Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 405 405 Priceless Treasure

Chapter 405 405. Priceless Treasure
Including the resurrection potion, Vivian used the half bottle of Millennium Stone Emulsion to make seven bottles of potion.

Among them are one bottle of top-level resurrection potion, two bottles of top-level strengthening potion, two bottles of top-level inspiration potion, one bottle of top-level tempering potion and one bottle of top-level magic source potion.

The function of the strengthening potion is to permanently strengthen the body after drinking it, making its physique, strength, or greatly enhanced.

Although there are only two bottles of medicine, Vivian uses large medicine bottles. Except for the resurrection medicine, the other six bottles can be divided into three small bottles for use without affecting the efficacy of the medicine.

In other words, Su You can arrange for six people to use top-level strengthening potions to achieve the purpose of strengthening their own attributes.

Inspiration Potion, as you can see from its name, must have something to do with the Inspiration Season. Its function is similar to the blessings brought by the Inspiration Season, both of which increase the speed of practicing skills.

The only difference is that the enhancement brought by the inspiration potion is permanent, so as long as this potion is given to a very powerful or very powerful skill owner, his subsequent improvement can definitely be described as "rapid progress".

As for the tempering potion and the magic source potion, these two potions use the most millennium stone emulsion among all the potions, and they are also the two most powerful potions.

The former can permanently increase a certain talent value of the user after being used, making the opponent's future road smoother and smoother.

The latter knew from the name that this was a potion used by magicians. Anything that could be related to the devil was of self-evident value.

The effect of the magic source potion is to permanently increase the magician's upper limit of magic value and the recovery speed of magic.

Although this explanation is relatively fragmented, in Su You's case, although she treats every NPC as a real person, she can indeed see the data of each 'person'.

Such as blood volume, magic value, defense power, experience value, etc...

For a magician, the most important thing is the upper limit of magic value and the recovery speed of magic. Therefore, when there is a magician, the value of the magic source potion can be described as a 'priceless treasure'.

Generally speaking, these bottles of potions are top-notch props. As long as Su You makes good use of them, they can greatly improve the strength of the territory.

But before that, Su You still asked Vivienne if she could still make these potions, after all, she still had two bottles of Millennium Stone Emulsion.

Unfortunately, the answer given by Vivian was no.

"Thousand-year-old stone lotion is not enough. Some of the herbs are from the warehouse. They are rare herbs that only have one or two portions. I also took a jade weed and a blue cloud fruit. These are all my belongings. It's all over." Although Vivian said it was a 'full possession', it was a bit exaggerated, but it was not a huge exaggeration.

Although jade weeping flower and blue cloud fruit are not materials at the level of Millennium Stone Emulsion, they are also materials at the level of Stone Milk Flower, which are equally rare.

If the main medicine this time was not Millennium Stone Emulsion, which was a higher level than them, Vivian would definitely be reluctant to take it out and use it.

"In this case, there is nothing we can do." Although it is a bit regretful, it is also expected.

After all, half a bottle of Millennium Stone Emulsion can already make seven bottles of top-grade potions. She has two full bottles of Thousand-Year Stone Emulsion in her hand. Couldn't she be able to make close to thirty bottles of top-grade potions without considering other materials?With these thirty bottles of top-level potions, she can train at least a hundred combat masters or talents with top-level skills... It is obviously impossible for the system to let her get these things.

It is not easy to have these seven bottles of potions.

Considering that Vivian has contributed something and worked hard, Suyou definitely can't take these seven bottles of top-notch potions for nothing, but if we calculate it in terms of money, it's hard to say for sure the value of this thing, and Vivian definitely doesn't charge for it... …

"As a reward, I will give you another half bottle of Thousand-Year Stone Lotion. You can come to me anytime if you need to use it." In exchange for half a bottle of Thousand-Year Stone Lotion, Vivian's labor, a Jade Astragalus flower and Biyun Fruit, In terms of value, it's not very profitable, but in terms of actual results, Su You definitely made money.

However, she didn't think about whether she would make money or not. If Suyou hadn't used one of the bottles of Millennium Stone Lotion for other purposes, and also needed to keep half of the bottle as a spare, it would be okay even if she gave both bottles to Vivian.

As for why they are placed here by Su You, isn't it because there are currently only two jade bottles that can hold medicine?
Vivienne did not refuse either, and readily accepted Su You's kindness: "Okay, Vivian will not refuse the kindness of the lord."

After that, Suyou also told Vivian about the inspiration season. She said it was the same as in Doritoya, it was a blessing from nature.

It was obviously not the first time Vivian had experienced this, because Suyou found that she was not very surprised, and kindly reminded her to remember to open the academy as soon as possible.

In fact, many people in the territory knew about the completion of the construction of the academy. After all, it was impossible to hide such a big building. What's more, Suyou not only didn't hide it, but instead arranged it in the most crowded and prosperous trading area. nearby.

"I happen to be going to do this. I may need some helpers at that time, so don't miss out on your time." When it comes to helpers, magicians are definitely the ones who have the best conditions.

But there are only a few people on this continent who are talented as magicians, so the academy doesn't need too many magicians. After all, they don't have anyone to teach them, and it's just a waste of time to go there.

At present, it seems that Meck runs the restaurant, Vivian manages the medical center, Zenyue is in charge of the mission hall, and Yue manages the territory's logistics. They all perform their respective duties, and there is really no need to pull them out to do other things.

Therefore, Suyou is only going to choose one magician, and this magician is Vivian.

Because most people, in addition to respecting magicians, also have a lot of fear, but healing magicians are the exception, because their magic is inherently for salvation, so every healing magician has a Hidden properties of affinity.

Moreover, Vivian's age and appearance are indeed easier for people to like... Of course, the premise is that they don't know her true character.

But Vivienne was just going through the motions in the past, so she didn't need other people to understand her, so it didn't matter.

Regarding the town hall, she likes to be lively, to be precise, Vivian, who likes to watch the excitement, agreed immediately.

"Okay, then when the academy officially opens, Lord, please remember to invite me~"

(End of this chapter)

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