However, this is nothing to Lingbao, a 'special case' who is full of affection, so Su You has successfully upgraded.


【Guardian Beast Shrine】

Guardian Beast Name: Lingbao
Guardian Beast Favor: 100 (full)
Consecration level: 2 (can be upgraded when the number of consecrators and the number of consecrations meet certain conditions)
Blessing of Guardian Beast:

[Treasure Hunting Bloodline] (Level 2): Due to the influence of the treasure hunter’s bloodline, the chances of encountering treasures will increase by 0.3%, and the probability of obtaining higher quality items will increase by 1.5% when performing collection-related actions.

[Battle Bloodline] (Level 2): ​​Due to the bloodline of the Treasure Hunting Beast, the territory residents deal 5% more damage against beast-like enemies, and their defense power increases by 5% against other enemies except dark creatures .Guardian Beast's Sanctuary:
1. The battle bloodline can protect the territory, so that ordinary beasts dare not invade the territory.

2. When there is a foreign enemy attacking, the guardian beast has a probability (100%) to activate the fighting blood, enter the fighting state, and defend the enemy together with the residents of the territory.


Compared with the statue, the upgrade of the guardian beast ancestral hall has not changed much. There are still two halos, but the level has reached the second level, and the value has increased slightly.

After upgrading these two buildings, Su You opened the territory panel to prepare to upgrade the territory.

In order to avoid increasing the difficulty of natural disasters, Suyou delayed the level of the territory again and again. Now the territory has already met the conditions for upgrading a large village, but now it is still a small village.

Now that the natural disaster has passed, Su You directly upgraded the territory twice.

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the upgrade standards and successfully upgrading the territory to a medium-sized village. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the upgrade standards and successfully upgrading the territory to a large village. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】


【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: high-level village (with a population of 300 and a prosperity of 5000, it can be upgraded to a small town)

Territory Status: Open Territory (Open Territory can attract everyone to visit)
Territory law and order: 93
Territory social: Elf (friendly, 85/100), mermaid (neutral, 11/100), dragon (neutral, 6/100)

Territory happiness: good
Territory Prosperity: 3087
Territory reputation: 897
Territory population: 209 (when the territory level reaches a high-level village, the upper population limit will be canceled, but when the population is not directly proportional to the territory data, the security and happiness of the territory will be greatly reduced)

Territorial aura: [Blessing of Life Ⅱ] (from the statue of Doris), [Treasure Hunting Bloodline Ⅱ] (from the Guardian Beast Spirit Treasure), [Battle Bloodline Ⅱ] (from the Guardian Beast Spirit Treasure), [Fame Ⅱ], [Unknown Dangerous] (from special episode)
Territory events:

I: [They are aware of the strength of this place, and the fear of power makes them shrink back. The record of this place will deter them. In a short time, they will no longer bother here because they are afraid of power, but they will never give up. They will only be stronger next time...]

II: [The plants are restless, the beasts are restless, and the whole forest is plunged into an inexplicable gloomy and weird atmosphere. Every night, an inexplicable energy will be emitted from a high tower, and it will be enveloped by this energy The area seems to be affected by some...]

III: [Due to the arrival of special people, the malicious existence will spread malice to the territory. They are coming, and they will not give up easily... Only by tracing the root cause can we avoid future troubles. 】

IV: [Territories that are friendly to nature will be favored by nature. 】


Compared with the last time, the panel this time has relatively large changes in the social interaction of the territory, the population of the territory and the events of the territory.


The decrease in the social value is due to normal fluctuations caused by not communicating with each other for a long time. The elves and the mermaids have not been in contact for a long time, so the decrease in the value is also normal. On the contrary, the dragons have a spirit treasure that stays with them every day. Because of the territory, the value did not decrease but increased. Although the increase was not much, it was better than nothing.

The change in the upper limit of the territory's population was beyond Su You's expectation, but she also felt that it was very reasonable, because the planning of each territory was different.

For territories that give out free housing to every resident, the population cap has little effect.

However, for the case of the Sunset Territory, where houses are only issued to skilled residents, and unskilled residents can only buy residential houses first, the population limit will force her to keep building residential houses to meet the increase in the population limit. need.

However, unskilled residents make up the majority, which leads to the fact that many residential houses are actually empty after construction, and no one lives at all.

It is unreasonable and meaningless to build residential houses simply to increase the population limit, but this is the only way to increase the population limit.

In contrast, Su You still prefers the current mechanism of limiting population based on territory data. If she knew who made this change, she would sincerely praise him for one minute.

Compared with the easy-to-understand change of the population cap, this time the newly added one-sentence territory event seems a bit out of order. Su You can only guess that this may be during a natural disaster. Bonus for killing Scourge bosses.

As for the specific effect and what impact it will have on the territory, it is unknown, but it will not have any bad impact after all.


The time soon came to eight o'clock in the morning, that is, the time said by the execution system in the early morning of this morning.

Perhaps the system has a strong sense of time, so at exactly eight o'clock, Su You received a message from the system——

[This update modifies the collection mechanism and authority scope of the execution system reward service. 】

Su You: ...

Su You: That’s it?Gone?

She thought that this executive system would make some incredible updates, but she didn't expect that there was just such an endless sentence, which seemed to have changed nothing, and immediately left Su You speechless.

After waiting for a few seconds without the sound of the execution system, Su You took the initiative to ask: "So what? Is there any difference between the update and before? Can I receive the reward now?"

As soon as the voice fell, the executive system that had been waiting for a long time without making a sound finally appeared.

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