Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 359 Chapter 359 Double Natural Disasters 42

Chapter 359 359. Double Natural Disasters 42

It seems that everything is ready, but Su You is still not at ease.

Because she has never seen the Scourge leader in person, she doesn't know any accurate data about the Scourge leader, the only thing she knows is that it attacks with a cloud of black corrosive slime.

If there is no way to solve the damage caused by this slime, then she doesn't need to know other information, this attack characteristic alone is enough to stump them.

But there are three "cases" of Chen, Chen, Chen, Chen, Chen, and San, so cracking the corrosion attack of the natural disaster leader is not without direction.

Under Vivienne's treatment, the three of them are currently in good condition. The rotten flesh on their hands has been cleaned up, and new tender flesh has begun to grow from deep bone wounds, and the corroded superficial skin around them has also disappeared. Start to molt and regenerate.

Vivienne extracted the black corrosive slime left on their hands and conducted research, and then used the previously purified white scale powder as raw materials for preparation and production. At present, the first version of the anti-corrosion potion and the potion for treating corrosive wounds have been released. Production is complete.

According to the effect, after drinking this version of the anti-corrosion potion, people can be directly immune to the corrosion of acid rain for a certain period of time, but the time is very short, but it is still considered a breakthrough.

The potion for treating corrosion has basically reached the perfect formula, but Chen Yi's wounds have been delayed for too long, so the progress of the treatment is very slow.

But if the wound can be treated with medicine immediately, the damage can be minimized and further corrosion can be prevented.

The most difficult part of compounding medicine is the first step. As long as you take the first step and make the medicine correctly, the subsequent improvement will be easier and smoother.

But the time here is a bit unbearable, because the corrosiveness of acid rain continues to increase, and the effect of the building protection layer made of blue mud is gradually decreasing. From the original three-day consumption of a batch, it has become a daily consumption of a batch.

It's not that there is not enough blue mud, because there are really a lot of blue mud. The main problem now is the lack of manpower.

No matter how many raw materials there are, someone must be able to use them!
The construction team established by Ain currently has only eight people, and can only complete half of the protective layer construction of the entire territory in one day. The original replacement frequency of three days is actually just right, but if it is replaced once a day, then half must be completed. The building will be severely damaged.

Although the construction team can solve the problem of shortage of manpower by recruiting people, it is not a cure for the symptoms. If the corrosiveness of acid rain is further enhanced, then even if the entire territory participates in the restoration, it will not help.

So what Su You needs to do is to kill the leader of the natural disaster and end the natural disaster early. This is the most correct way to deal with it.

Therefore, she doesn't have much time to wait for Vivienne to make a potion that can completely resist the corrosion attack of the leader of the natural disaster, unless Vivian's inspiration explodes and she thinks of a way to improve the anti-corrosion potion in advance...

But if there is no corresponding powerful anti-corrosion potion, killing the leader of the natural disaster will become a very difficult task.

In desperation, Su You could only go to the cave of the natural disaster leader in person, in order to find out more detailed information and see if there were any other breakthroughs. Kill the monsters here.


The second time the reconnaissance team was led by Su You, because they had already been here once before, and they also conducted a detailed inspection of the surrounding area, so they found a safe shortcut without any mutated plants.

Walking this way, they shortened the time by one-third to reach the destination. One person in the team drank the potion of agility and attracted the leader of the natural disaster just like yesterday, allowing Su You to see the true face of the leader of the natural disaster. She was also given time to review the information.

[Natural Disaster Leader · Source of Pollution · Clone]

HP: 500000/500000
Attack: 1100
Defense: 450
Introduction: The source of pollution is all the pollutants in the forest. With the increase of pollutants, the environment of the forest is destroyed, and the natural atmosphere gradually dissipates. Therefore, in a dark corner, a collection of all pollution Monsters are gradually born...

[Black slime]: The source of pollution uses black slime to attack, and the effect of black slime is corrosion.

[Yellow slime]: The source of pollution uses yellow slime to attack, what is the effect of yellow slime? ? (not unlocked)
[Green slime]: The source of pollution uses green slime to attack, what is the effect of green slime? ? (not unlocked)
[Colorful slime]: The source of pollution uses colored slime to attack. What is the effect of the colored slime? ? (not unlocked)

50 million HP!
Su You fell into a brief silence as she looked at the luxurious data of the natural disaster leader.

You must know that the sea monster with only 29 remaining blood was beaten to death. If it wasn't for Luya's help, something big would happen.

However, because it was Luya who helped kill the sea monster, Su You didn't get any rewards from the system, and what she got was only the items dropped by the sea monster.

Now the Calamity Leader's blood volume is almost twice that of the Siren, and his attack power and defense are not bad at all. He even has one more skill than the Siren, and these four are all active skills!
Because the current location is not suitable, Su You first saved the information she saw, and then prepared to leave. After returning to the territory, she will study the information of the natural disaster leader.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! There are monsters!"

Just when Su You was about to call everyone back, she suddenly heard a miserable cry not far away, followed by a somewhat familiar sound.

'Hiss—snap—! '

It was as if something was slapping the ground, echoing in everyone's ears, and then, a person ran back in a panic.

He shouted at everyone as he ran, "Run! There's a monster! It's a big snake! It's really big!"

Because it was covered by the rain gear, everyone couldn't see this person's appearance or his condition, but they could also recognize him as a person from the territory, someone who came with them, and the panic in his tone. It seems to be fake.

Everyone was a little panicked, even Su You was glad for a moment that she brought enough combat power when she went out today... But within a few seconds, she felt a strange feeling in her heart...


Could it be the one she knew? !

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Su You was going to take everyone away from here first, because even the black snake that was almost killed by Meke, she couldn't guarantee that it would not attack them 100%.

(End of this chapter)

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