Chapter 408 Lesson 408

Although it is a long text, it contains a lot of content, but it is detailed enough and basically introduces all relevant matters clearly.Now, all Su You needs to do is wait for these people to take the initiative to sign up.

As for whether there will be no one to sign up, I can only say that there will definitely be a few days ago, because the course study is actually not cheap.

The lowest course price is fifty copper coins per class, which is equivalent to a day's balance for an ordinary person.

If you live a normal life and have to count the course fees every day, you are basically a "sunlight family" and it is impossible to save money.

However, as long as the first batch of people who study feel the progress and benefits of learning, even if they don't publicize it, their own changes will attract other people to the academy. By then, it will not be a question of whether anyone will come to class. The problem is that there are not enough study places.


Soon, the day passed like this.

Because tomorrow is the first day of classes at the college, there is no limit to the registration time today. Starting from Su You's announcement, as long as you see it and want to register, you can go to the college to register at any time.

As expected, the registration situation of today's academy is not very good.

There are five subjects, each subject has three classes, for a total of fifteen classes. According to the upper limit of 20 people in one class, there is a quota of [-] people.

But in fact, the number of students who signed up was less than 100. To be more precise, there were only 89 students in total.

Among these 89 people, more than [-]% are residents of the territory, and the remaining [-]% ​​are travelers or wanderers.

Among them, 23 people signed up for the close combat course, eight people signed up for the long-range attack course, seven people signed up for the combat defense course, 48 people signed up for the resource collection course, and three people signed up for the inspiration creation course.

The distribution of the number of people who signed up was expected by Su You, but it was also unexpected.

She thought that no one would sign up for the Inspiration Creation course. After all, the name of this course did not reveal the content of the course, and the cost was the highest, requiring three silver coins. Unexpectedly, three people signed up.

Su You looked at the people who signed up, and immediately understood why someone signed up - because the three people were Dolly, Canglan, and Anjie.

It is indeed not surprising that the three of them chose to sign up.

After all, whether it is sewing, forging, or mechanical production, these are skills that rely heavily on inspiration.

Even if you have top-quality materials on hand, if you don't have the inspiration to make them, you can only make a bunch of garbage.

Similarly, if there is inspiration, even if there are no particularly good materials, the things produced will not be said to be very good, but they must have certain special features.

Su You put away the list and waited for tomorrow.



No.40 Nine days, morning.

"Hey! Xiao Li, why did you go out so early today? I remember that the Red Lian team didn't leave until eight o'clock, right? It's not even seven o'clock yet!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, and the name he called Xiao Li was A young man from next door.Although the natural disaster is over, due to the retention of the fighting team and the fact that everyone has become accustomed to the non-life-threatening collection work, they will choose to spend a few copper coins in protection fees and then go out with these fighting teams.

Xiao Li is no exception. He goes to Team Chi Lian most often. Not only because he didn’t want to change teams during the natural disasters, but also because of the There is a person who is his friend.

Having said that, the Red Lian Team was indeed triggered at eight o'clock in the morning, and it was indeed only around [-]:[-] now. If you go so early, you must have to wait for more than an hour, but Xiao Li's goal today is not the Red Lian Team.

"Angkor misunderstood, I didn't go out to collect data this morning, I'm going to class!" That's right, Xiao Li is one of the 89 people who signed up for the college course yesterday.

It can also be analyzed from the information just now that the course he signed up for is resource collection.

Hearing what Xiao Li said, Brother Wu was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what he meant by 'class'.

It wasn't until Xiao Li explained a few more sentences that he remembered what he saw on the announcement yesterday.

"It turned out that it was the one that was announced yesterday... you kid will not sign up for that resource collection class, right? A class costs fifty copper coins, which is very precious!" After Angkor reacted, the expression on his face instantly became a little weird .

After all, at this stage, no one knows much about the college or what its courses are, but they all know how much the tuition is.

Fifty copper coins!

That’s their remaining income for the day!

In fact, Angkor, like everyone else, took some time to go to the academy yesterday to watch.

But he did not choose to sign up. After all, his family still has children to raise. A one or two-year-old child is the time to swallow gold. He and his wife work to support three people. Although it is not difficult, these fifty copper coins are not Dare to spend whatever you want.

In comparison, Xiao Li has no pressure. After all, he has no relatives in this territory. If one person is fed, the whole family will not be hungry, so he signed up for this course.

"Hey, it's quite expensive, but it's good to be able to learn more... I won't say anymore, I'm running out of time." Xiao Li originally wanted to say a few more words, but when he looked at the time, he saw that there were still 15 minutes left before class. , he was so frightened that there was wind at his feet, and he ran away as fast as he could after saying hello.

At the same time, many people, like Xiao Li, who had signed up for the first class in the morning, were also on their way to the college in a hurry.

In fact, these people may not value the course itself so much that they are so anxious. They are more reluctant to spend the money they have.

Since the money has been spent, in order not to waste it, they will naturally go to class. After all, the tuition fee is not cheap.

It is worth mentioning that although there were only 89 registrations yesterday, so far, no one has dropped out of the class. In other words, these people have really thought about it and confirmed that they will come to class.

Therefore, in the resource collection course where a full 48 people signed up, you can see that almost everyone is sitting there. Although there are definitely empty seats, there are not too many.

With so many people studying with them, these people's hearts are not stable. Otherwise, their minds will be affected by those around them who have not chosen to sign up for the course, and they will start to think about whether their choice is wrong.

Just as everyone looked at the others around them with concern, their teacher arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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