Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 406 Chapter 406 Recruiting Teachers

Chapter 406 406. Recruiting teachers
At this point, the matters related to the medical center have been resolved, and Su You can finally take the time to go to the academy that has been built for a long time to make a series of arrangements.



When she arrived at the academy, Su You could already see many people outside the academy.

This scene actually appeared once yesterday. After all, not many people would not be surprised by the sudden appearance of a huge building.

Because the academy was not open yet, Su You had people come over to guard the gate of the academy. Therefore, although these people were curious, no one dared to go in.

It's just that there are always many people who are too curious and can't help but ask the people around them what kind of building it is, what it is used for, and when it will be opened.

In order to avoid trouble, Su You entered the academy directly through the side door.

There are also people guarding here, but because it is a little off, not many people choose to watch here, and more people are still around the gate of the college.

As soon as I entered the academy, I received a lot of system prompts one after another——

[The college has been completed. Please make various arrangements for the college in a timely manner. 】


Level: 1 (upgradeable)

Academy funds: 0 gold coins, 0 silver coins, 0 copper coins
The current number of employees the college can accommodate: 0/5 (the upper limit of employee accommodation can be increased through upgrades, number of employees = number of teachers + number of staff)

Current number of teachers in the college: 0
Current number of college staff: 0
The current number of students the college can accommodate: 0/0 (the number of students is related to the college level and the number of teachers. One teacher at the current level can teach up to twenty people)
Current number of departments in the college: 0
[College recruitment is open. Teachers, college employees and other personnel can be recruited at the college recruitment office. 】

[The college’s funds are currently 0 and cannot operate. Please invest at least ten gold coins to keep the college open. 】


There are so many things that seem quite complicated at first glance, but in fact there are only two key points, one is the teacher and the other is the student.

As for the employees, these are the people who need to be recruited in the future. Although the college recruitment is independent of the tavern, the number of recruits is still very limited and cannot be recruited casually.

In comparison, employees who do things that ordinary people can do are not as important as teachers with strong professional nature.

Because it couldn't operate without funds, Su You first transferred a hundred gold coins to maintain the college's buildings, pay teachers' salaries, purchase necessary college materials, etc.

After the money was transferred, Su You started the second step - recruiting teachers.

She opened the college recruitment panel, and what appeared in front of her was a recruitment panel similar to the one in the tavern. The difference was that this time there were ten people in total on the recruitment panel, and there was also a category page above, the first category page. One is 'teacher' and the second one is 'employee'.

Although she was not planning to recruit employees, Su You still checked the employee interface first, because although the college employees did not play a big role in the early stage, this was because the employee levels in the early stage of the college were too low and could not provide a good effect. So it doesn’t matter if you recruit or not.

But if you are lucky and a high-level employee is directly created, Su You will definitely recruit him.

But the probability was still too low, so Su You expected that she didn't have any high-level role in the employee interface.

Since she didn't see it, she directly switched to the teacher recruitment interface, and then started to check the refreshed information of the ten teachers.

In about 10 minutes, Su You finished reading the information and selected the first batch of teachers.

Because it is a five-out-of-ten selection, the elimination rate of one-half is not high, so it is not particularly difficult to choose.

There are three attributes of teachers, one is teaching subject, one is knowledge level, and the other is teaching level.

The teaching subjects are easy to understand. Whatever skills are taught are the subjects, including but not limited to sewing, forging, fishing, cooking, enchanting, combat, magic and a series of subjects.

Among them, these subjects can be classified into several departments. As for how to divide them into departments, this mainly depends on the wishes and arrangements of the lord. If there is a dean later, it can also be arranged by the dean.

There are currently few people, so Su You is not planning to branch out.

Separating departments with more people is to facilitate management and reduce the burden, but if there are fewer people and separate departments, it will complicate simple things and be counterproductive, so we will not consider this matter for the time being.

The second attribute, knowledge level, affects the upper limit of the content quality that teachers can teach.For example, if a teacher only has the knowledge level of an intermediate sewing master, then he can only teach you content at the intermediate level and below.

The third attribute, teaching level, refers to the teacher's teaching level.

If a teacher only has knowledge reserves but does not know how to teach, then he is actually not as good as someone whose knowledge level is lower than him but whose teaching level is higher than him.

After all, the teachers in the academy are a bit like the 'advanced AI' provided by the system. They are only used in the academy and cannot join the territory, nor can they provide other services for the territory besides teaching.

Su You can only arrange for them to give instructions related to teaching, but if you want them to help you make things, or if you want a teacher with combat skills to help fight in the territory, this is impossible because they do not completely obey orders. Yu Suyou.

Therefore, it is not enough to have a high knowledge level. Suyou also needs their teaching level to be high!
With this premise in mind, she quickly screened out three teachers whose teaching level was only junior, and one teacher whose knowledge level was only intermediate.

Today's Sunset Territory is different from the past. There is no shortage of talents with intermediate skills in the territory. A large number of residents who are stuck in the intermediate bottleneck can only be guided by teachers with advanced skills and knowledge.

After some operations, the choice of five out of ten became five out of six. These six teachers are:

Teaching subject: close combat
Knowledge Level: Master

Teaching level: Intermediate


Teaching subject: long-distance attack
Knowledge level: Advanced

Teaching level: Advanced


Teaching Subject: Combat Defense

Knowledge level: Advanced

Teaching level: Advanced


Teaching subjects: Resource collection

Knowledge Level: Master

Teaching level: Intermediate


Teaching subjects: Business management

Knowledge level: Advanced

Teaching level: Advanced


Teaching subjects: Inspiration and creation

Knowledge Level: Master

Teaching level: Intermediate


To be honest, the knowledge level and teaching level of these six people are actually only one level apart, and they are all dual-advanced, or one master-level and one intermediate-level configuration.

(End of this chapter)

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