Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 348 Chapter 348 Double Natural Disasters 31

Okay, a very simple name, Su You is very satisfied.

Seeing Su You's satisfaction, Chen Yi, who didn't even dare to breathe, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Er and Chen San beside him were not so nervous anymore.

But before they could relax for a few seconds, Su You pointed another person and asked, "Chen San, please tell me where and how you got this injury."

Chen San's head went down for a few seconds, and then seeing Su You's half-smile expression, he quickly answered: "It's just to the east of the territory, there is a redwood tree in the east, and there is a cave on the left side of the redwood forest. Monster, this wound was caused when that monster attacked us!"

Like Chen Yi, Chen San also finished speaking such a long paragraph without panting, and after finishing speaking, as if to make up for his previous stunned for a few seconds, he even confessed his mistake to Su You with a mournful face.

Chen San: "I didn't mean to be in a daze just now, I didn't expect that the next person to answer the question would be me..." Shouldn't the order under normal circumstances be 'one, two, three'?

Why doesn't this person play his cards according to the routine!

Of course, Chen San definitely wouldn't say these words directly, but that's what he meant anyway.

Su You didn't think about it at first, but seeing that he was so nervous, she couldn't help but want to pick him to answer the question again, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it, and finally chose Chen Er, the only one who hadn't spoken yet. .

Su You: "Since you are injured and you know there are monsters in the cave, then you must have entered the cave, right?"

The three nodded in agreement.

Su You looked at Chen Er, indicating that he would answer next: "What did you do after entering the cave, why did that monster attack you?"

Hearing this question, all three of them were breathless. Even though Su You had said before that he couldn't hesitate, Chen Er still didn't speak for a long time, and even the other two people beside him didn't intend to speak.

Su You was not in a hurry, but she just made a gesture of getting ready to stand up, and the three of them immediately became nervous.

"Don't! I'll say it, I'll tell it!" Chen Yi reacted quickly, immediately stopped Su You, and was about to answer the question she just asked.

Although they really didn't want to answer this question, for the past few days, they had to endure the pain from their hands as if they were being burned by flames every night. This torture made them go crazy!

The territory is not without doctors, but they have found many doctors, they are all helpless, and said they only have the last three days to treat the arm.

If they haven't found a way to heal the arm within three days, they can only chop off the arm, otherwise the corrosive toxin on the arm will spread to the whole body... At that time, it will really be the gods who came to save them no.

They don't want to lose a hand, let alone die, so their only option is to come and beg Vivian to save them.

"Okay, tell me." Su You didn't plan to press too hard. Appropriate threats can make them tell the truth, but if they go too far, it won't be good for the three of them to break the can.

They saw that Su You sat back again, and before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they heard Su You add another sentence: "This is your last chance, I hope you know that as long as people are good, there will be everything in the future. But if the hand is gone, there will never be a chance to regret it.”

Su You could already guess what they were hiding.

She had even guessed the identity of the monster they were talking about - the leader of the natural disaster!
Su You went to the place they just mentioned when exploring the map before, and even many people went there to explore afterwards, but neither she nor those people saw any caves, let alone any monsters.

So this cave and monster must have been refreshed during the natural disaster, so Su You couldn't think of another possibility for its identity other than the leader of the natural disaster.

And something that can make people so hesitant, even if they endure torture, must be a treasure of great value, so it is obvious what these three people have experienced.

What Su You said is actually very reasonable. No matter how valuable something is, it is far less important than life. Even if they take away something worth tens of thousands of gold or even tens of millions of gold, it will be gone if they lose their hands. It is impossible to take it back, otherwise They wouldn't beg grandpa to sue grandma.

"We understand we understand... Xiao Er, tell me quickly!" Chen Yi pushed the person next to him with his uninjured hand, signaling him not to hide anymore.

Chen Er was not reconciled, but the two brothers next to him had obviously 'surrendered', and after thinking about it, he felt that although the thing was valuable, it must be used for money...

After thinking it over, Chen Er closed his eyes, opened his mouth and told the whole story of what they had done.

Chen Er: "That's right, you guessed it right, we did enter that cave... We didn't have the guts to look outside at first, but the three of us observed it for two days and there was nothing big inside." Movements, and we also figured out a rule, that monster sleeps every day, and it sleeps at regular times, so we wondered if we could go in and have a look..."

As for what to go in to see, it must be to find out if there are any treasures.

To be honest, Su You felt that although these three people were greedy, they were really courageous. They knew that there was a risk of losing their lives, but they risked their lives for an unknown treasure that might not exist at all.

"Continue." She glanced at the three people who were carefully observing their expressions, and the three of them quickly looked away in fright.

Chen Er recalled it for a while, and then continued: "The monster usually wakes up at eight o'clock in the morning and takes a lunch break in the afternoon, but we found that it sleeps lightly during the lunch break and is easily awakened, so we left at five o'clock in the morning for safety's sake. Territory..."

Five o'clock is actually very early. If it is earlier, the forest will be quite dangerous, and it is still during the duration of the double natural disasters.

"I was afraid that the time would be too late, so we all ran over there, because we calculated the time, so when we got there, the monster was still sleeping!" They all came, no matter how nervous and scared they were, It's impossible to stop halfway, so they bravely prepared to enter the cave.

Three people, two people went in to explore, and one person responded outside.

When he said this, Chen Er was a little excited, and his voice became louder with his emotions: "When the third child and I went in, the monster was indeed sleeping, and its back was facing us!"

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