Chapter 415
After all, whether the territory can be 'herbal free' in the future depends entirely on this rabbit!
It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Baicao stays in Sunset Territory, Su You will never treat her badly and will protect her well. This will definitely become Baicao's safest place.

Although Su You didn't think of a good way to solve the transformation period for a while, she had already remembered it in her heart. As long as she had time, she would look up related books to see if there was anything. good idea.

"Let's go here! It's close to the City Lord's Mansion, so I can come here often to find Lingbao!" The place Baicao chose was the open space behind the City Lord's Mansion.

Su You thought for a moment and found that there were no other buildings planned for this location, so she nodded and agreed.

Because Baicao is not a human being and is not suitable for living in residential areas, Suyou plans to notify Ain to build a herbal garden and build a habitable hut in the garden.

Baicao doesn't have high requirements for a place to live. After all, rabbits make nests all over the ground. Let alone building a house specifically for her. Even if there is no house, Baicao can make a nest in the medicine field to rest.

Su You didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard Baicao's low living requirements.

However, although Rabbit has low requirements, Su You cannot really arrange her according to such low requirements.

Because it was not too late, Su You only thought for a few seconds before choosing to take Baicao directly to Dori.

At Doli's place, Baicao saw many soft cushions, blankets, and various decorative cloth balls... For a moment, Baicao didn't even care about the Lingbao in his hand, and ran straight towards these Go away with the soft stuff.

Watching her running around, the expression on Doli's face became a little strange. She looked at Su You and asked in a low voice: "Miss Lord, is this a 'special person'?"

It has to be said that Dolly's eyesight is pretty good, and she can tell at a glance that Baicao is not a human being... to be precise, she is more inclined to suspect that he is not a normal person.

After all, orcs are rare, and it is indeed unlikely that Dolly would think of this aspect.

"Well, she is Baicao, from the orc tribe, and her prototype is a rabbit." Su You whispered, not hiding Baicao's identity from Dori, because as long as Baicao stayed in Sunset Territory, her identity could not be concealed.

In fact, there is no need to hide it. After all, although this world has the largest number of humans, humans are very friendly to other races except dark creatures. There is no contradiction, so there is no harm in exposing their identities.

And it would be good if one more person knew about it, so that if Baicao had any problems in the future, he could ask Dori for help. Suyou himself was not free all the time.

When the level of subsequent territories becomes higher, there will only be more and more non-human residents in the territories.

"So that's it..." After hearing that it was a rabbit, Dolly felt that she could understand why the girl in front of her was so lively.

After all, rabbits, except those that appear on the dining table, are not lively.

After learning Baicao's identity, Dori was not particularly surprised, nor did she show any curiosity. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the orcs are a rare and peculiar race, but in Dori's eyes, all races are similar. of.

"Wow, these are so comfortable...can I take them? You can you buy them?" Although he is a simple rabbit, he is not stupid enough to put 'you humans' in such danger. Say it.

Seeing that she really liked it, and these things themselves were not particularly valuable, and Suyou brought Baicao here with the intention of buying her some things she liked, so after Baicao said she wanted these items, she I directly took out the money to help buy the things.Although the sewing shop was territorial and Su You was the lord, there would be no problem even if the entire sewing shop was emptied, let alone taking a few items.

But this involves the normal operation of the sewing shop after all, so unless it is specially made for Doli and the others, Su You will spend money to buy anything from the store.

When paying, Suyou also showed Baicao the currencies used by humans, and then explained to her the differences between these currencies.

"This is a copper coin, which has the smallest face value and is also the most common currency." Although Baicao chose many things, they were not large, so the price was not high, not even a silver coin.

But in order to let Baicao know these currencies, Su You still took out the silver coins and gold coins.

"These two are silver coins and gold coins respectively. One hundred copper coins are equal to the value of one silver coin, and one hundred silver coins are equal to the value of one gold coin..." Su You said neither fast nor slow, with a gentle tone, which Baicao quickly understood. What is money, what are gold, silver and copper coins.

"So that's it..." Baicao just doesn't recognize human currency and is not a fool, so she can naturally understand what Su You is talking about.

But just when Su You paid the money and was about to leave with Baicao, she suddenly saw the Baicao rabbit take out a handful of golden round coins from nowhere, and then looked at Su You seriously.

Baicao: "Sister Su, look at this for you..."

Before Baicao finished speaking, Su You decisively covered her mouth, stuffed the gold coins in her hand into her pocket, and then 'dragged' Baicao away from the sewing shop.

The reason for dragging Baicao away is simple. Although there are few people in the sewing shop at this time, it is not empty.

Baicao took out more than a dozen gold coins at once, and Su You even vaguely saw a large irregular gold nugget... Su You didn't want anything to happen to the sewing shop, so she decisively chose to leave with the rabbit. .

Afterwards, Su You inquired and learned that the gold coins Baicao had were given to her by the elders before she went out.

As for the gold nugget that was the size of a fist and worth at least hundreds of gold coins, it was not actually given by the elder, but the elder accidentally mixed up the gold nugget with another item that was originally intended for Baicao, so he gave it to Baicao. Baicao accidentally brought out the big gold nugget.

Baicao's words made Suyou couldn't help but think, this gold nugget is probably not a large part of the assets of the orcs, and now it has been brought out by Baicao... Even if the orcs can't use human currency, the Baicao gold coins from the Presbyterian Church are nothing. It can be seen that other orcs probably received the same treatment.

But the gold nuggets are gone, and although other orcs can also get money from the elders, they will definitely not have as much money as Baicao.

However, rather than sympathizing with the orcs, the most important thing for Su You right now is to make Baicao understand the principle of "keeping wealth under wraps".

"Baicao darling, put your things away and try not to take them out in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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