Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 349 Chapter 349 Double Natural Disasters 32

Chapter 349 349. Double Natural Disasters 32
"Although it's very dark inside, the two of us still saw more than a dozen treasure chests piled up next to the monster!"

More than a dozen treasure chests!
Good guy, what you said made Su You feel a little moved.

And looking at Chen Er's appearance, it shouldn't be over yet...

Sure enough, Chen Er said that besides a dozen treasure chests, there were piles of large and small piles of gold, silver and jewels beside the treasure chests, and there were even precious stones and gold mines.

Most importantly, they also discovered that the cave where the monster lived was itself a treasure trove!
"The cave where the monster lives is actually a stalactite cave. Although the two of us have little knowledge, we can see that there are more than a dozen 'mature' stalagmites in that cave! And there are more...More than... We also saw There are two flowers that look like jade carvings..."

"Although I don't know what that jade carving is, but it looks so good, it must be a treasure!"

Su You: "!!!" Hearing this, even Su You, who was once a great city lord and has seen countless treasures, couldn't help but perform a pupil earthquake on the spot.

However, it wasn't the 'jade carving' that made her pupils tremble, but something else.

"Did you pay attention to whether there are small puddles around the flower? Or did you hear the sound of dripping water?" The real name of this 'Jade Carving Flower' is 'Stone Milk Flower'. It has a warm appearance and cold tentacles. Similar, so there is nothing wrong with jade carvings.

Stone milk flowers are auxiliary materials, and there are many things that can be made. The most important thing is that they can be used as medicinal materials to make many top-level medicines. Therefore, stone milk flowers are indeed high-quality treasures.

However, if there are "water puddles" around the place where stalactites grow, then the value of these water puddles is far beyond what stalactites can match.

The liquid that will form around the stalactite flower is only the thousand-year stone emulsion. To describe its preciousness in one sentence, its quality is 'red'.

You must know that red-quality raw materials and red-quality finished products have completely different meanings. Red-quality materials can produce golden-quality props, so the value of this millennium stone emulsion can be seen.

No kidding, if Chen Er told Su You that there really was a thousand-year-old stone emulsion, then she would definitely call for someone to slaughter the natural disaster leader immediately.

But unfortunately, Chen Er did not give an accurate answer.

Chen Er is not an idiot either. Seeing that Su You deliberately asked the question alone, he can guess that the thing she mentioned should be of great value.

It's a pity that he and Chen San were so nervous when they entered the cave. After seeing the treasure, they only had those golden jewels in their eyes. Naturally, it is impossible to take these things of unknown value.

It's okay if it's worth money, but if it's not worth money, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?
"This... our eyelids are shallow, and our eyeballs are almost glued to them when we see those gold, silver and jewels. How can we have the heart to look at other things..." Chen Er was telling the truth. Liquid, and no puddles.

"Third brother, do you have any impression?" Chen Er was afraid that Su You would think he was lying, so he quickly asked Chen San to speak for him.

It's a pity that Chen San also scratched his head, with a confused expression on his face: "Second brother, it's useless for you to call me. You also know that I am night blind. After entering the cave, the lights are dark. If you didn't take me with you, I would almost have died." If you fell to your death, how could you still see puddles and puddles?"

At five o'clock, it was still dark, and the cave was still relatively deep. Even in broad daylight, the light could not shine inside at all.

They were also worried that the light source would wake up the monsters, so they didn't even dare to bring a flame, so when Chen San was in the cave, his eyes were completely black and he couldn't see anything.

Chen Er was speechless, obviously he just remembered that Chen San had such a problem.

"Okay, I trust you." The main reason is that there is no need for the two of them to lie. The thousand-year-old stone emulsion is indeed rare, and they don't recognize it. Naturally, it is impossible to collect it on purpose.

And it's liquid, and it can't be taken away without a container, and it is easy to attract the attention of monsters if it is collected forcibly.

If there is really a thousand-year-old stone emulsion, then there is a high probability that it is still in the cave, and she can collect it as long as she kills the leader of the natural disaster.

But if not... She is not at a loss!
That's more than a dozen treasure chests plus two stalactites, and more than a dozen stalagmites!
Needless to say, the value of the treasure chest in the wild, stalagmites are also blue-quality materials, which can be used as weapons and armor, and can even be used to engrave high-level runes!
Su You suppressed the excitement in her heart and gradually calmed down.

"Okay, let's continue." After calming down as quickly as possible, Su You stared at Chen Er and motioned him to continue.

"Continue to what?" Chen Er was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

say what?Hasn't he already said it all?

He saw Su You beckoning him to bow his head, and as soon as Chen Er lowered his head, he saw his wrapped carrot-like hands.

Oh, it's asking how they got hurt!
"Do you want to know how this wound was done?"

Su You nodded: "Otherwise?"

Su You has already figured it out, whether there is Millennium Stone Emulsion or not, she will go to kill the leader of the natural disaster, not only because of the treasure in the entire cave, but also for the system mission.

Although the system did not clearly state what would be given to kill the boss of the natural disaster, but according to her understanding of the system during this period of time, as long as it has been prompted to do things, as long as it is done, as long as it succeeds, it will provide rewards, and it will not be stingy .

Of course, another reason is that Su You also hopes that the natural disaster will end soon. Although the existence of natural disasters can provide a lot of resources, it will also reduce the development space of the territory.

She also has a selected recruitment card that she has been afraid to use... and she has already discussed with Zenyue, and her reward card is waiting to be used after the natural disaster is over.

As long as the reward card is used and the process of finding clues is smooth, Zenyue will join the Sunset Territory, but the Sunset Territory must help her find the person who hunted down her family.

With so many things involved, Su You really wished that the leader of the natural disaster would die suddenly on the spot.

"The injury to our arm was not caused that morning... It is because of our own greed. In fact, we have successfully taken away a lot of gold in the morning, but there are still a lot of gold over there. We couldn't hold back, so we went again at noon. A trip..."

With the harvest in the morning, they naturally hoped to take some more things back at noon, so the three of them entered the cave.

 Thank you 【桃依】for your reward.

  Thank you [It's Gu Yi] for your reward*2.

(End of this chapter)

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