Chapter 411 411. Money Notes
After all, the chances of a deer chasing people away are really rare.

The two people brought the deer back to the territory, receiving countless envious looks along the way, until they sent the deer into the mission hall, which also caused quite a stir.

After Chan Yue learned that someone actually captured a deer alive, she was surprised at first, and then quickly put down what she was doing and went to see Fang Dong and A Hai.

The quality of deer antler is between blue and purple. Although the panel shows blue, the properties of the finished product made from it will basically be infinitely close to those made from purple materials.

Because the price of velvet antler is related to the quality and size of the antler itself, the prices vary.

As for other things on the deer, although they are valuable, they are much inferior to the antlers.

According to the price quoted by Chan Yue for a dead deer a few days ago, because the deer was relatively small and the antlers were relatively small, a pair of antlers only cost nine gold coins, while the other parts of the deer totaled six gold coins. A total of fifteen gold coins.

But today this one is different. Although it is also a young deer, because it is alive and can produce unlimited antlers, its value is definitely not as simple as doubling.

"This young deer is relatively thin, but the price shouldn't be too low. Do you want to sell only the antlers or the whole deer?" Chan Yue briefly checked the situation of the fawn, and then asked the two people in front of her. personal.

Although she knew that since these two people had sent the deer over, there was a high probability that they would sell it whole, but out of caution, she asked again.

Fang Dong and A Hai said almost at the same time: "Of course we are selling deer!"

Zenyue stared at them both for a few seconds, then asked another question.

"Whose is this deer? Have you figured out how to distribute it?" Although Chanyue hasn't priced it yet, the value of this deer will basically not be less than a hundred gold coins. If you are lucky, you can sell it for more.

Such a large sum of money can easily cause conflicts.

If one person comes here, Zenyue will not ask this question, but if there are two people, she must ask the assigned question first.

She doesn't need to know the specific allocation, but she needs to know whether they have allocated it to avoid any subsequent disputes. This is undoubtedly very troublesome.

"Think about it, Lord Magician, don't worry, we are only selling deer, and we will definitely not cause any other trouble."

It’s not a secret that Zen Yue is a magician. After all, some people have caused trouble in the mission hall before, and some people have had bad thoughts because of Chan Yue’s beauty. However, after Chan Yue took action once and exposed his identity as a magician, everyone Everyone has calmed down.

Now anyone who has stayed in the Sunset Territory knows that the one who should not be offended in this territory is the owner of the restaurant, because he is a fire magician; the other is the doctor of the medical center, because he is a healing magician ;Then there is the administrator of the mission hall, who is a wind magician.

Although everyone is curious about how the lord of this small territory got so many magicians, and how he made these magicians willing to do the work that ordinary people can do, this does not affect their understanding of these magicians. The teacher expressed awe.

Fang Dong and A Hai are both smart people. When they heard Chan Yue ask this question, they knew that she was worried about a dispute between them, so they both made guarantees.

After receiving the guarantee, Chanyue began to inspect and evaluate the young deer.About five minutes later, Zenyue said: "As the administrator of the mission hall, I value this young deer at eighty gold coins."

Fang Dong and Ah Hai were stunned by the huge sum of "eighty gold coins" at first, and then finally calmed down. Fang Dong immediately wanted to agree, but Ah Hai pulled his sleeve.

Zen Yue looked at their little actions with a calm expression, and then explained the basis of her pricing in Ah Hai's hesitant expression.

"This is a common yellow-flowered deer. The price of an adult deer is generally at least 150 gold coins, and the price of a young deer is generally at least [-] gold coins." From this sentence, we can also understand why Ahai hesitated.

He obviously knows some prices. Although eighty gold coins is a lot, it is a full twenty gold coins different from the market price of one hundred gold coins!

What is the concept of twenty gold coins?
You must know that they are working exhaustingly every day to hunt and have the best luck. Their daily income is only a little more than one silver coin. Twenty gold coins is the income of each of them for more than five years!
Money is never too little, so Ah Hai had the courage to express hesitation in front of Chan Yue.

Even if the price cannot be increased, he still has to understand where the twenty gold coins are missing!

"Look at the hind feet of this deer. The shape of the two feet is unnatural, which proves that there has been an injury." Injury means that the lifespan of the deer will be shortened, and other accidents are prone to occur. The most important thing is that in the digital world, , the health of the animals will affect the quality of the products produced.

In other words, this yellow deer will not only have a shorter lifespan, but also have potential morbidity, and the quality of the antler produced will also be lower.

With so many factors mixed together, if you spend a hundred gold coins to buy it, it will definitely be a loss.

"Of course, if only the hind legs are injured, the price can still be around 85 to [-] gold coins, but there is also something wrong with this deer's eyes." Chanyue said while opening the deer's eyelids and showing them to the two people. Everyone can clearly notice that the color of one of the deer's eyes is much lighter.

Although the two people noticed the difference in their eyes, they didn't understand the reason, so they could only look at Zen Yue with puzzled faces.

"This is a sign of weakened deer eyes. For details, you can go to the library to find relevant books. Simply put, it will affect vision." It will also affect the quality of deer antlers produced.

Zenyue didn't make it too clear, but both of them understood.

"Thank you, Master Magician. We understand, let's just pay this price." Ah Hai understood the reason for this price, quickly thanked and agreed to the price.

He is not a ungrateful person. His hesitation just now was just because he wanted to know why. Now that the magician has explained it to him so clearly, he will not continue to trouble him.

Zenyue nodded, then took out a pen and paper to write a note, and stamped it with the administrator's seal.

"This is a money note. Keep it and don't lose it. You can go to the bank to get gold coins with this." Although Chan Yue can't get eighty gold coins here, Su You said before that anything worth more than five For gold coins, the way to get money is for her to write a money slip, and then let the other party take the money slip to the bank to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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