Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 370 Chapter 370 Double Natural Disasters 53

Chapter 370 370. Double Natural Disasters 53
With excitement, everyone returned to the territory.

Also returning were combat groups who took gatherers to gather resources in the forest.

Su You's recruitment is placed on the bulletin board, and everyone can see it, so everyone knows what they are going to do today. Looking at the happy faces of these people, they feel as if they are being scratched by something. It's too bad.

They also knew that the reward for this operation was three gold coins, but it was a pity that they were either one step too late or lacked strength. In short, they failed to become one of these people.

But they are not unconvinced. After all, apart from seeing the joy on the faces of these people, they also saw the broken armor on their bodies, and the clothes stained with mud and water. I thought it was a deserter from somewhere.

Such a miserable appearance also made everyone deeply understand the hardships of killing monsters today.

Most of the people knew their own strength well. Seeing that these carefully selected people were in such a mess, they didn't dare to imagine what would happen to them if they were the ones who went there today.

Whether he can come back alive is still unknown.

Although three gold coins are a lot, they are still not enough to make them pay with their lives.


Everyone rested separately, only Vivian and Meke returned to the medical hall and restaurant respectively.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Meke goes to the restaurant or not, the restaurant can be open as usual, because Su You has already considered Meke as the strongest combat power in the territory before, and he needs to be brought in many operations, and he is still the most important building in the territory , the owner of the restaurant.

Su You didn't want Meke to act outside. As a result, there was no chef in the territory and everyone had no food to eat, so she had already recruited two people with cooking skills to help in the restaurant.

One of these two people has intermediate cooking skills, and the other has elementary cooking skills. In addition, Meke spends most of his time in the restaurant. Three people manage a restaurant to serve three or four hundred people, which is more than enough.

Among them, the one with intermediate cooking skills is an old cook. Although his cooking talent is not high, only [-], but because of enough time, he has been promoted to intermediate level, and has a restaurant that can be a small and medium-sized territory. ability to cook.

He came to the territory of the sunset purely because the owner of the restaurant he used to work in used shoddy ingredients, and he used that ingredient without knowing it. In the end, he almost killed himself and was pushed out by the restaurant owner to take the blame.

At that time, everyone thought that he was enriching his own pockets and changing the ingredients. His reputation was directly discredited, so that no matter where he went in that territory, he was like a street mouse and became the object of everyone's disdain.

He tried to explain, but no one believed him, so he had to leave the place.

It was thanks to Bu Guo that Su You was able to recruit him. After all, she and this old cook could be regarded as "same sickness and sympathy", and both of them had the experience of being framed.

Originally, after being framed, the old chef was going to quit this business, but Su You was going to give up after trying to persuade him several times but failed, until Bu Guo accidentally found out about it.

Later, Bu Guo went to the old chef, but he didn't know what to say. After that, the old chef left for a few days, and when he came back again, he agreed to join the sunset territory and was willing to work in the restaurant.

Su You was curious about what Bu Guo did, but she didn't want to say it, and Su You didn't force it. Anyway, it's good to recruit people, the process is not important.

As for the other person, although he only has elementary cooking skills, his talent will be higher than that of the old chef, exactly eighty points.

With these two people, even without Mei Ke, this restaurant can still be maintained, but everyone is definitely more willing to taste the craftsmanship of people with advanced cooking skills.

But the medical hall is different from the restaurant. There is only Vivian in the medical hall, so once she participates in any action that needs to go out, the medical hall in the territory needs to close.

But Vivienne is still an indispensable healing magician, it is impossible for Su You not to take her out.

This is why Su You especially needs to recruit another doctor to help in the medical hall, so that the medical hall can still open when Vivian leaves the territory.

It's just that it's so hard to find a good doctor... Thinking of this, Su You couldn't help but think of the brother and sister.

But it was a coincidence that when Su You thought of Qiuyang Qiuyue, two small figures, one tall and one short, wrapped in rain gear suddenly ran over not far away.

There are not many children in the territory, and few are shorter than Bu Guo. Although Su You can't see the figures of these two children, she has already guessed their identities.

The two kids seemed to be aiming at themselves, so Su You stopped in her tracks.

After they ran over in small steps, Su You saw the shorter figure staggering. Fortunately, she kept watching and reached out to help in time, so that she avoided falling.

But with such a movement, the umbrella cap on Qiuyue's head fell to the ground, and Su You split the umbrella in half and covered it for her.

"Thank you, thank you sister." Qiuyue patted her chest in shock, then looked at Su You gratefully.

"It's okay, the road is slippery in rainy days, you two should be careful." Su You saw that the raincoat on Qiuyue's body seemed a little too big, and the hem had even dragged to the floor. It was not the raincoat she was wearing. If it didn't fit, Su You No wonder almost fell.

And it's not just the raincoat, the umbrella hat is also several sizes too big. If the umbrella hat on the ground is worn on her head, it will cover at least half of her face. It is estimated that Qiuyue just ran while holding the umbrella hat with her hand. , Without hands to hold the balance, it is also easy to fall.

"Why are you two here?" After reviewing the situation of the two brothers and sisters, Su You asked while bringing them into the eaves next to them that could shelter them from the rain.

After Su You asked this question, Qiuyue grabbed her hand tightly, and then looked longingly at Qiuyang next to her.

After a moment of silence, Qiuyang nodded.

Seeing this move, Qiuyue smiled happily, and then told Su You that she wanted to go to the medical clinic to help.

"My brother promised to let me go to the medical clinic to help. Is there any shortage of elder sister Vivian?"

Although Su You doesn't know how Qiuyue persuaded Qiuyang, since Qiuyue is willing to join the medical clinic, this is of course good news.

"Well, if you are worried, you can go to the clinic to see Vivienne right now, and she will definitely accept you." Su You's acceptance here actually has two meanings, but Qiuyue doesn't know it, she just treats it as It was Su You who agreed to this matter, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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