Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 407 407 College Enrollment

Chapter 407 407. College Enrollment
If it were just based on level, Su You really couldn't decide which person to give up.

Since it was impossible to start from the level data, Su You could only start from the subjects they taught.

The first three teachers are all teachers who teach combat knowledge. One teaches melee combat, one teaches remote combat, and one teaches defense. It can be said that they cover almost all combat professions.

Magicians included.

After all, magicians are also long-distance. Meke was originally an advanced level, and may not need to learn, but whether it is Zenyue or Yuai, or even Vivian, a healing magician, can learn from this long-range combat teacher. Learned a lot of knowledge.

According to Su You's thinking, since she knows that there is a high probability of a beast wave in the future, the combat effectiveness of the territory must be improved. Therefore, these three combat teachers are teachers with such a wide coverage, she must keep them. Down.

So the only thing left is to give up one of the three subjects of resource collection, management and inspiration creation.

Although resource collection looks unremarkable and is the most inconspicuous of all subjects, the advantage of this subject is that everyone can learn it.

To put it simply, the threshold for this subject is extremely low, or there is no threshold at all. Anyone who can understand the language can learn it.

But the other subjects are different. Whether it is the first three combat subjects or business management, one requires relevant combat talents and the other requires management talents, and the target area is relatively small.

If you have to choose based on improved data, resource collection is the one that cannot be given up among the six subjects.

One more choice was removed, leaving the last two subjects. Su You thought for a long time, and finally gave up on 'Tobin' who was in charge of teaching management.

Although the territory lacked management personnel, as well as people with financial savvy and relevant talents who could run stores, these were not the most urgent things at the moment. Su You could wait.

The purpose of the subject of inspiration creation is to guide everyone to open their minds through some fantastic methods, so as to achieve the purpose of stimulating their own inspiration.

It sounds a bit mysterious, but to put it simply, it is a subject that activates thinking and develops the brain.

Although this subject is not as extensive as the resource collection subject, the threshold is indeed not particularly high, so it is more suitable for open teaching in the early stage.

After selecting the people, Su You recruited them one by one.

[Successfully recruited five teachers including Tommy, Toli, Tozi, Toge, and Tuoyu. The teachers will arrive at the academy at 06:30 tomorrow morning. You can make work arrangements for these teachers after they arrive at the academy tomorrow. . 】

Now that the teacher is there, the next problem is the students.

According to the fact that one teacher can teach up to twenty people, five teachers means a total of one hundred people.

The one hundred people here does not mean that the college can only teach so many people in total, but that it can only teach so many people at the same time.

In other words, after the first batch of one hundred people has finished studying, as long as the teacher still has energy, he can teach the next batch of people.

There are currently a total of 230 residents in the territory, and a total of more than 350 people who are not residents of the territory but have lived stably in the territory for more than seven days.

There are nearly 1000 people here. In addition, yesterday was the first day after the natural disaster ended, and the number of people has reached [-]. The number of people in the territory will be stable at around [-] for a long time to come.

Compared with 1000 people, the quota of [-] people that these five teachers can teach at the same time seems a bit insufficient.Even if not everyone wants to come to the academy to study, but even if only half of them want to come to the academy, there are still five to six hundred people, or even more.

The courses of the college are generally divided into two sections, and the two courses are counted as one big class.

Based on the calculation of one hour per class, one major class is two hours. No matter how powerful these teachers are, they cannot take five major classes a day and spend ten hours in the academy, so the places must be insufficient.

However, for matters like academy guidance, Su You must first focus on the people in his own territory. Only the extra parts will be distributed by other means.

If they don't want to grab the few pitiful spots, then they have only one option - to join the Sunset Territory.

As long as they become a member of the sunset territory, they can also have the privileges of residents.


After the affairs in the college were settled, Su You issued two announcements to inform everyone of the news.

One of these two announcements is to tell everyone that there is an academy in the territory, and the academy has started to recruit students, and the other is to inform everyone about the inspiration season in two days.

Things like the inspiration season are more complicated and difficult to explain, so Su You just gave a brief notice without introducing it in detail.

But the college is different. Comparing the two sentences of the inspiration season announcement, the college's announcement fills most of the bulletin board.

【College Admissions Introduction】

Open subjects: close combat, long-range attack, combat defense, resource collection, inspiration creation

Class time: The first major class is from 07:30 to 09:30 every morning, the second major class is from 04 to 30 o'clock, the third major class is from 05 to 30 pm, and it is [-]:[-] in the afternoon. to [-]:[-] is the review time for the day (only those who have participated in the big class that day can participate in the review. The teacher will be there during the review and can ask questions or communicate with others at any time).

Number of students enrolled: A maximum of 20 people can participate in each major class per subject. Before the number of students reaches the limit, you can freely choose the class time and subjects.

Learning fee: 1 silver coin for close combat, 2 silver coins for long-distance attack, 2 silver coins for combat defense, 50 copper coins for resource collection, inspiration creation Each lesson costs 3 silver coins.

Registration method: You can go to the admissions office of the college to register for the next day's course from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every night. The registration process is registration→payment→receiving a course token (with this token, you can enter the college to attend classes at the corresponding time the next day , if the token disappears, you can find at least three people to guarantee its replacement).

Remark 1: Each person can only sign up for one class per day. If you need to sign up for other courses, you need to withdraw from the course you have signed up for before you can sign up for a new course.

Remark 2: If you go back after registration, you need to go to the admissions office one hour before the start of the course to cancel the course. If you do not attend the class after the time limit and do not choose to refund the money, the token will still be invalid, and there will be no make-up lessons or refunds. Please arrange the course time reasonably according to your own situation.

Note 3: For more regulations, please go to the college announcement office.


(End of this chapter)

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