Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 360 Chapter 360 Double Natural Disasters 43

Chapter 360 360. Double Natural Disasters 43
After leaving that direction, Su You immediately asked the person who saw the big snake.

"Where did you see the snake? Did it attack you? What color is that snake?" A series of questions directly confused the person who was already frightened, and finally someone next to him reminded him Only then came back to God.

He took a few deep breaths, and then answered Su You's questions one by one.

"It was near the place where we were collecting sandstone. I was going there to pick up the tools that fell yesterday, but when I was taking the tools, I saw a tail hanging from the tree..." That tail alone was already bigger than him. The whole person was going to be thick, and he didn't dare to imagine what the real size of this big snake looked like.

When he said this, the man shivered, as if he hadn't recovered from the scary scene just now.

"It may, maybe it didn't see me, so it didn't attack me... But, but I accidentally caught its attention when I was running away, and then it chased me..."

After all, he was not careful. If he hadn't accidentally stepped on a dead leaf when he was running away, he wouldn't have made a sound, let alone let the big snake find him.

It can only be said that whenever something goes wrong in the forest, branches and dead leaves will always be one of the supporting roles.

"What about the color of the big snake? Have you seen it?" In this forest, black snakes are relatively rare, most of them are brown or brown and blue, especially the black snake is the leader of the beast.

Just like in ancient times, to avoid suspicion cannot have the same name or surname as the emperor, within the management range of the leader beast, in order to 'avoid suspicion', black snakes generally do not appear in this area.

In other words, if this person saw a big black snake, there was basically a [-]% probability that it was the one Su You knew.

"I'll think about it..." He was thinking about it, but because he was really scared just now, he had seen the tail of the big snake and knew the color of the big snake, but he just couldn't remember it.

Seeing this, Su You didn't force it, because she already felt that something was coming.


There was a 'hissing' sound with a certain frequency, which was either the sound of the big snake spitting out a message, or the movement made by its body rubbing against the ground when it moved fast.

But no matter which one it is, it can prove that the big snake is approaching.

From an angle that everyone couldn't see, the black snake hanging upside down on the big tree looked at the humans surrounded in the center, and the killing intent in his heart faded a little.

It thought for a while, but in the end it still didn't appear, but left directly.

But Su You and his party heard the snake's voice first approaching and then gradually moving away. While they were puzzled in their hearts, they couldn't help feeling a little bit called "survival after catastrophe".

"Go back, be careful on the road, don't step on anything." Su You basically decided that the big snake should be the black snake.

If she heard correctly just now, the sound should have come from above her head, which meant that the snake was on the trees near them.

With such a close distance, if it really wants to make a move, there is no need to hesitate at all.

And since it came over, it must want to do something, otherwise there is no need to come over.

Although Su You brought combat power, she didn't bring everyone. After all, she didn't expect to meet other creatures, so the magicians like Mekyouai were not there.

Without a magician, the big snake would not be threatened in any way...but it left without doing anything.

Su You didn't expect that other snakes would be so 'tolerant' to them.



Returning to the territory safely, nothing happened on the way. Su You processed the newly received recruitment information, then returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and began to study the information of the natural disaster leader.

The blood volume is 50. In fact, it is more or less. The blood volume of a monster is not the most critical data to determine the difficulty. It is generally attack, defense, and skills that determine the difficulty.

The attack power of 450 and the defense power of 29 are similar to the previous Kraken. The previous Kraken could be killed with [-] people, but it would cause heavy losses, so Su You gave up.

And this time to kill the leader of the natural disaster, she planned to bring fifty people.

Without considering the strength of the four skills of the natural disaster leader, fifty people are definitely enough.

The four skills of the Scourge boss are slimes of four different colors, among which black slime represents corrosion, while yellow, green and colored should represent the other three different effects.

Su You can think of many negative effects like corrosion.

For example, the three kinds of continuous damage mentioned before, bleeding, poisoning and burning, but there are also many negative states that do not cause blood loss, such as deceleration, silence, imprisonment and so on.

However, burning and bleeding obviously have nothing to do with mucus, so in Su You's historical experience, the only things that can be connected with mucus are poisoning, deceleration, imprisonment, and silence...

After some analysis, Su You listed the effects of the four kinds of slime.

Black slime corrupts, yellow slime slows, green slime poisons, and colored slime imprisons or silences.

Of course, this is just speculation.

The reason why there is a one-to-one correspondence is that in the status bar, the negative status of deceleration happens to be yellow, and the negative status of poisoning happens to be green.

Although it may be a coincidence, Su You still lists them like this for the time being.

As for the colored slime, Su You thinks that it is most likely not imprisoned or silent, but other than the imprisoned silent, there is another possibility that she can think of is that 'colored slime has all the effects of the other three kinds of slime'.

After all, color includes all colors.

In other words, touching the colored slime will not only cause corrosion and poisoning, but also slow down, and may even cause more other negative states.

These are all possible, but it will have to wait until the real fight starts, and she will find a way to do an experiment.

In addition to the effect of the skill, Su You also made a preliminary guess about the release rule of the skill.

Under normal circumstances, there are many kinds of skill release rules, and there are only two types that apply to the boss of natural disasters. One is that these slimes need to meet certain conditions before they can be released, such as how many times it is attacked, how much damage it is caused, and it will be used once. Skill.

Another situation is that every once in a while, the leader of the natural disaster will randomly use a skill, that is, randomly use a color of slime to attack.

The difference between the two is that damage is difficult to calculate and control due to various factors, but time is eternal.

(End of this chapter)

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