Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 414 414 Herbal Garden

Chapter 414 414. Herbal Garden

It is unclear whether the matter will be settled, but in order to prevent other accidents, Su You arranged for someone to keep an eye on the man when he left to prevent him from talking nonsense.

Later, in order to avoid trouble, Baicao was taken to the City Lord's Mansion by Su You.

Because Su You was busy, Baicao rested in the bedroom, but he didn't expect Baicao to start a fight with Lingbao.

In fact, it is not correct to say that it was a fight, because Su You could see that Lingbao was actually playing around with Baicao.

It's just that the little kid is a little kid after all, and it doesn't matter if he plays around. Fortunately, Baicao has a good temper. If it were someone with the temper of Black Snake, Lingbao would have to pluck out all his hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take the spirit treasure seriously. Are you injured?" The other party is the first non-human resident he recruited, and he also occupies a huge position in his future plans, so Su You doesn't want to be blamed for some The incident scared the little rabbit away.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine. Is it called Lingbao? It's so cute! Can I still play with it in the future?" Baicao blushed and shook her head. Not only did she not have any negative emotions such as anger, she even had a look in her eyes. A bit excited.

Su You: "..." I thought I was the rescuer, but I didn't expect to become the third party that disturbed the friendly relationship between the rabbit and the mink...

I was originally worried that Baicao would be unhappy, but I didn't expect that Baicao would like to make trouble with Lingbao like this.

It seems that this is still a lively and active little rabbit.

But that's fine too.

Suyou lowered her head and looked at Lingbao, who was also excited, and decisively sold her dragon marten in order to bribe the rabbit.

"Okay. I see that you and Lingbao are getting along very happily. He also likes you. If you want to find him in the future, you can come to the City Lord's Mansion at any time." It is not appropriate to say that you are 'selling' the dragon marten. After all, Dragon Marten and Ben Diao were very excited and looked like they wanted it all!
Su You thought about Lingbao's emotions and felt that she could understand them.

Lingbao, like Baicao, is both lively and active, loves to play and make noise, but Suyou is very busy, so busy that she may not even have time to say a few words to Lingbao, so there is no need to play with her. This kind of thing happened.

Now that he has finally found someone with similar qualities, Lingbao will probably be around Baicao for a long time in the future.

"That's great!" Baicao stared at Lingbao impatiently, and Lingbao swung his tail in response.

Seeing this, Su You directly put the Lingbao into Baicao's hand, and then when Baicao was addicted to masturbating the mink, she asked the question she was most concerned about -

"Baicao, have you thought about what I asked you this afternoon?" Su You had not forgotten that her ultimate goal was to recruit Baicao, so when she found an opportunity, she naturally had to seize the time to ask.

After hearing Su You's question, Baicao was stunned for two seconds before realizing what Su You's question was.

To be honest, Baicao was a little reluctant at first. After all, the orcs didn't like to deal with humans very much, because the elders of the clan said that humans would eat rabbits.

Although she doesn't eat orcs, misunderstandings can easily arise... just like how she was caught as an ordinary rabbit this afternoon.

It stands to reason that as long as they don't turn into prototypes, they won't be caught, but they orcs have an uncontrollable transformation period every other month.During the transformation period, they cannot control their form and may turn into their prototype at any time, and they cannot change back.

Therefore, if she chooses to live in human territory, there may be danger every month, even if the probability is low, but for the timid rabbit, this becomes the biggest factor that prevents her from trying.

Su You saw that she had concerns, but because she didn't know what the concerns were, she didn't know how to solve them.

However, the mouth is there for talking.

Su You: "Do you have any concerns? As long as you are willing to join the territory, I will do my best to help you solve these problems. If you have any needs in the future, I will try my best to meet them."

Su You: "And you don't need to do too much in the territory. I know you like to grow herbs. When the time comes, I will build a medicine garden in a secluded place. Then you can be fully responsible for managing the medicine garden. If If you feel that you are lonely alone, I can also ask Lingbao to accompany you."

Help solve the problem and arrange the Yaoyuanzi, which is completely managed by her. The most important thing is that Lingbao is here! ! !

Su You may not have thought that among so many temptations, the biggest temptation for Baicao would be Lingbao!
Baicao has a fun-loving personality. Although she will have her peers play with her when she returns home, they always despise her for being an ordinary rabbit and her naivety, so Baicao can only play with young rabbits within the clan. Son.

The very innocent and simple Baicao Rabbit has now been bombarded by Suyou's sugar-coated bullets and is dizzy. Now the whole Rabbit's head is filled with only one word - OK!

"Okay..." Baicao agreed while stroking the mink on his hand, as if he had lost his soul.

[The orc 'Baicao' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】

Su You agreed immediately, fearing that Baicao would regret it the next second.

Because of her quick hands, when Baicao came back to her senses, she had already seen Su You taking out a map of the territory and asking her where she wanted to place the medicine garden.

She seemed to be able to feel seemed like it was too late for her to regret it now?
Baicao is not only a simple rabbit, but also a thin-skinned rabbit. Since she has just agreed, it would be inappropriate to refuse now...

In this case, she might as well quickly choose a good place to place her medicine garden, and then she can settle down in this territory!
Of course, before that, Baicao also expressed his concerns.

After learning about the transformation period, Su You immediately said that she would set Yaoyuanzi as the most authoritative forbidden area in the territory.

In this way, unless special means are used, such as prying the door, unlocking, etc., it is absolutely impossible for other creatures except Suyou, Baicao and Lingbao to enter the medicine garden.

However, this is not safe, but Baicao is already very satisfied with it.

Looking at the easy-to-satisfy rabbit, Su You sighed with emotion, "Simple", and then began to think about anything related to the orc transformation period in his memory... It would be best to make the transformation period controllable, or maybe It is to shorten the transformation period, and also to extend the period of transformation period.

Baicao was an orc carefully selected by Su You who was extremely talented in growing herbal medicine. Su You absolutely did not want anything to happen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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