Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 365 Chapter 365 Double Natural Disasters 48

Chapter 365 365. Double Natural Disasters 48
[Special Equipment · Serpent Ring] (bound, cannot be lost)

Quality: None
Category: special

Number of uses: 5/5 (use up to three times a day, disappear after the number of uses is 0)
Attributes: Poison Resistance +99.9%, Corrosion Resistance +99.9%, Slow Resistance +99.9%, Healing Effect +999.9%
Introduction: You have enlisted the help of the Chief Beast, who will obey your orders, but your opportunities are limited.

Serpent's Tooth (Active Skill): It can cause huge damage to the current target. When the attack target is a leader-level creature, the damage will be locked.


The appearance of the Serpent's Ring can be said to be a surprise for Su You.

Originally, she was still thinking about how Black Snake would assist her in killing the leader of the natural disaster, but she did not expect that the system would directly 'turn' Black Snake into a piece of equipment, a special piece of equipment with active skills that she could use at any time.

With this equipment, Su You didn't need to make special arrangements for the Black Snake at all, arranging when and where it would attack.

Of course, the attributes provided by this special equipment are also absolutely top-notch.

If it is not biologically changing equipment and has no quality level, then this giant serpent ring is definitely golden quality equipment.

99.9% resistance to toxins, corrosion, and deceleration. It can be said that Suyou is almost immune to poison, corrosion, and deceleration. It is estimated that this is a kind of protection for the leader player by the system, and it is also the choice of the leader player. A mechanism for cooperation.

And the healing effect +999.9% is also to protect the leader player, so that even if Su You drinks a primary healing potion, she will be full of blood instantly.

As for why the resistance is 99.9% instead of 100%, Su You can also guess the reason, because once the resistance reaches 100%, there will be a special style of play-she can replace other people to resist the attack of slime.

100% resistance means that it is completely immune to negative effects in this regard, so when the Scourge boss uses slime attacks, she stands at the forefront and can directly help block all slime attacks.

This is obviously unreasonable, so the resistance can only be 99.9%, not 100%.

As long as it is not 100%, with the fragile body of the leader player, they will lose the ability to do so, and will also lose the courage to do so.


"Lord, everyone is ready." There were four people who came to report the news, namely Leisen, Lyle, Duoya, and Vivian.

Su You's strength alone is limited. If she manages [-] people, and manages [-] people in a combat situation, she will definitely have no time to take care of certain situations, so she divides [-] people into four teams.

The four teams are-

The warrior team responsible for carrying the damage, the captain is a middle-aged man with advanced warrior skills, defensive skills and a purple quality shield. His name is Lei Sen.

For a melee attack team like Lyle with high output but no damage resistance, the captain is Lyle.

The long-range attack team including Duoya has the largest number of people, more than [-], so there are two captains, namely Meke and Duoya.

The last one is the treatment logistics team, the captain is Vivienne.

Everything was ready, Su You glanced at the black bracelet on her wrist, and then led everyone into the cave.

Because everyone had already stayed here for a morning yesterday, and fought several times with the leader of the natural disaster. Although they were not familiar with it, they were not unfamiliar. At least when they came here today, everyone was not panicked like yesterday, and even very excited and excited.

According to yesterday's formation, Su You is going to try it out first. After all, there are only five chances to use the Serpent's Ring, so she can't use it casually.

Just like yesterday, everyone did it directly. Every 3 minutes, Su You would remind everyone to pay attention to avoiding the slime attack every 40 minutes. In this way, the blood volume of the natural disaster leader slowly dropped to [-].

Everything went smoothly, but soon Su You discovered a problem—that is, they didn't have enough footholds.

Originally, the inside of the cave was not big, and with the mucus all over the floor, the mucus would not disappear, so there were fewer and fewer places for them to stand.

And this problem was actually encountered yesterday. Su You’s solution is to get everyone to stand together, because the natural disaster leader’s use of skills is not aimless attacks, but will randomly name one or several people , then throws slime at their current location.

If everyone gathers, the people who are called must be in the same position. In this way, although the leader of the natural disaster will not only throw a ball of slime, but will gather all the slime in one place, which is better than everyone standing apart. The result is that the slime is like a goddess The situation of scattered flowers is much better.

It's a pity that this method seems to be quite effective at first, but as time goes by, even though the mucus is concentrated in one ball every time, it still quickly covers the entire interior of the cave. In desperation, Su You We can only retreat.

Retreat refers to retreating to the outside of the cave, because after leaving the cave, you are out of the battle. After everyone leaves the battle, the disaster boss inside will recover, and the battle field will be refreshed, and the slime on the ground will be all disappear.

This must be unreasonable in the eyes of normal people, but these fifty people would not find it strange. They just stayed quietly at the entrance of the cave with a canopy, thinking about how to deal with this monster.

"This won't work. This monster is too hard to kill, and it keeps throwing slime, and there is no place to stand. I almost stepped on it just now without noticing."

"Have you noticed that it seems that the fighter group and the melee group have never been thrown mucus?"

"What's weird about that, is it necessary to throw slime at such a close distance? And you don't think that throwing slime at such a close distance is a bit like everywhere..."

"Ouch...don't say it, I'm disgusting..."

"If only this slime would go away..."


Because they just fought once, although everyone didn't try their best under Su You's signal, the hour-long battle still made everyone a little tired, so Su You asked them to take a good rest first.

These people drank water, ate, and chatted, and they didn't feel depressed because of the failure just now.

When they were resting, Su You was not idle, she readjusted everyone's positions...

She has heard the conversations of these people just now, and she also discovered yesterday that the slime skill roll does not touch the melee combat problem, but this is not a big deal, because the roll call mechanism of some skills is like this, divided into melee and long range, divided into number of people , which is not surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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