Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 409 409 Full of praise

Chapter 409 409. Full of praise
The teacher of the resource collection course is an old man in a blue-gray robe, and he is Togg.

Although Togg was an old man, everyone present could clearly see that the old man was in a very good state of mind, and he walked vigorously, even more powerfully than young people.

If it weren't for the pale hair and the obvious wrinkles on the face that clearly indicated the age, even if someone told them that this was a young man in his 30s or [-]s, they would still believe it.

Seeing that such a vigorous old man was actually his teacher, everyone's inner emotions were a little complicated, but they all had an inexplicable feeling of trust.

A person's mental outlook has a great impact on the first impression, and the impression this old man gave them was undoubtedly a good one.

But soon, they discovered that this old man was not only crisp and agile in his actions, but also in his teaching style.

This teaching method cannot be said to be good or bad, but everyone can accept it, especially since they are all beginners. It is really important to have a teacher who does not talk nonsense and talks about various knowledge points.

In just half a class, they have mastered many details about collection that they knew before, but never cared about, or even didn't know at all.

For example, what resources will be found where, how to find them, how to identify them, and how to collect them.

During the collection process, how to keep the collected resources as intact as possible, and how to speed up the collection without affecting the collection quality, reduce physical consumption, etc...

In the first class, the teaching content will not be too complicated, but it will still benefit everyone.

Two hours passed quickly, and the dozen or so people present were still immersed in the previous knowledge, and they were constantly thinking about several questions left by Tog in their minds.

"Hey, do any of you still remember what the characteristics of fibrous plants are that Teacher Toge just said? I was distracted just now, and I have already finished the knowledge point." One person mustered up the courage to look at the people around him, weakly Asked his own question.

Because everyone was unfamiliar with them and it was the first time they met today, that's why he was so hesitant. He was afraid that no one would answer his questions, which would cause embarrassment then.

Fortunately, there are still warm-hearted people among the people present.

An elder brother directly took out the notes he had recorded and came over: "I still remember it! Fiber plants like shade. When looking for fiber plants, you can do it in the shade. In addition, the rhizomes of fiber plants are tough, so you need to use sharp tools. Use tools to collect and look for fibrous plants. You can look for willow grass with thin-leafed branches around..."

Because the records were very detailed, even the other people around who had already recorded them couldn't help but listen and compare them with what they had recorded, and then began to check and fill in the gaps.

In less than 3 minutes, the relevant content has been added.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, this class would have been in vain! Brother, do you want to drink? I'll treat you!" The person who asked the question before smiled, put away his notes, and then generously invited the person who helped. Drink together.

"Forget it about drinking. I'm naturally a drinker. To be honest, there's something I don't understand..." As this sentence appeared, others became more active and began to communicate with each other.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can tell me and let's discuss it. I'm going to go out to practice today's knowledge points later. Is anyone with you?"


After some discussion, the relationship between these dozen people became much closer. If this room could only be used by them for half an hour, because the next batch of students would need to come to class in half an hour, they might not be able to use it. Chat here for a long time.But now that they are familiar with each other, they are no longer alone as when they came, but are traveling together.

On the way together, they agreed on a time and place to go out together in the afternoon to collect resources. As they chatted, they bumped into students who seemed to be coming to study other subjects, as well as students who were preparing to attend the second major class.

Three groups of people bumped into each other at the same time. Everyone looked at each other, and then smiled politely. Those who were in a hurry to go to class left in a hurry, but the group of people who were also finishing get out of class stopped in a tacit understanding.

More than [-] people met at the same time, and they could all see satisfied smiles on other people's faces. This showed that everyone was very satisfied with today's course and seemed to have gained something.

"How do you feel about today's class?"

"I don't know about others, but I think the fifty copper coins are well spent!"

"The teacher is very good. Although I haven't practiced it yet, I feel that my collection speed will definitely become faster in the future."

"Me too, I always felt a little awkward when I was fighting before. I originally wanted to ask the teacher for guidance today, but I didn't expect that the content of the first lesson today was to correct the wrong postures we usually practice in martial arts. According to the postures corrected by the teacher, I I have found someone to spar with me a few times, and the awkward feeling I had before has completely disappeared!”


Although the content of what everyone said was different, the meanings expressed were similar. They all felt that they had benefited a lot from today's class and expressed high praise for the college.

Originally, these people were still hesitating whether to continue taking classes. After all, although this course is good, the cost is really high.

However, after learning that more than [-]% of the people who took the first class thought the course was very good, some smart people have begun to have a sense of crisis.

"Maybe I'm being a little petty when I say this, but you'd better take it easy, otherwise it won't be a question of whether we choose to take classes, but a question of whether we grab the opportunity to register." As soon as these words came out, everyone Their eyes invariably shifted to the speaker.

The speaker was a young man with a green hairband. He didn't feel guilty when being looked at. After all, what he said was true, otherwise someone would have come out to refute him.

As for whether other people agree with this approach, that is their own business.

"Okay, okay, let's break up." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, a person kindly came out to ease the atmosphere. Everyone also considered that this is an academy and it would be inconvenient and inappropriate to say or do anything, so they cooperated and left.

But the young man's words were still deeply rooted in their hearts.

They all know that what the young people said is right, but some people are more upright. They have already thought about today's lesson, no matter whether it is good or bad, they must tell the truth to the people around them.

 Thanks for the reward of 【It's Gu Yi】.

(End of this chapter)

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