Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 342 Chapter 342 Double Natural Disasters 25

Chapter 342 342. Double Natural Disasters 25
Normally recruited people, unless there are special circumstances, such as Zen Moon, if they are not recruited within three days, they will leave directly.

Although it is the natural disaster period now, Jing Magpie is a special npc. Since the system allows her to recruit, it will definitely not allow her to be 'trapped' in this territory by natural disasters like Zen Yue. Otherwise, it will take a long time to recruit special npc. The difficulty is greatly reduced.

So even if there is a natural disaster, Jing Que will definitely leave after three to five days. Therefore, Su You must recruit Jing Que as soon as possible.

Because of the reason for the surprise arrival that she didn't discover in time after changing her name, she had already been delayed for two days, so she didn't have much time.


However, just when Su You was worrying about how to recruit Jing Que, and was already ready to talk to Jing Que tomorrow no matter what, and use special measures if necessary, a sudden scream in the middle of the night broke the tranquility of the territory.

Su You was woken up, but she didn't feel impatient, and didn't dare to waste any time. She hurriedly put on her coat and put on her rain gear, and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Lingbao was also woken up, but Su You didn't want to take it with her. She was afraid that there would be troubles if it went out at night, so after a few words of reassurance, the chubby white ball fell asleep again.

The place where the accident happened was the training ground of the territory.

The process of discovering the accident was that a person was a light sleeper. He heard some movement outside at night, so he went to the window to look. As a result, he saw the scene of 'corpses all over the field'... What happened after that didn't have to be Say more.

Although the real situation was not that exaggerated, it was almost the same, because there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the training ground, and so many corpses directly stained the ground of the training ground red.

Coupled with the fact that the acid rain kept falling, the sour smell of the acid rain was mixed with the smell of blood. For a while, there was an unspeakable stench near the training ground.

Even so, there are still many people who were woken up around the training ground.

They talked a lot, and it was obviously late at night, but it was as noisy as a bustling city during the day.

"Lake, send everyone back and let everyone sleep peacefully at night. The specific situation will be announced tomorrow morning." No matter what happened, it is not a problem to have so many people around here, and she also needs a quiet environment check the situation here
It is very helpless to say that it is obviously an ordinary 'simulation·management·infrastructure·sandbox' game, but because of what happened tonight, it abruptly changed the style of painting and became a 'horror·suspense·thriller· Bloody' game, she's a real headache.

The thought of making an announcement tomorrow and even sending those who made mistakes today out of the territory gave Su You even more headaches.

While arranging for Lake and the patrols to send everyone back to the room, they asked Duoya, who had heard the news, to help him find a person named Qing Que at the station, and told her to be careful and be safe.

Duoya seemed to understand something, so he didn't forget to bring his weapon when he left.

These corpses are all neatly dressed in black, with black silk covering their faces... Although they seem to have concealed their identities, it is basically impossible for them to dress like this except for assassins. an identity.

So what they did in disguise is better not to pretend...

Su You really doesn't understand that no matter where the assassins appear, they all have a paranoid attachment to night clothes.

Since it was the assassin, it must have something to do with Jing Que, so Jing Que had to call over.

It just so happened that Su You could also take this opportunity to meet Jing Que and get to know this person by the way.

Before Jing Que came over, Su You inspected these people——

【Man in black】

Affiliation: Unknown

HP: 0/800
Attack: unknown

Defense: Unknown

Status: dead

Introduction: [unable to view]


After checking four or five people in a row, except for the blood volume and status that can be seen, the rest of the information is hidden, and Su You can't get any information.

Although it was a bit regrettable, it was also expected. After all, the identity of the other party was destined to make it impossible for Su You to see the specific information.

Because these people have been exposed to acid rain, most of their clothes and even their flesh have already decayed at an accelerated rate. Although they have been moved to a square with rain-proof facilities by the patrol guards, the state of decay is irreversible, so a lot of information is still washed away with the acid rain. It was cleaned up.

The only thing Su You could find was a metal badge-like thing.

Just when she was about to examine the badge carefully, footsteps came from not far away. Looking up, Su You saw Duoya and a well-dressed young woman.

Not surprisingly, this person should be the special npc Su You was looking for, Jing Que.

"Nothing else happened, right?" Su You glanced at Jing Que, and didn't go up to ask Jing Que directly, but cared about Duoya's situation first.

Although Duoya's bow and arrow level has reached an advanced level in the recent training of killing mutant plants, while Jing Que's assassination level is only an intermediate bottleneck, but no matter what game, the assassins are often crispy like mage shooters Professional nemesis.

Leapfrog confrontation exists in professional restraint. Although it is difficult to cause a kill, the possibility of both sides being hurt is not small.

Duoya shook her head to indicate that she was fine, then glanced at the person next to her, and replied flatly, "We didn't do anything."

This was beyond Su You's expectation.

But it's a good thing not to do anything, now is not the time to talk about other things, Su You didn't hide it, and asked Jing Que directly if she knew these people and if she killed them.

She didn't want to be so direct, but with the vigilance of an assassin, even if she asked something else, she wouldn't necessarily answer. If she beat around the bush, she was also worried that the other party would get impatient and just walk away.

So it's better to be direct, to figure out what happened tonight first.

"Yes, I killed it." Jing Que cooperated unexpectedly, but she was also as the old shopkeeper said, completely indifferent.

Whatever Su You asked, she answered whatever she asked, and when she admitted that she killed herself, her tone was flat, as if what lay here were not human beings, but cabbages and radishes.

Her unusual attitude made Duoya couldn't help frowning slightly, because she didn't like this attitude of treating human life like nothing, but Duoya also knew that she didn't understand the hidden truth.

She can have her own ideas, but she is not the person involved, so she has no right to accuse Jing Que. She knows that the victim is not the only one who seems to be poor.

Besides, she can also see that these people on the ground are not good things...

(End of this chapter)

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