Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 392 Chapter 392 Halo Kit

Su You finally found out that this system is not reliable at all, it doesn't follow logic and reason, so you have to remind yourself!

[You can claim the reward now, and the calculation of the value will be carried out during the process of receiving the reward. When the progress bar is green, it can be claimed, and when the progress bar is red, it cannot be claimed. 】

As he said that, Su You found a blank screen on his system panel. It seemed like he could write on the top of the screen. Su You tentatively wrote an 'Elf Tree' on it, and then he could see the progress on the right side of the screen. The bars turned a dark red that was almost as black as black.

After trying it back and forth, Su You almost understood the usefulness of this interface.

To put it bluntly, she can write the items she needs on this panel, ask questions she wants to know the answer to, and ask herself the troubles she needs to solve right now, etc.

A progress bar next to her will give prompts based on what she writes.

Although the execution system only talks about green and red, there are still big differences between the green and red of the progress bar, such as light green close to white, normal green, and then dark green.

The same is true for red, the color is from light to dark.

The darker the green, the closer to the upper limit of authority, and the darker the red, it means that what she wants is far beyond the scope of authority.

Just like the elf tree she just wrote, there is only one tree in the whole world, it is the treasure of the elves, no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible to give it to her, so the color of the progress bar instantly becomes the darkest black red.

I don't know if it's Su You's delusion, she always feels that the black and red are surging like blood, looking scary and gloomy, with a faint threat of the executive system.

Now this brand-new way of receiving rewards is also limited. Before, it was limited to the number of times, but this time it is limited to time.

There is only 5 minutes in total. Once the time is up, no matter what is written on the screen at that time, or the color of the progress bar, it cannot be changed.

Therefore, it is best to write and confirm the color of the progress bar in advance. Otherwise, if the progress bar is red in the last second, even if it is light red, it will not be possible. It is equivalent to wasting a reward opportunity in vain.

Su You first spent 4 minutes trying everything she wanted to experiment, and then wrote down her conditions in the last minute, and double-checked whether the above content was correct and whether the color of the progress bar was correct. is green.

As the dark green progress bar disappeared together with the screen, Su You received a reminder from the system——

[The reward has been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall, please pay attention to check it. 】

Su You waited for a few seconds, but couldn't help frowning when she heard no voice other than this sentence.

She opened her mouth, but she seemed to be thinking of something, and she didn't make a sound in the end, but went straight to the mission hall to receive the reward.

When she came to the door of the mission hall, she did not forget to submit the system mission [Resist natural disasters].

Because the rewards for this mission are not fixed, but are calculated according to the evaluation of natural disasters, Suyou's SSS evaluation makes the rewards for this mission extremely rich.

[Get Territory Prestige*100]

【Get Gold Coin*500】

[Get featured recruitment card*1]

[Obtain Primary Building Upgrade Card*10]

[Get Intermediate Building Upgrade Card*5]

[Get advanced building upgrade card*3]


Not to mention anything else, the five hundred gold coins and this selected recruitment card alone showed that the rewards this time were ridiculously high.

Likewise, building upgrade cards are a good thing.

Its function is similar to that of the building card, except that one is to directly construct buildings without consuming materials and time, and the other is to upgrade buildings without consuming materials and time.

The level of the building card limits the level of buildings that can be upgraded.

Primary building upgrade cards can only be used to upgrade buildings below level [-] (including level [-]), intermediate building upgrade cards can only be used to upgrade buildings below level [-] (including level [-]), advanced building upgrade cards can only be used to upgrade buildings up to level [-] Buildings below Grade [-] (including Grade [-]).

In addition to these three building upgrade cards, there is also a top-level building upgrade card. The top-level building upgrade card is not subject to any restrictions. Any building that can be upgraded, no matter what level, the upgrade card can directly upgrade it to the next level.

Although there are no top-level building upgrade cards in the rewards this time, most of the current territorial buildings are around level [-] and level [-], and mid-level and high-level upgrade cards are enough.

However, Su You's attention is not on these cards now. After receiving the reward, she didn't even open the backpack to take a look, and went directly to the mission hall.

After getting the treasure box, go back to the City Lord's Mansion, and open the box immediately——

[Get Dragon Bone*1]

[Get Millennium Black Meteor*1]

【Acquire Halo Tips*1】

【A note*1】


There are four things in total. These are the results of Su You's hard work, testing the bottom line of the execution system, and tossing and tossing.

I won't talk about the dragon bone, I understand everything.

The role of Millennium Black Meteor is to make ghost stone gates, and ghost stone gates are the original monster spawner.

When Su You led everyone to clean up the monster spawner, he recovered the useless stone gate, and then obtained a blueprint for making a ghost stone gate.

And the other materials for the construction of the ghost stone gate on this blueprint have already been collected, and the only thing missing is this thousand-year-old black meteorite.

As for the significance of building a monster spawner, on the one hand, it can continuously provide bone meal and some other basic materials. The most important thing is that the monster spawner built by oneself can set the location, frequency of monster spawning, monster strength and so on.

In other words, as long as reasonable arrangements can be made, this monster spawner will become an excellent practical training ground!
It is far from enough to have only the strength of the panel, and the actual combat experience is also very important. There has never been a shortage of cases in the mainland where people with no combat experience were defeated by people who were weaker than themselves.

But many people often do not have the opportunity and courage to actually fight, and the monster spawner can perfectly satisfy these two deficiencies.

The opportunity is given to you, and you can freely choose the opponent's strength. Su You will also arrange special personnel to guard the monster spawner to avoid casualties... In the long run, there will be a large number of more powerful people in the sunset territory, and they will also have A person with sufficient combat experience!
The function of the Millennium Black Meteor is not useful except for building the monster spawner, but because Su You happens to have the blueprint of the monster spawner, the Millennium Black Meteor is indeed worth a certain progress bar to exchange for.

The third prop, the halo kit, can be guessed from the name that it should be related to the halo.

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