What Black Snake said is right. Although something is going to happen next door, it is next door after all, and it will definitely affect itself, so it should thank Su You for telling it the news, so that it can understand the situation in advance Chance.

Otherwise, it may be too late to think about how to solve it after something really happens.

This matter is obviously very important, so after talking with Su You, Black Snake left directly. Knowing the truth a second earlier might have an impact on the final result.

Until Black Snake left, Meke was still holding Suyou's decomposed bear's paw and bear meat and other ingredients and started making new things.

In addition to the ingredients, things like bear skins that cannot be used as ingredients, but can only be used as materials for making equipment, are put away by Su You, and will only be handed over to Dolly tomorrow morning.

After Black Snake left, Su You also left and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Lingbao had already fallen asleep before one person and one snake were ready to fight. Su You settled it, sorted out her thoughts, and then fell asleep.



On a new day, which was also the second day after the natural disaster ended, Su You opened the information panel of the territory to check as usual, only to find a brand new event.

Counting the previous incidents, this is already the fifth incident.

Event five is as follows:
Ⅴ: 【After the disaster, time turns around. In order to thank the Territory for its contribution, it naturally gathers strength and sends a spring breeze with blessings to the Territory. Whether it is the prosperity of all things, the turmoil of people, or the blessing of the soul, good luck... This It is a gift from nature, please seize this hard-won opportunity and cherish it. 】

Not surprisingly, this should be He Shanji's event reminder.

Originally, Su You wanted to analyze it after reading it, but the system didn't give her this opportunity at all. Within ten seconds, the system gave a reminder about He Shan Ji——

[The Season of Kindness is coming, the type of this season: Season of Inspiration. 】

[Seasonal content: Everyone's actions related to learning, manufacturing, research, etc., the speed, efficiency and probability of success have been greatly improved. 】

[Arrival time: 40 hours, 54 minutes and 23 seconds]

[Duration: 5 days]


It is almost 41:[-] in the morning, and nearly [-] hours later, it should be exactly [-]:[-] in the middle of the night on the third day after the natural disaster.

Like natural disasters, the season of peace is refreshed at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Su You is very satisfied with the refreshed Kindness Season this time. After all, among all the Kindness Seasons, the Inspiration Season and the Prosperity Season brought the most benefits.

The season of inspiration can greatly improve the knowledge and skills of a territory, and directly enhance the hard power of the territory, while the season of prosperity can attract countless businessmen, drive the economy of the entire territory, and make the economic cycle of the territory go further.

Whichever it is, it's good.

The only thing that makes people feel a little regretful is that the time is a little short, there are only five days in total, which is two days less than a week.

"Two days will be the Harmony Season, and five days will be the Harmony Season..." Su You calculated the time a little bit, and she almost had a bottom line in her heart.

Today is No.40 for three days, and the Heshan season is after 44 o'clock in the evening on the 40th day, which is the beginning of No.[-]'s five days.Pushing back five days, it happens to be the sky... This happens to be a time when no matter what happens, it is not strange.

"In the Sunset Continent, some special things will always happen on the days of small integers and large integers." Although there is no official proof for this theory as an actual basis, but because there are too many similar things, it has become everyone's favorite. consensus.

The so-called small integer is the tenth day, No.20 day, No.30 day, and so on, and the big integer is 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, and so on.

In addition to small integers and large integers, there is actually a "half integer", which can be understood by looking at the name. It actually refers to days, 1 to [-] days, and so on.

It's just that the half-integer statement has been opposed by many people, so only some people believe it.

However, this has nothing to do with Su You. She has never fully believed these three statements, but she will not completely disbelieve them. She still regards these three statements as a basis for judgment.

For example, the end of the good season happened to be on the same day, and she happened to feel that something special would happen, so according to half-integer theory, she suspected that the day of the accident would be on the same day.

Compared with some people who completely believe...or even superstitious about the big and small integers, they will do certain things on these special days, regardless of the gains and losses, anyway, Su You doesn't like this method very much.

In short, Su You wrote down this special time, and then prepared to go out to 'deliver food'.


As soon as she came to the sewing shop, Su You saw Duoya appearing at the door of the sewing shop with a broken bow and a piece of dusty wood.

"Come to see Dolly to fix the bow?"

"Well, thank you Lord Lord for the dragon-marked bone."

That's right, the piece of wood that looks dusty in Duoya's hand is actually a dragon-grained bone.

If someone doesn’t know them, they will definitely think that this is just an ordinary piece of wood, even worse than ordinary wood, because its appearance is really too inconspicuous, it looks like it is about to rot, no matter it is used to burn fire It is not suitable for construction or manufacturing.

But Duoya has no doubts about the identity of this piece of wood.

On the one hand, she believed that Su You would not lie to her. On the other hand, the bow in her hand was also so inconspicuous, but she knew that as long as it touched water, this inconspicuous thing would change into strange colors.

"There is no need to say thank you in the future. This is what I promised you, and it should have been done." Su You took Duoya into the sewing shop, and then took out the bear skin and handed it to Dolly.

"This is a black bear skin. See if you can make some kind of personal armor." The bear skin is huge, but since there is only one piece, the number of equipment that can be made is still limited.

In the case of limited resources, personal armor is the most cost-effective equipment.

Not only does it consume less materials, but the most important thing is that the damage that can be resisted is the key damage. Although it cannot guarantee that people are completely safe, at least it can save people's lives.

Dolly took the black bear skin, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, because she could see the value of the black bear skin.

"Miss Lord, with my current strength, I can't use this bear skin as a material for the time being." She tried it just now, and she could feel that she could use bear skin only after she at least became a senior tailor.

But that's just for use.

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