Chapter 410.
As long as others know about this earlier, they can enter the academy to study earlier. After all, every day of delay is your own time.

Of course, there are also ordinary people with normal thinking.

After hearing what the young people said, they decided not to tell anyone about how good the college's courses were, so as not to increase the number of competitors who would sign up for classes in the future.

They can’t be said to be selfish in doing this, nor can they be said to be bad people. After all, they just didn’t take the initiative to speak out about the benefits of the college, rather than deliberately discrediting the college in order to reduce competition. There is still a big difference between the two. .

If someone really deliberately smeared the academy in private in order to reduce the pressure of subsequent registration competition, to be honest, this kind of behavior is really stupid.

The college is run by the territory. You are taking classes in a college opened by the territory, and you are deliberately discrediting the college. If the territory doesn't kick you out of the territory directly, you are doing something good. You still want to continue to attend classes in the college?

They would think that those who come to the academy are not fools, so even if they hope to prevent others from knowing how good the academy is, they will never use stupid means like smearing and spreading rumors. This will not only fail to achieve the goal, but will also harm themselves.

The most they can do is not to take the initiative to tell others how good the college is, in order to slow down the increase in college competition.

However, they never thought that even if they didn't take the initiative to speak with their mouths, the words and deeds expressed by their bodies would reveal everything.

For example, the person who said he felt awkward when fighting, but was corrected by the teacher and found his mistake, his name is Fang Dong.

Because he spent time in class in the morning, and spent a lot of time digesting the content of today's class after class, so he went hunting in the afternoon.

Nowadays, the income of collectors is increasing day by day because of the existence of the combat team organized by the territory. The income of those combatants who have not joined the combat team is also increasing.

Because those combat teams are now basically on the edge of the deep forest every day. In other words, because they have organized a team and have stronger strength to go to the deep forest, then the prey in those areas around the territory The hunting competitiveness has been greatly reduced.

So those who have a little combat power, but not enough to join the combat team, their income is actually increasing.

Fang Dong is one of these people.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, he went out with his weapons and packages, and happened to meet his friend hunting a deer on the road.

The deer is very agile. It looks like a docile and cute animal. If it bumps into humans, it can chase them all over the forest.

"Dongzi! Run quickly, there's a deer chasing me!" Faced with his friend's loud shout, Fang Dong was stunned for a moment, and then it seemed that his body movements were faster than his head. Before he could react, At that time, the deer that was chasing others to run around had already been firmly held down by him with his body.

Fang Dong: "..."

Friend: "! Okay, Dongzi, I haven't seen you for only two days, how did you become so powerful?"

Fang Dong's friend is called A Hai. The two of them met in the same hunting team before. Because they have had the experience of fighting together for a long time, they both know each other's strength very well.

According to the past situation, Fang Dong couldn't beat A Hai before, but it happened that he couldn't beat the deer that he couldn't beat, and now he was firmly pinned to death...

To be honest, if it was a coincidence, it might be part of it, but Ahai definitely didn't believe it was all a coincidence.Fang Dong also knew that he couldn't hide it, and since Ahai had taken care of him before, he secretly revealed the affairs of the academy.

Ah Hai was a little surprised when he heard Fang Dong's words, but he didn't mean to disbelieve it. He just didn't expect that the courses in this college not only improved, but also improved so quickly.

"Such an amazing course, then if we take classes every day, wouldn't we be invincible?" Although it was a joke, Fang Dong could tell that Ahai was definitely moved.

Not to mention Ah Hai, Fang Dong himself felt that if he were Ah Hai, and seeing his friend's strength suddenly soar, he would definitely be moved too.

Isn’t it just two silver coins for one class?
Although it’s expensive, who among them doesn’t have a small treasury?

Not to mention that 360 can teach every day for five days, but it will definitely be fine for a month or two in a row.

"To be honest, don't put too much hope in this. I signed up for a close combat course. The teacher's name is Tomi. Teacher Tommy said that only the first lesson of this combat course improved significantly. , the follow-up needs to be accumulated over time.”

The obvious effect of the first class is partly to show the strength of the teacher and let everyone understand that the college does not charge for free, and partly because there are more things that can be taught and corrected in the first class.

After more courses are taken, the content will become less and less, but it will become more and more refined, and the improvement will become less and less obvious, but it will definitely be of great help to subsequent development.

"I understand! How can I not understand this? I don't know how there can be unlimited pies in the world." Ahai smiled heartily, then rolled his eyes and saw the deer on the ground. He was stunned, and then he realized what he was doing, and quickly asked Fang Dong to move more gently.

"This deer is worth more alive than dead. In the past, I had no chance and had to catch it dead. Now I finally caught one alive, so don't accidentally kill it." The reason why a deer is worth alive is because as long as the deer is alive, it can be raised well. , then you can provide unlimited deer antlers. Although the speed is slow, at least it is productive.

But if the deer dies, then all that is left is the antlers and antlers on its head, and it is impossible for dead things to grow again.

With the cooperation of two people, they knocked the deer unconscious and tied it up.

Since the deer was extremely valuable, they decided to send the deer back and sell it before making other arrangements.

Since it talks about selling, it involves money, and how to divide the money is the key point.

Many people, many relationships, most of them are ultimately ruined by the word 'profit'.

However, the reason why Fang Dong and A Hai became friends was because they gave up an interest at the beginning, so they had surprisingly unanimous opinions on the distribution of deer, both hoping that the other would not suffer a loss.

After some discussion, the final score was three to seven, with Fang Dong taking seven and Ah Hai taking three.

Without Fang Dong, A Hai couldn't beat the deer, but without A Hai, Fang Dong couldn't touch the deer, let alone catch a live deer.

(End of this chapter)

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