Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 371 Chapter 371 Double Natural Disasters 54

Now that Qiuyue agreed, Su You didn't have anything else particularly busy on her hands, and she needed to finish things now, so she took the two children to the medical clinic, and took Qiuyue to ask Vivian for her opinion. Is the owner of the hospital.

Tired all morning, Vivienne was about to lie down on her recliner and read a book for a while. Unexpectedly, before she had read a few pages, someone came to the door. She turned her head and saw that one big and two young were all familiar to her. people.

"What is this for?" Vivienne closed the book with a puzzled look on her face, until she saw Su You beckoning her to look at Qiuyue.

Feeling Vivian's gaze, Qiuyue plucked up her courage and told her that she wanted to come to the clinic to help.

Vivienne had already guessed it, so she was not surprised to hear Qiuyue's words. She thought about it, and in the process of thinking, Qiuyue held her breath nervously, and almost suffocated herself.

"All right, all right, starting from tomorrow... no, I have to go out tomorrow..." Vivian's personality is not bad enough to bully children (not counting when she was a child), seeing Qiuyue so nervous, she almost suffocated herself, she also Stop pretending.

"Come the day after tomorrow. I'm going out with the team tomorrow." Tomorrow, I have to go out to deal with the leader of the natural disaster. After the monster is dealt with, she will have time to take care of the child.

Qiuyue nodded excitedly, and immediately changed her address from 'Sister Vivienne' to 'Boss'.

Vivienne couldn't get used to this name, so she asked her to change it back. Qiuyue didn't understand, but she obediently called her sister.

So far, Qiuyue's biggest worry has disappeared... Her biggest worry is that she refused before, and now she won't be able to go to the hospital.

But the sister who brought me here is a good person, and sister Vivienne from the medical center is also a good person!

After the joy, Su You began to ask Qiuyue and the others why they rushed over today.

After all, everyone in the entire territory should know that they went out today, including the only doctor in the medical hall, and the healing magician also went.

If they were not in a hurry, the two brothers and sisters could obviously come over in two days, or later.

But it happened that the team returned to the territory on the front foot, and they came on the back foot. It seemed that they were anxious to see Vivienne, so they knew the news of the team's return and Vivian's return, so they came here in a hurry .

Facing Su You's question, Qiuyang thought about it, and did not hide it, but gave the answer directly.

Qiuyang: "Because Sister Nalin is sick and needs a lot of money, so Ah Yue wants to come to the medical center to help make money, and at the same time learn more about medicine."

The Na Lin he was talking about was a member of the bounty group that Qiu's parents used to belong to, and they were also their neighbors in that former territory.

Because they are neighbors, it can be said that they meet every day, so Na Lin can be said to take care of the two of them the most among all of them. After all, she was rescued by Qiu's mother once, otherwise she almost lost one hand.

No matter what the reason is, in short, Na Lin is very good to both of them. Now that something happened to her, although the bounty team said that they don't need to worry about the two children, just let them take care of themselves, but Qiuyang and Qiuyue don't care. Probably really don't care.

So Qiuyang agreed with Qiuyue to come to the clinic.

Of course, Nalin's injury was only one of the reasons why he agreed to this matter. The more reason was that he found that Qiuyue had been bored at home all day after returning home from the hospital, and he was not feeling well.

But when he refused before, his words were too extreme, and he didn't know how to convince himself to agree for a while. At this time, the bounty group came back with the injured Nalin, and he also had a logical reason for Qiuyue to come to the medical center.

After all, no matter how much he believed in his sister, it was impossible for her to think that she could cure illnesses and save lives just by studying here for a few days. If he wanted to treat Nalin, he had to find other ways.

"...Sister Vivian, can you take a look at Sister Nalin's injury? We...we can pay back the money, and everyone is willing to pay back the money!" If it was just the two of them, they would have already owed a lot of money. The sum of money is gone, and now I have to ask Vivienne to save someone on credit, which is somewhat difficult for some strong people.

But there are a lot of people in the bounty group. After getting along for such a long time, everyone is like their own brothers and sisters. Both Qiuyang and Qiuyue saw that everyone was working hard for Sister Nalin, so he believed that they must also be willing to help treat Nalin. of.

The money earned by a dozen or so adults is much more than that of their two children.

Vivienne frowned, looking a little unhappy, but it wasn't that she was hard-hearted, but that she was already very tired during the day, and there was almost no magic left.

Unless there are special circumstances, she can no longer use magic tonight, otherwise, after the magic power is completely exhausted, the recovery speed will become one-third of the usual speed.

In this way, one night is not enough for her to recover to a state where she can fight normally tomorrow.

It's fine to say she's cold-blooded, but the reality is that compared to a stranger, Vivienne still pays more attention to the activities of the territory.

Unless...unless Su You asked her to save this person.

But what she can think of, Su You must be able to think of, she is the lord, and knows better than anyone else that Vivienne should rest at this time and recharge her energy to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

Sure enough, Vivian didn't speak, and Su You didn't immediately agree.

She knelt down and touched Qiuyue's head, then looked at Qiuyang: "Can you tell me about Nalin's situation in detail? For example, when was she injured? How was she injured? How is the injury? What is the current situation?"

There are very few healing magicians in this continent, but human beings can still survive, which proves that not all injuries must require magicians to heal, and the fact is indeed the case.

The two children said the injury was so serious that Vivian subconsciously thought that she needed to use magic.

But in fact, if the injury is not serious, or if the injury is serious, but in a situation that can be temporarily relieved by medicine or other means other than magic, Vivienne only needs to help stabilize the injury first, instead of using magic.

Su You is [-]% sure that she can kill the leader of the natural disaster tomorrow. In other words, as long as the process goes well, she can heal Nalin tomorrow, and it will only be delayed until the day after tomorrow at the latest.

If Na Lin's situation has reached the point where she can't even delay for a day, then it is estimated that Vivienne is powerless even if she uses magic.

Su You was waiting for Qiuyang's reply, and Vivian understood what she meant, and her frowning brows eased.

"Sorry, I don't know these..."

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