Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 369 Chapter 369 Double Natural Disasters 52

Chapter 369 369. Double Natural Disasters 52
The success of this experiment gave everyone great confidence and made Su You heave a sigh of relief.

The next step is to mix the black and green slime into the yellow slime again, or mix the black and yellow slime into the green slime.

About 10 minutes later, they successfully mixed all three colors of slime, but instead of turning into color, the three-color slime suddenly doubled in size, and the person next to the three-color mixed slime also He backed away in fright.

Seeing the result that was different from what she had expected, Su You held her breath, and then, someone yelled, and when everyone reacted, there was an explosion not far away.

"Colorful...Colorful slime! Did you see it? This monster just attacked with colorful slime!"

It was so!
As the person's words ended, Su You suddenly understood something, but before she could say it, she saw that the three-color mixed slime seemed to get bigger again!
The slime, which was originally only about two meters in diameter, has now expanded to a full three or even four meters. Most importantly, the slime seems to be still getting bigger!
The black mucus, like snot, is like a balloon filled with water. While expanding, it also gives people a feeling that it may explode at any time.

"Retreat!" With an order, fifty people retreated in an orderly manner according to Su You's original arrangement.

Although everyone was very scared and wanted to leave quickly, no one was in a mess.

The warrior group is responsible for stabilizing the leader of the natural disaster, and let the long-range, melee and logistics teams evacuate first. During this period, the warrior group is also taking turns to drink the swift potion and the healing potion.

After everyone left, Zenyue, who was left behind on purpose, gave everyone in the warrior group an acceleration spell, and then everyone left quickly.

When the mixed slime swelled to the size of the entire cave, everyone had already reached the cave entrance.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they just heard 'Boom! ' With a bang, a roar that was several times louder than the previous colored slime came into the ears, and the movement that could almost be described as earth-shattering made everyone's heads buzz.

"what is happening?"

"Anyone know what just happened? Why did that mixed slime get so big! That's already bigger than the whole monster!"

"I suspect that the sound of the explosion just now is the sound of the mixed mucus expanding and exploding. With such a loud sound, the thing must have been crushed and exploded by the entire cave!"


To be honest, this guess is quite reasonable. After all, the size of the cave is limited, and the slime is getting bigger and bigger like the balloon, until the inner space of the cave is completely occupied, either the slime is squeezed out, or the cave is collapsed.

But apparently, the cave is harder than the mucus, so the expanding mucus gets squeezed out.

Everyone went back under the canopy in shock, and Su You called a person over. This person was the first person who discovered the colored slime at that time.

"Have you noticed that when this monster is about to throw colored slime, there are flowers on the top of its head?" Su You's question obviously made this person a little confused, because they have been beating this monster for so long. No one has discovered that the boss of the natural disaster will bloom when he uses his skills.

However, he was luckier than Yuai, because he really saw it.

"It seems... yes? I'm actually not sure, because for only a moment, I seem to see a small flower bud on the top of the monster's head. I wondered how it could still bloom, but the flower bud has not yet matured." It withers in seconds."

In other words, what he saw was not a flower but a bud, so he didn't know the color of the flower.

Su You didn't get entangled in this matter, but let everyone go into the cave to try again after everyone finished resting.

Still in the same order, first blend black and one of the colors, and then add another color. Almost at the moment when the three kinds of slime were mixed, Su You, who was standing on a high place, saw a flower blooming on the top of the head of the natural disaster leader. little flower.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a flower, because it only has three petals, and the arrangement looks like a clover, except that the colors of the three 'leaves' are different, and it happens to be the color of the other three slimes.

In less than three seconds, the flower quickly closed and turned into a bud. Before it closed completely, Su You vaguely saw the colorful stamens inside.

At the same time, the colored slime formed a parabola in the air, aiming at the direction of a person and flying, the person quickly dodged, followed by another familiar explosion, and the three-color slime mixed next to it was the same as an hour ago. in rapid expansion.

"Everyone stay away from the mixed slime." While speaking, Su You took out the explosives from her backpack - this was originally prepared by her to prevent the cave from collapsing and they were trapped inside.

And now, she gave the dynamite to the strongest man on the team to throw it at the goo mix.

At the moment when the explosive exploded, the mixed slime that had already occupied almost a quarter of the cave space exploded instantly like a balloon punctured by a needle.

The explosion was not small, but strangely, the explosion did not leave any traces on the scene.

Although everyone is very puzzled, but more happy, because everything has an answer, everyone understands the correct way to solve the problem of slime covering the cave.



"Everyone has worked hard today. Go back and have a good rest and keep your spirits up. We can wipe out this monster tomorrow."

Although there are still about two hours before dark, which is enough for them to try again, but Su You feels that after this day's battle, even if everyone has time to rest, and the bitter wine specially brewed by Lin Chen to recover, But it must be mentally exhausting.

Anyway, there was plenty of time. She originally planned to kill the leader of the natural disaster in two or three days, so there was no need to rush for a while.

If you continue to fight, although it is possible to eliminate the leader of the natural disaster today and end the natural disaster early, if you fail, it will not be worth the loss.

Su You's words got everyone's approval, because they really knew how tired they were, and they also knew that their condition was not good.

But apart from being tired, they were also very excited, because they all knew how to kill the leader of the natural disaster, and once the leader of the natural disaster died, they could get three gold coins!
That's three gold coins!

Ordinary people need more than a year without eating or drinking to save the amount!
(End of this chapter)

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