Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 347 Chapter 347 Double Natural Disasters 30

So the 'adoption' here is barely real, but it must be a fake if it is adopted by the roadside.

Unless the Dark Star Organization's definition of 'roadside' is the entire Sunset Continent.

When Su You finished speaking, she also received a prompt from the system——

[Successfully triggered the special npc 'Shocking Magpie' plot, plot progress: 33%]

It's just that the plot has just been triggered, and one-third of the progress has already been made. It seems like a lot, but it is not.

Because in most cases, in the plots of special npcs, the background story can generally account for more than half of the proportion, and Su You has learned all the plots from Jing Que, but the progress is only one-third, which is almost impossible. too slow!

However, this can also explain the difficulty of the plot line of Jing Que...


The sudden laughter interrupted Su You's thoughts, she looked up, and saw that Jing Que turned from anger to laughter, and the laughter became louder and louder, and her expression also appeared a little ferocious.

It was as if she had been greatly stimulated, but was restrained by a ferocious beast, and could only vent her emotions by roaring.

"My lord..." Duoya looked at Su You who was about to get close to Jing Que, his eyes were full of disapproval.

Su You frowned, feeling a little uneasy in her heart... She always felt that she seemed to be missing something.

Logically speaking, even if Jing Que was stimulated, it shouldn't become what it is now.

Although she didn't have much contact with her, since Jing Que was able to get to where she is today, to become a first-class assassin in the Dark Star organization, and to steal the most important list of the assassin organization, she must be a smart, calm and rational person. people.

It is impossible for such a person to be stimulated to go crazy just because he "recognizes the thief as his father".

After all, she has already arranged everything, stole the list, escaped from the Dark Star organization, and finally only needs to hand over the list to the hostile organization, and then she can achieve perfect revenge.

Although after the revenge is successful, the lost will not come back, but you can also let go of the burden in your heart and start your life again...

Unless, something else happened, and this incident stimulated Jing Que far more than her act of admitting the thief as her father... But what kind of thing could be deeper than the hatred of the Tu family?
Su You couldn't think of a clue for the time being, but she couldn't let Jing Que continue like this, so she could only comfort her first, then forcibly changed the subject, and took out the things she picked up from those black-clothed assassins yesterday.

"Is this the badge of the Dark Star Organization?" Su You took out the metal badge from yesterday and presented it to Jing Que.

At this time, Jing Que had calmed down a little bit. Although his hands were still clenched, they were not as strong as before, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

She froze for a while, then looked down at the badge...

"No, this is not the mark of the Dark Star Organization..." Jing Que took the badge mark, looked back and forth, and then became a little dazed again, the hand holding the badge suddenly lost strength, and the badge fell to the ground with a crisp sound the sound of.

Just when Su You was about to bend down to pick up the badge, she heard an inaudible whisper——

"Again... wrong kill..."

Su You raised her head abruptly, and saw Jing Que with her eyes closed tightly, and her clothes stained red by the oozing blood.



Su You left the room with a solemn expression, holding a prototype badge the size of a gold coin in her hand.

Only she came out alone, and Duoya stayed in the room to take care of Jing Que who fainted.

To be honest, Su You was really taken aback when she saw Jing Que's eyes closed tightly, especially the wound on her body burst open because of her emotional agitation just now, blood soaked her clothes, it looked terrible.

But fortunately, after checking the status of the startled magpie, she found that she just passed out because of emotional agitation, and nothing else happened.

"Lord, why did you come out alone, what about the two of them?" Vivian raised her head and saw Su You coming out of the room, and asked subconsciously.

Su You put away the badge in her hand, and said, "Her wound was opened and she passed out. Go in and have a look now."

Now it was Vivienne's turn to make a bad face.

"This one or two..." She took a deep breath, and subconsciously wanted to throw out the things in her hands, but when she found that the things in her hands were herbs, she had to grit her teeth and put them back on the table, "This one If you don’t want to die, what else can I save!”

Because she was full of anger and had no place to vent her anger, Vivienne could only stare fiercely at the people next to her with corroded and injured arms.

Several big men feel that they are a little innocent, because they obviously did nothing...

But in the face of the angry young girl, even if they didn't do anything, they didn't dare to fart now, they could only pretend to be stupid and apologize, for fear that because of one of their actions, this little ancestor would not help him heal again.

"I'll go in and have a look, my lord, please ask them!" She has just given preliminary treatment to these people, and has already applied ointment to the heavily corroded wounds. Not on her.

Saying that, Vivienne walked towards the room that Su You had just come out of, and when she was about to open the door, she turned her head and smiled at those people: "Remember, answer every question, don't let me know that you are lying or hiding something. .”

Several injured people trembled all over, and then nodded quickly: "I, we must know everything, and we will tell you everything... we will tell you everything!"

Vivian snorted, then opened and closed the door, and entered the room.

Su You knocked on the table to attract their attention, and then sat in front of them. This posture looked like a prisoner interrogation.

Although they were not criminals and they didn't like being interrogated like this, but because of Vivian's threat, they could only obey obediently.

Otherwise, their hand would have to be chopped off!
"I'll ask, you answer, no hesitation is allowed, as long as I see you hesitate, I will let Vivienne drive you out." With the handle, Su You can control these people with ease.

"Your names, your relationship with each other, and the time you met each other, you can answer." Su You pointed to a person, and quickly asked the questions she wanted to know.

"I'm Chen Yi, and the two of them are Chen Er and Chen San. The three of us used to live in the same village. The village had no future, so we left the village. We wanted to have a helper when we went out, so there were only three of us. Let’s go together, no matter where we go.”

Chen Yi, who was tapped, still remembered what Su You said before without hesitation, so after hearing Su You's question, he immediately answered without any hesitation at all.

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