingque, did you feel that there was something wrong?" In fact, when the shopkeeper talked about the thief, Su You had already confirmed her thoughts——Qingque was a frightened magpie. .

As for why a pseudonym is used, it is also very simple, because she is an assassin.

Assassin is such a high-risk occupation, few people will choose to use their real names when they go out, they all use code names.

The information displayed on the recruitment panel is the information given by the system, so naturally it cannot be the code name, so Jing Que is her real name, Qing Que is her pseudonym when she is away from home, or it may be her code name in the Assassin Organization.

"There's actually nothing wrong with it. She looks like a cold, not very talkative girl, but I didn't expect her to be a warm-hearted child..." The shopkeeper is close to 60 years old, and his children already have several children. It's a child, and it's not a problem to call Jing Que a young man in his twenties a child.

Su You arranged for him to be the shopkeeper of the inn. On the one hand, his initial loyalty value was very high, and he was honest and responsible, and he was in good health.

Most importantly, his whole family has also joined the sunset territory.

As long as they are willing to stay in the territory with their families, they are basically willing to live in the territory for a long time. Suyou will naturally be generous, and will give priority to choosing when arranging work.

The old shopkeeper also lived up to Su You's trust. He kept the inn in good order, and never asked questions about things that shouldn't be asked.

For example, now, as long as you are not a fool, you can understand that the person Su You is looking for should have changed his name, and this person is Qing Que, but he didn't ask why, but was responsible for telling Su You what he wanted to know.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. It's so late, you should go back and rest early." Although the average person in Sunset Continent dies at a hundred years old, he is indeed not young at this age, let alone it is still a natural disaster.

Su You expressed concern, and then the old shopkeeper left. Before leaving, Su You asked him to leave the register first.

Because of the use of a fake name, the shopkeeper has never found Qingque, so the register in Su You's hand is actually from the day before yesterday.

In other words, on the second day after Su You recruited Jing Magpie, she had already arrived at the territory.

Su You repeatedly confirmed the information on the register several times, and then formally equated the two names 'Qingque' and 'Jingmagpie' in her heart.

It can only be said that it is indeed a special npc. If Su You hadn't been extra careful and asked the shopkeeper to bring the register directly, she might not even be able to find this person!

 Thank you [Book Friend 20200402174608413] for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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