Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 372 Chapter 372 Double Natural Disasters 55

Qiuyang froze for a few seconds, then replied with an apologetic face.

Later, he worried that the two people in front of him thought he was playing tricks on them, and quickly added: "Uncle Odd...he is the head of the bounty group, Uncle Odd told others not to tell us that we sneaked out by ourselves Yes, so I don't know anything."

Since Odd and the others are not going to let the two children worry about such things, they will naturally not tell them the actual situation. It is normal for Qiuyang not to know.

"Uncle Odd and the others were also planning to find a doctor, but we overheard them saying that they couldn't do anything after finding two doctors..." It's not that there are no doctors in the territory, but most of them are not very capable, and there are even several All are still apprentices.

If this kind of wound can be healed by people, it will indeed not make more than a dozen people frown.

And Vivian went out again in the morning, and the medical center was closed. They had no choice but to come to the medical center for treatment, so they could only ask these people for help.

In fact, there are other doctors with high medical skills in the territory. For example, the doctors who participated in the operation to clean up the sea area are all good in strength, but it is a coincidence that they, like Vivienne, participated in this times of action.

The temptation of three gold coins, they have no reason not to participate, and there is no reason not to choose Su You, especially if they have a strong doctor to join, especially since they have worked together before.

So, although it's not very pleasant to say so, the time when Na Lin was injured was indeed a bit inopportune, just in time when all the medical staff were out of the territory.

Su You sighed, feeling that she had made a mistake.

It is true that no one capable medical staff can stay in the territory, and no one knows what will happen.

But this is also something that can't be helped. Today's battle has shown that she can't take any doctor with her, otherwise it will be too late for treatment, and it is even more impossible for her not to take Vivian, so she can only consider herself unlucky.

"You guys lead the way, I'll go with you to see the situation, and I'll come back when the time comes." After saying that, Su You glanced at Vivienne and asked, "Going?"

In fact, Su You felt that there was no need for Vivian to go, and it would be troublesome for her to go.

Because there will always be some injured people today, no matter how serious or small the injury is. If Vivienne goes, it means that she wants to save Na Lin. inappropriate?
Of course Vivienne can be more self-willed, she can turn around and leave if she doesn't want to be treated, but this is not very good after all, people won't say anything on the surface, but they may not know what they will think in their hearts.

That being the case, it is better not to go.

Although Su You doesn't know how to see a doctor, she can check the information, which can almost replace the doctor's process of checking the disease, and can even be more detailed.

Vivian reached out to curl her hair, then shook her head: "I won't go, I'm tired."

That being the case, Su You asked Qiuyang and Qiuyue to take her to the place where the bounty group lived.



The bounty group was lucky. When they and Qiuyang Qiuyue came over, the Sunset Territory had just been opened for a little over a week. At that time, there were not many people in the territory, so there were also many vacant rooms in the station.

In view of the large number of them, it is really inconvenient to disperse, and accidents are easy to happen, so the shopkeeper of the inn made an exception and let them choose their own rooms, so all of them lived in adjacent rooms, and by the way Arranged Qiuyang and Qiuyue next door to him.

So when Su You came over, she could see that this floor was terribly quiet, because it was all the rooms where the bounty group lived, and everyone tacitly agreed not to make any noise, just to give Na Lin a quiet environment to rest.

Qiuyang knocked on one of the doors, which was Aude's residence, but after waiting for a while, no one came to answer the door.

Qiuyue was a little anxious, she looked at her brother and said, "Is Uncle Odd gone out? How about we find someone else?"

Qiuyang felt that what his sister said made sense, so he knocked on the door next door...but there was still no movement.

After switching four or five doors in a row, no one responded, and the expressions of the two children became worse and worse. Qiuyue's face was pale, and Qiuyang's knocking hand was trembling.

Just when Qiuyang was about to knock on the door of the house where Na Lin lived, there was an angry reprimand from behind——

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Because of the angle, the speaker only saw Su You, while the short Qiuyang and Qiuyue were covered by the angle of view and Su You.

Before Su You could speak, Qiuyue recognized the owner of the voice, and ran over immediately. The other party saw Qiuyue froze for a moment, and then saw Qiuyang coming behind her, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

"Uncle Mister, where have you been? Is Sister Nalin okay?" Qiuyue ran in front of Mister with teary eyes, and it made Mister feel a little headache... That's why they didn't want to take this Something told the two kids.

Mister had a good meal to comfort Qiuyue.

Qiuyang on the side briefly introduced Mist and Su You to each other.

"This is the sister Suyou we mentioned earlier."

"This is Uncle Mister, he is also a member of the bounty group."

The introduction was over, the misunderstanding was resolved, Mister apologized for his attitude just now, Su You said that he didn't care, and put forward his idea of ​​wanting to see Nalin.

"Miss Su is a doctor?" Mister was not surprised to see that Su You knew about Nalin's situation. After all, she was brought by Qiuyang and the others, and they must have said about Nalin.

To be honest, Nalin's current situation is not particularly good, but because she just found a doctor for a simple treatment, it is not life-threatening.

It's just that they still need to find a capable person to treat her as soon as possible, otherwise the wound will worsen and the follow-up results will still be very serious.

"I'm not a doctor, but I can diagnose the situation." Su You said while checking Mister's information.

Mister seemed a little puzzled, since she is not a doctor, so what if she can diagnose the situation?
Is there a shortage of doctors in the territory?
No shortage!

What is missing is someone who can heal!

Su You saw his question and added: "Magician Vivienne is tired today and will go out to fight tomorrow. She is resting now and it is not convenient to go out. So I will come over to check the situation. If you have found a cure Forget it, if not, I will try my best to find a way to stabilize the injury, and I can let Magician Vivienne treat it the day after tomorrow at the latest."

With such an explanation, Mist instantly understood.

He didn't doubt Su You's words, because Qiuyang had told them all about seeing a doctor in the hospital before.

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