Just being able to use a certain material is not enough, because the biggest difference between high-grade materials and ordinary materials
If she wants to use bear skin to make the most perfect equipment, she must at least reach the bottleneck, or go further, otherwise there will always be losses.

Although she is still a restorer, her restorer level is still not enough for her to repair this bear skin.

"I feel that only if my sewing skills reach an advanced bottleneck, or my repair skills reach an advanced bottleneck, or both skills reach an advanced level, can I use it to make perfect equipment."

Or else, the more you know, the more methods you can use. If Dolly was just an ordinary sewist, then she wouldn't have so many methods to choose from.

However, these three conditions are obviously not something that can be achieved in a short time. Su You also understands this, but she is not in a hurry.

"In two days, the territory will receive blessings from nature, your practice proficiency will increase, and the probability of breakthrough will become higher. By then, you can put down your work in the sewing shop and concentrate on upgrading your skills." Inspiration Season The existence of Su You's greatest confidence.

Not only Dori, when the inspiration season comes, Suyou will try his best to give everyone in the territory a holiday so that they have enough time to practice and improve their skills.

Although this will have some impact on the territory's economy, the impact is very small. As long as Su You operates properly, he can even achieve greater gains.

After all, the Season of Inspiration does not take effect on everyone in the territory, it only takes effect on the residents of the territory.

In other words, Suyou can use the inspiration season to improve the skills and strength of the territory, and at the same time, he can also take this opportunity to recruit a wave of talents.

For top talents who pursue strength and improvement, money is not that important. The opportunity to improve their strength is the most attractive.

Su You believed that there would definitely be many people joining Sunset Territory for a chance to improve themselves.

It doesn’t matter even if they will leave the Sunset Territory after the Inspiration Season. Anyway, it is impossible for these people to join the Territory. The Inspiration Season only creates an opportunity. If there is no opportunity, then it is really impossible to recruit them. these people.

However, Suyou has already made plans and arrangements. Not to mention too much, she believes that at least one-third of the people who joined the territory for the inspiration season will stay.

"Okay, I understand." Although Doli didn't know what the blessing Su You was talking about, with her trust in Su You, she didn't need to know, she just needed to do it.

"Duo Ya should have something to do with you. You two should talk first." After saying this, Duo Li realized that there was actually another person here.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now." Dori looked at Duo Ya apologetically, with a slight blush on her face. Apparently she didn't expect that she would completely ignore the existence of another person.

Duo Ya shook her head and said she didn't care. She knew that Duo Li didn't mean it, and she wasn't the kind of person who cares about everything.

The relationship between Duoya and Doli is actually very good. After all, they live under the same roof. In addition, they both have good personalities and often help each other. Therefore, after becoming roommates for this month, the two of them The relationship between them can be said to be quite good.

It can even be said that in this territory, Duo Ya's best relationship is with Su You, and the second is with Duo Li.

Same goes for Dolly.

"I'm here to help you repair something." With that said, Duoya put the thing in her hand on the table.Dori recognized this bow, because when they first met, Doya took the bow and asked her if she could repair it, which left a deep impression on Dori.

"This is the material, dragon pattern bone. Please help me see if it can be repaired." Duo Ya said while pulling the memories of the other two people back to more than a month ago.

There were only three people at that time, and it was Doya who gave the bow to Dori to ask about the repair. The only difference was that this time Doya had the materials for repair.

Dolly was a little hesitant, but thinking that she had the raw materials this time and that her repair skills were much stronger than before, she nodded and took what she had in her hand.

After a moment, Dolly shook her head helplessly.

It seems that although it is different from before, the final result is still the same...or it should be said that only part of it is the same.

"I'm sorry, I still can't repair it now... But as long as you give me some time, I think I can repair it after I reach the bottleneck of a senior restorer." Dolly is now an intermediate restorer, far away from the senior restorer. It's just a little bit close, but it's still some distance away from the advanced bottleneck.

But since it’s the inspiration season, it’s not just your sewing skills that can be improved.

"Miss Lord, you said that there will be natural blessings in a few days. At that time, everyone should be able to improve their skills, right?" Dolly asked again as if to confirm.

Su You understood what she meant and nodded: "That's right. When the time comes, it will not only be you, but also others. I will give everyone time to improve until the blessing is over..."

"Although the blessing time is not very long, it is not short either. I believe you can break through two skills before the end, so don't put too much pressure on yourself, understand?"

Dolly has always been the most reassuring to Su You, and at the same time the most uneasy, because she seems to have pinned her attachment to another person on Su You, so that she always obeys Su You's words, and even often Ignoring her own situation is to achieve Su You's goal.

But in fact, Su You never put any pressure on her. These were the pressures she put on herself.

"I understand." Dolly turned her head in embarrassment, as if her inner thoughts had been revealed, which made her feel a little at a loss, but at the same time, she was more concerned about the warmth.

"Since you can repair it, then these two things are here with you." Originally, Dolly wanted to return the things to Doya because she couldn't repair them, because she knew that these two things were very valuable, and the bow was even more precious. More is reflected in meaning, not just in value.

However, Doya did not put away the bow, but handed her over to Dori for safekeeping.

"Isn't this inappropriate?" Doli knew how important this bow was to Doya.

However, Duoya didn't seem to care.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't look eye-catching. No one will take it."

Thanks to [Wanqi] for the reward*2.

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