Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 377 Chapter 377 Double Natural Disasters 60

Undoubtedly, if it hadn't been the time for the bank to close, I'm afraid I would have to wait, because when the bank closed, there were still more than a dozen people waiting in line to handle their business, but Jin Luo was really tired, so Can only close the door.

And although these dozen or so people also want to make money, they also know that it is late, so they are embarrassed to continue pestering.

Even if there is any dissatisfaction in my heart, I dare not mess around. After all, this is a bank run by the territory, and it has just collected money from so many people. If they do something, let alone whether the territory will let them go, the money has been saved before. The ones who can tear them apart alive.

After Jin Luo closed the door, Su You thoughtfully handed over a glass of water.

"Do you need me to recruit some people to help you?" Although the bank is a territory and belongs to Su You, but after all, Jin Luo is the boss of the bank she appointed, so it's not appropriate to do everything by herself.

But this has nothing to do with identity, mainly because it will waste Jinluo's time.

Just like Eunsen, his time should be spent on improving seeds, and he shouldn't worry about farming, something that almost everyone knows.

The same goes for Vivienne.

Jin Luo took a sip of water, then shook her head: "I'm not recruiting for the time being, I don't have time to teach them what to do, if you don't have anything, it's better not to come, so you don't have to mess with me, and you'll have to deal with it when things get messy." I'll solve it."

If you are working in an ordinary bank, there are definitely not so many requirements, but this is not an ordinary bank after all.

Introducing the situation here, registering information, and creating a money account are all brand-new models. Ordinary people cannot start working immediately. Even if they come, they will definitely have to study for a few days before she can feel relieved.

In that case, it would be better not to come, otherwise, as she said, it would be bad if something happened instead of being of no help.

After all, this is a bank, and everything is related to money. If something happens here, no matter who it is, it will have the courage to directly use weapons!

"It's okay, but if you don't hire people to do things, you can also find someone to do odd jobs, open the door and pass a pen and paper to pour water... The people who do things will come to me when you need it." Su You felt that what Jinluo said made sense, So I didn't force it, I just gave another suggestion, and asked her to notify herself whenever she needed someone.

Jinluo thought about it and thought it made sense. You must know that she hasn't even eaten dinner until now, and she couldn't even drink water when she was the busiest just now, because she didn't have time to pour water!

Jin Luo: "You can have this. You don't have to be too clever, but don't be talkative. It's better to be trustworthy."

"Don't worry." Su You actually already had a candidate, otherwise she wouldn't have asked this question on purpose, so after Jin Luo agreed, she said that that person would come to help tomorrow.

"Also, it's best to have a few people with high military strength to guard the bank. It may be nothing on the first day of today. When someone calms down, something will happen." Jinluo's words sounded a little bit Unfounded worry, but in fact it is the most important.

Although there are patrols, it is impossible for the patrols to wander around the bank. If someone really robs money or does other things, they will definitely not be able to come in time.

Originally, Su You planned to arrange this matter after the natural disaster leader resolved it, because she never thought that Jin Luo would be so capable, but since there is a need now, it must be arranged immediately.

So Su You directly transferred two people from the patrol team, plus Lake, and informed them to come to the bank to guard tomorrow.

After the assassination, the number of patrols has increased to three teams with a total of 400 people. In the territory of more than [-] people, [-] people are close to one-tenth, which is already a lot.

Now two people are selected to go to the black prison, and three people are selected to come to the bank. Twenty-five people are still more than enough to deal with patrolling.

Su You told Jin Luo the information about the three of them, including Bu Guo's name, and then received a somewhat inexplicable look.

"Your lord, are you kidding me? Ten-year-old children are also thrown at me?" Originally, I was happy to hear that three people would come to guard Jin Luo tomorrow, but it turned out that it was a ten-year-old child who was the thug. Luo's face changed instantly.

It's not ugly, but it's definitely not good-looking, and it looks a little weird.

Su You had already guessed that she would have this reaction, so she directly gave a general account of Buguo's past achievements. As for Buguo's life experience, she did not say anything, because Buguo can use his own ability and skill to gain others' respect. There is no need to gain sympathy and pity from others through tragic experiences.

Hearing what Su You said, although Jin Luo was a little suspicious, her face looked better.

"If that's what you said, then the kid is really good."

Su You smiled and said, "Although Bu Guo is young, he is much more sensible than some adults, not to mention you both have a 'money mouse' temper, I think you will get along well."

The nickname "money mouse" is actually equivalent to the iron rooster, the difference is that the money mouse is a real creature.

Its biggest feature is that it likes to steal human money and hide it. Even if it knows that it is going to die, it will never return to its own nest, but will stay away from its own nest, because all the money they stole is hidden there.

This is a real 'death for money'.

Not only was Jin Luo not unhappy when she was called a money mouse, but she squinted her eyes and smiled.

"What's wrong with the money mouse? In this world, people who have money and strength can live best. Since I'm not born with the talent for fighting, I have to be rich, right?" Jinluo's appearance is similar to Vivienne's, both of which belong to the baby face that type.

The difference is that Vivienne's facial features look like a doll when she smiles, but it is not a cute and beautiful doll, but the kind that only appears in horror movies. Although it looks good, the more you look at it, the more it feels A somewhat weird doll, it can be said that it is very suitable for her personality eccentricities.

After she stopped laughing, perhaps because of her status as a magician, she always felt very mysterious.

And Jin Luo is very simple, delicate and cute, she looks like a kitten when she smiles, and she is cute even when she is not smiling.

Seeing her laugh, Su You laughed too. After laughing, seeing her touching her belly, she guessed that she was too busy to eat, so she took a portion of food from her backpack.

After Jin Luo had finished eating, the two of them began to discuss matters related to rich households, interest rates, and investment.

"A total of 76 people came to the bank to deposit money today. The total amount is: 198 gold coins, 78 silver coins, and 50 copper coins."

"Seventy-two of the 76 people have created money accounts, and 72 people have signed a first-level interest contract."

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