Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 378 Chapter 378 Double Natural Disasters 61

The savings are close to two hundred gold coins, but the number of people is less than one hundred, which means that at least half of the people have saved more than one gold coin.

Su You thought so, and then saw Jin Luo take out a registration form that she had been using all along.

"One of them (not counted in the future) stored more than [-] gold coins, one person stored more than [-] gold coins, and eight people stored more than [-] gold coins."

Fifty gold coins?
Thirty gold coins?
Even eight ten gold coins?
It seems that although my territory is small, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here, and there is such a 'big family'!
"It's interesting to say that the one who saved thirty gold coins is also a child with the same name as the one you just told me."

Su You looked at the word 'Buguo' on the registration form and fell into a brief silence.

Then, she looked at the 'big family' who saved fifty gold coins... Well, she suspected that it was Meck, after all, it is impossible for a magician to be short of money, especially when he was so high in the past , I didn't expect it to be not.

"That's her." Buguo's little rich woman was not called for nothing.

Jinluo sighed faintly: "Good job, I now believe what you said before." Although she has more money than Bu Guo, how old is she now?How old is Bugo?
Anyway, Jinluo knew that when she was ten years old, she was still playing with her sister next door, and the toys were bought by her parents.

Perhaps the emotion of the 'Money Rat' was too obvious, Su You could almost see through her inner thoughts at a glance.

"You have to believe in yourself. Now the economy of the entire territory is in your hands. Are you not sure that you can make more money?" Jin Luo earns more.

The difference between the two is like a small vendor and a big shopping mall, which is completely non-contrastive.

Jinluo was motivated by her words, and nodded confidently: "I definitely believe in myself...Look at these two, these two are the two most promising investments I have researched in the past few days. In the short term of ten days, without any accidents, at least this much can be earned."

She made a gesture triumphantly, and Su You recognized it, which meant 10%.

"10%? So high?" Su You was worried about some problems at first, but after reading the draft of Jin Luo's calculation, she realized that 10% was already the lowest rate of return.

As long as it is not too bad luck, the average rate of return should be able to reach 11.8%, that is, for every one hundred gold coins invested, you can earn nearly twelve gold coins.

"Of course! You must know that the highest ratio I have ever seen is only 6.9%, which is a full increase of one-half!"

In other words, as long as the two investments do not fail, 110% of the invested capital can be recovered within ten days, which is equivalent to a 10% net profit.

The basic capital of the bank is [-] gold coins, all of which were invested by Su You. If you add [-] gold coins to today's [-], it will be [-].

If all the money is invested and recovered after ten days, including the floating price, you can get a total of [-] gold coins, which is equivalent to earning [-] gold coins in ten days, an average of [-] gold coins per day.

You must know that all the income of the territory combined is only [-] to [-] gold coins per day, and the money earned from this investment is worth more than half of the income of the territory.

However, there is never such a good thing as pie in this world.

Opportunities always coexist with risks.

The money earned by the territory is a real stable income that can be obtained in the hands, and this investment and financial management is risky, and the risk is not small.

Once it fails, it will lose [-]% of the invested funds, or half of the investment. If it offends the goddess of luck and has bad luck, it may even lose all of it.

"Yes, it's 10%, I'm sure of that!" After saying this, Jin Luo paused for a few seconds, and then said with some regret: "Unfortunately, this is a bit complicated, and I can't figure out the risk rate yet. "The risk rate is actually the probability of loss. This is a calculable value. As long as you have the ability, you can avoid risks and achieve perfect returns.

"These two can be invested in about five days, and I will calculate the risk rate within two days... By the way, are you going to invest more money, sir? According to my calculations, if you can invest [-] Gold coins, then the rate of return will go up to another level!" Jin Luo smiled shrewdly, and began to covet Su You's purse openly.

"Now the bank only has [-] gold coins. Five days is not enough to collect the remaining [-] gold coins. According to my calculations, five days can only collect [-] to [-] gold coins at most." After all, There is an upper limit on the number of people in the territory, so the amount of money saved every day cannot be a stable value.

After all, there are very few people who can save dozens of gold coins at one time.

Su You felt helpless.

Sure enough, this is the 'disadvantage' of recruiting a money mouse. No matter what money, how much money, or whose money it is, Jin Luo will only want to hug her.

But having said that, Su You really has a lot of money on her. Even though she has invested fifteen hundred gold coins, she still has about eight hundred gold coins on her.

Not only that, the current economic situation in the territory has changed from the original negative income, to balance of payments, and then to a small profit.

In other words, the [-] gold coins are purely her spare funds, because unless there are new policies in the territory, she does not need to invest any money at all, and she can even earn a lot every day.

It is precisely because there is no shortage of money that most of the money earned by the territory is still stored in various shops, and Su You has not withdrawn the centralized funds.

If those shops only kept the minimum amount for daily operations, and all the others were raised, then there would be at least several hundred gold coins, and the money she could really use would add up to at least 1000.

Although Jinluo's loyalty to the territory is not low, the initial [-] points directly rose to [-] after being appointed to manage the bank, and it has increased by two or three points every day for these four days. So far, Jinluo's loyalty The value has reached ninety.

But Su You is still not ready to continue investing money.

This has nothing to do with trust, the main thing is that she can't put all her eggs in one basket.

However, if Jinluo is really confident, it is not impossible for her to give more help, but the help here is conditional.

"I can make up for the missing money, provided that you can analyze at least two risk points within two days, and the initial risk rate cannot be higher than 15%."

"The more risk points analyzed, the lower the initial risk rate, and the more money I will invest."

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