Chapter 412 412. Empty Glove White Wolf

Chanyue didn't know the reason at first, until she went to the bank the day before yesterday and met the bank's boss, she understood.

Want to take money from a 'Money Rat'?

I'm afraid I'm not going to have to pay back all the money I have on me!

Of course, this does not mean that the money note cannot be paid out, but that Jinluo will try her best to persuade the other party to save money without affecting the image of the territory, so as to achieve the purpose of keeping the money in the bank.

If she is strong-willed and resolutely states that she wants to withdraw money, Jinluo will never say anything more. She will definitely pay no matter how much money should be given.

But if the will is not firm...then this deal can be regarded as a different kind of empty-handed wolf.

Fang Dong and A Hai obviously didn't know these things. They only knew that there was indeed a bank in the territory, and they also knew that the bank was run by the territory. They also heard many people around them saying that this bank was very good, because not only did this bank not accept them, In addition to the custody fee, they will also be given some money as 'interest'.

Although they were curious before, they didn't go there because they didn't have much money to save. This time, they just had the opportunity and they could take a look.

Because they were all buildings opened in the territory, they did not doubt Chanyue's words at all. After getting the money note, they left the side hall of the mission hall and prepared to go to the bank to collect the money.

But maybe it was because many people saw their return carrying a deer, so some good people couldn't help but come up to ask about the situation.

"Brothers, you are so awesome. You can even catch a deer. I wonder if it would be convenient for me to tell you where the deer was caught?" The person who asked the question was quite clever. He might have guessed that he was asking this question. Fang Dong and Ah Hai would most likely not be able to tell the question, so he simply said that he was asking for 'everyone'.

As soon as these words came out, those around who were just envious and not ready to join in the fun couldn't help but avert their eyes.

If you were an ordinary person, no matter how disgusted you were with this kind of person, you would definitely say a few more words when faced with such a situation.

But Fang Dong and A Hai are not thin-skinned people. When they encountered such a shameless person, they just pretended that they didn't see or hear them. The two of them talked to each other one by one, and walked out of the mission hall while talking. .

The cheeky man turned blue when he saw this and was about to get angry and say something, but found that the people around him were looking in the direction behind him and avoiding their eyes.

He looked back and saw Zenyue coming out of the side hall.

When I thought about this seemingly weak and beautiful woman, she was a magician, a magician who mercilessly removed all the hands and feet of a person, and also used magic to send that person to perform a wave of 'air dance' …

Thinking of this, he suddenly shuddered with fright, and then quickly left the mission hall.



Something similar to Fang Dong also happened to Xiao Li.

Originally, he went out to collect resources with other people in the same class. Who knew that he happened to meet someone he knew during the collection process.

Although they were not very familiar, the two parties still said hello, and it was just such a greeting that made the other party discover that Xiao Li's method of collecting resources seemed to be more proficient and faster than before, so that The baskets with harvested things on the side are filled with various collected resources.

The man got curious and asked more. Although Xiao Li didn't want to say anything, he was thin-skinned and embarrassed to refuse, so he vaguely mentioned the college.

"It's nothing... I just learned it when I went to the academy." Xiao Li said simply, and the other party didn't pay much attention when he saw it.

"It turns out I learned it from the academy..." The man laughed dryly. Thinking of the cost of the resource collection course at the academy, he immediately lost his inclination to explore.Now that he had gotten the answer he wanted, the other party didn't stay any longer, just opened his mouth and made an excuse to leave.

"Seeing that you are quite busy, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm leaving first."

"Well, okay, bye." Looking at the other person's retreating back, Xiao Li nodded crazily, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

A student nearby who was taking a collection class today saw what happened here and came over to inquire about the situation.

"What's wrong? Did you tell him about the academy?"

Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, that person is my neighbor. You can't see him without looking up. It's not easy to fool him, but it seems that he doesn't take it to heart."

In fact, the most important thing is that the person is a neighbor. If he was not a neighbor, Xiao Li would never say anything. Anyway, the relationship is not very close.

But due to neighborhood relations and the man's good character, Xiao Li had no choice but to mention it a little.

The person who came to ask was just asking, not questioning, so when Xiao Li said this, he didn't say that he was wrong or something, but kindly reminded him: "Remember to sign up tonight."

Xiao Li: "Thank you."

Xiao Li spent the next afternoon collecting resources nearby.

Because of the tips he learned in the course on finding various plants, his afternoon was fruitful.

Although he didn't seriously count his harvest today, he could tell from the weight of the harvested resources that he would earn more money today than before.

After all, it is not difficult for him to find the resources he needs now, so all the time he spent looking for resources in the past was spent on collecting, so the resources collected naturally increased.

Originally, it should be a good thing to have more harvests and make more money, but Xiao Li never expected that when he was packing up his things and preparing to go home, he actually met the neighbor he met in the afternoon.

The neighbor saw him alone and greeted him enthusiastically. When he learned that Xiao Li was also going to the mission hall to submit supplies, he directly offered to go with him.

Xiao Li: "...I have something to do. I'll go there later."

After an afternoon of influence from others, Xiao Li knew very well what the future situation of the college would be.

Although he knew he couldn't stop it, he also hoped to delay the time when the academy would be full.

He knows best what he has gained in an afternoon. If he goes alone, forget it. If he goes with this person, he will definitely expose his gains today.

Therefore, Xiao Li made an excuse not to go with him.

Upon seeing this, the neighbor enthusiastically offered to help him submit the task, so that he could go about his own business first.

Neighbor: "You also know that I am a person who will never be greedy for your things. If it doesn't work, just count the quantity and you will know how much it will sell."

(End of this chapter)

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