Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 366 Chapter 366 Double Natural Disasters 49

Chapter 366 366. Double Natural Disasters 49
The most important question now is how to deal 25 damage before the slime covers the cave.

But from the current point of view, this is obviously impossible, because no matter how much you control and adjust the position, one and a half hours, nine to ten minutes, a total of 10 slime skills are enough to cover the cave.

But in one and a half hours, they can only deal 15 damage at most, even if they try their best, they can only deal 25 to 10 damage at most, and it will take at least four to [-] minutes to reach [-].

And in [-] minutes, the leader of the natural disaster can release almost [-] skills. The gap is too big, and it cannot be achieved simply by her controlling the variables.


Unless, as the person said just now, the mucus disappears, then this problem does not exist...

For some reason, after having this idea, Su You felt that there seemed to be a mistake in her thinking all along.

She had an idea in her heart, so after resting for about 15 minutes, Su You asked everyone to try again.

This time, she asked everyone to drink the best of all the potion runes she was carrying, and also asked the bard to start playing.

The role of the bard here is that he can add various buffs to his teammates according to the different tunes he plays, including but not limited to attack power bonus, defense bonus, speed bonus and so on.

This bard's ability is not weak, and he is one of the few men on the mainland, maybe even the only man who has cooperated with the mermaid while singing with the siren!

For human beings, such an experience is an 'adventure', and the benefit of this adventure to the bard is that originally his talent for temperament was only 75, but when Su You saw him last time, his talent for rhythm changed. Became 83!

Since it is a talent, it must be born, and it is almost impossible to change the day after tomorrow, but he did it, this is the benefit of the adventure.

After several tunes with different tunes, but the commonality is that they are all very pleasant tunes, everyone has five more buff states on their bodies.

[Break Array]: Increase own attack power by 5%, last for one hour.

[Xiaoxiangyu]: Increases own defense by 10%, lasts for one hour.

[Clear Water Yoyo]: Increases the movement speed of oneself by 20 points, which lasts for one hour.

[Cold Frost]: Increases own critical strike rate by 5%, lasting for half an hour.

[Remnant Song Mermaid Song]: Each time it attacks, there is a 5% chance to cause an additional water attribute magic damage, which lasts for half an hour.


Five songs, corresponding to five different buff states, although the added attributes are not many, but the important thing is that this is a group buff, that is to say, 51 people present... or [-] people, including Su You, Everyone has these five buffs.

The profession of bard seems ordinary, but in fact, a bard with high strength is a walking "humanoid halo machine", which can not only give positive buffs to teammates, but also negative debuffs to enemies.

The first four buffs, such as Breaking Formation and Xiaoxiang Rain, are relatively common music scores on the mainland. Generally, bards with a little bit of ability can know this song.

As for the fifth mermaid song, from the current point of view, the source of this song should be related to the little mermaid Luya, either the bard adapted it based on the song Luya hummed at the beginning, or he specially composed it for Luya. the song written.

Maybe it was connected with the mermaid, so the effect of this song is particularly powerful. After all, it is a buff that can make ordinary people deal magic damage, which is not common on the mainland.

As for why it was a remnant, it might be because he didn't remember the complete song that Luya sang, or it might be because the song has not been fully completed, but it doesn't affect the greatness of this song.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate time, Su You would have begun to look forward to the effect that this song would bring when it was completely completed.

"This song is quite nice."

"Indeed... um? Why do I feel like my body is stronger? Is this an illusion?"

"Me too, I also feel that my walking speed seems to be a little faster... I have drank the Agility Potion before, but the effect is not so obvious!"

"Can't you see it? This is obviously the work of this bard."


In the cognition of most people in the Sunset Continent, the image of a bard is like a vagabond wandering around the world. People who love poetry worship and admire him. They don't like this kind of gods and gods. People who have no useful skills hate it very much.

In addition, most of the bards are just in vain, which leads to many people, although they don't hate the bards, but they really don't know the real strength of the bards.

But the people who can appear here are obviously not fools, and they quickly discovered the power given to them by the bard.

And there are many of them who participated in the cleanup of the sea area. They have all seen the scene of bards fighting sea monsters and cooperating with mermaids, so they suddenly heard Lord Su asking them to stop and listen before fighting. When listening to a few songs, I didn't feel strange, but looked forward to it.

"Okay, time is limited, let's go." The shortest half an hour, the longest one hour buff state is obviously impossible to cover the whole battle, so all they can do is waste less time.

Before the official start of the fight, Su You directly used the active skill of the equipment of the Serpent Ring——

[You used the Serpent Ring to cause huge damage to the current target! 】

As a six-digit number floated up, the leader of the natural disaster suddenly yelled up to the sky, and then crazily hammered the ground. Among the plants stitched on its body, there were many creatures with vines, and their vines were also beating the ground frantically. It was as if he was suffering from some great pain.

"Stop! Everyone pay attention to dodging! The fighter group and the melee group pay attention to safety!" Su You saw the crazy look of the natural disaster leader, and instead of taking advantage of the victory to pursue, she asked everyone to stop first, because she vaguely found the natural disaster leader on the back. There seems to be a splash of color.

If she guessed correctly, it should be the colored slime that she has been experimenting with but never appeared!
Sure enough, she guessed right just now. The reason why the colored slime has not appeared is that the blood volume of the boss of the natural disaster has not reached the second stage. The state of most boss monsters will be divided into several stages. Different stages will have different attack modes and new skill mechanism.

(End of this chapter)

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